[3.11] YABB (Yet Another Bow Build) +5/+6 Ice Shot Chaingunner Delve 600+ Updated for 3.11

scrambled777 написал:
What's the budget to make this work well in T16 maps? Would something like 30ex be enough?

Looking at the items, seems the most expensive core items are a 1.8% hatred Watcher's Eye, Ice Shot Starkonja's and 6L Hyrri's Ire. Well-rolled life gain elder ring may cost a bit too. Everything else seems kinda affordable without trying to go for GG corruptions (corrupted Demise with no changed implicits going for as low as 40c).

I was deciding between Ice Shot and dex-stack TS, but Ice Shot seems way more affordable to get up and running. I was also looking at Esoro's build as well, but I think I'm leaning more towards trying out those chain interactions with Gloomfang if I can make it work within 30-35ex budget.

Dont actually need a watcher eye, ice shot enchant, or a 6L hyrri, i bow swap a death opus and a chin sol for bossing. All in my gear is probably in the 15 ex range, and i easily farm t16s
scrambled777 написал:
What's the budget to make this work well in T16 maps? Would something like 30ex be enough?

Looking at the items, seems the most expensive core items are a 1.8% hatred Watcher's Eye, Ice Shot Starkonja's and 6L Hyrri's Ire. Well-rolled life gain elder ring may cost a bit too. Everything else seems kinda affordable without trying to go for GG corruptions (corrupted Demise with no changed implicits going for as low as 40c).

I was deciding between Ice Shot and dex-stack TS, but Ice Shot seems way more affordable to get up and running. I was also looking at Esoro's build as well, but I think I'm leaning more towards trying out those chain interactions with Gloomfang if I can make it work within 30-35ex budget.

Yeah you can get this running with very little

The main items are in a few brackets
Opus & Demise for base

Taming for Freeze,Shock,Ignite interaction

Elder ring and Gloomfang for big chain boost

Hyrri's Ire for Dodge and Added Cold

Jewels next

Least important is helm and watcher's eye they're just for making it groovy
I make odd builds and sometimes write guides.
My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon
Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D
deadgin231998 написал:
Hi, beside ugrading my bow to 6 link, is there anything I can do to to push my character further? my pob link: https://pastebin.com/UTW96P4m thanks man, dope build!

Better rolled opus by far, your's are quite low rolls 185.5 pdps vs the 210 pdps it could be.

Hyrri's Ire get some divines on it, you wanna aim for the upper 250 or if possible 260 max added cold

Your curse on hit isn't attached to Herald of Ice so it ain't proccing, the links need to be sorted.

You're using Scourge Arrow so the phys to cold on the gloves doesn't need to be there, added damage or attack speed is better.

Get a 15% Ele damage roll atziri's, no point in losing out on bits there

Decree / Commandment of Fury lab enchant on gloves is good for clear and bosses too, each bolt does about 35K damage with a good crit multi.

Then it's just save up for your headhunter and get more life on items.
I make odd builds and sometimes write guides.
My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon
Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D
wtfbliz написал:

Dont actually need a watcher eye, ice shot enchant, or a 6L hyrri, i bow swap a death opus and a chin sol for bossing. All in my gear is probably in the 15 ex range, and i easily farm t16s

SynixProcessing написал:

Yeah you can get this running with very little

The main items are in a few brackets
Opus & Demise for base

Taming for Freeze,Shock,Ignite interaction

Elder ring and Gloomfang for big chain boost

Hyrri's Ire for Dodge and Added Cold

Jewels next

Least important is helm and watcher's eye they're just for making it groovy

Thanks, definitely going to give this a try as my end-of-league currency dump build. Haven't played a bow build since Essence.

What do you think about my gear? Im not really sure if i should upgrade anything atm.
any alternatives to chests? can't afford a hyrri's ire atm... need something more budget. another question as well, which jewel should I prioritize purchasing? again, I have a lower budget, already have 6l death's opus + hyrri's demise.
Revv02 написал:

What do you think about my gear? Im not really sure if i should upgrade anything atm.

I have an almost identical multi-modded elder ring to you but instead of '3-5% attack speed' I have '10-11% increased crit chance & 15-17% crit multiplier if you've Shattered an Enemy Recently', which is the Cameria-specific mod.

I've not PoB'ed numbers or anything but to me the crit seems way more impactful than the attack speed, especially since you'll be shattering constantly. Not sure if it's worth redoing multi-mod for it though.

Also, have you thought about some 30% MS dodge boots? Should be pretty easy to get some with the same life and resists as what you've got now.

Nice gloves and belt though, given me some ideas to aspire to for mine. And that great corruption on the Gloomfang.

Also, I'm a bit undecided on the anointment - do you see much benefit with Aspect of the Eagle or did you just go with that as a cheap value one. I have Beef at the moment just to ease gearing while I level but not sure on what to use for my final anointment.
ThiYnk написал:
any alternatives to chests? can't afford a hyrri's ire atm... need something more budget. another question as well, which jewel should I prioritize purchasing? again, I have a lower budget, already have 6l death's opus + hyrri's demise.

Tabula, Belly of The Beast, Shroud of the Lightless are all good alternatives.

You need the Lioneye's to get the claw nodes
Green Dream / Nightmare for Frenzy generation and some dodge and extra chaos damage
Searching eye jewel with blind and onslaught and life next
Watcher's eye with %crit chance with hatred is your min maxer
I make odd builds and sometimes write guides.
My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon
Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D
scrambled777 написал:
Revv02 написал:

What do you think about my gear? Im not really sure if i should upgrade anything atm.

I have an almost identical multi-modded elder ring to you but instead of '3-5% attack speed' I have '10-11% increased crit chance & 15-17% crit multiplier if you've Shattered an Enemy Recently', which is the Cameria-specific mod.

I've not PoB'ed numbers or anything but to me the crit seems way more impactful than the attack speed, especially since you'll be shattering constantly. Not sure if it's worth redoing multi-mod for it though.

Also, have you thought about some 30% MS dodge boots? Should be pretty easy to get some with the same life and resists as what you've got now.

Nice gloves and belt though, given me some ideas to aspire to for mine. And that great corruption on the Gloomfang.

Also, I'm a bit undecided on the anointment - do you see much benefit with Aspect of the Eagle or did you just go with that as a cheap value one. I have Beef at the moment just to ease gearing while I level but not sure on what to use for my final anointment.

When I chose my anointment I just went with something cheap and gave me some dmg since I was mass corrupting and didn't have that much currency. Might mass corrupt again with a better anoint. I'm not really sure tho which one is the best. Adders touch looks pretty good.
Revv02 написал:

When I chose my anointment I just went with something cheap and gave me some dmg since I was mass corrupting and didn't have that much currency. Might mass corrupt again with a better anoint. I'm not really sure tho which one is the best. Adders touch looks pretty good.

Yeah I was thinking either that of From the Shadows, but honestly the crit multi is too good to pass up.

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