[3.11] YABB (Yet Another Bow Build) +5/+6 Ice Shot Chaingunner Delve 600+ Updated for 3.11
any changes going into 3.9 in regards to the POB that stand out?
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" I've just finished updating it, tbh tree changes not so much, just added in things like annointments from Blight. The stat changes for items (I listed the type of PoB I use as I use a forked version now) Ice Shot / Ice Shot is looking more viable than Ice Shot / Scourge on a budget, Barrage has pretty much deadened. Has led to a couple of gem changes. But until it drops tomorrow or the PoB get's updated i won't know about the other support gems I make odd builds and sometimes write guides.
My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D |
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What do you think about ice shot + barrage support setup for single target?
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I have few questions about that build - pls forgive me if these questions are stupid but I'm still a newbie in PoE.
1. In your PoB build I don't see any Power Charge or Onslaught triggers, but both these buffs you have marked as "active". Can you explain me how? 2. I'm thinking about that build in Raider configuration with 7 Frenzy Charges (or more with items like "Darkray Vectors") and doubled Onslaught: https://pastebin.com/DFAPgyKG The main changes will be: - replacing "The Green Nightmare" jewel with an "Intuitive Leap" jewel so I can allocate "Heartseeker" node without two "Critical Strike Chance" nodes, "Fervour" node without "Evasion per Frenzy Charge" node and "Survivalist" node without Evasion and Elemental Resistance node - that will give me 4 saved passive points that I can use for 2 more Frenzy Charges - replacing "Starkonja's Head" with a "Rat's Nest" for missing Critical Strike Chance - unallocating "Cloth and Chain" and "Armor and Evasion" nodes and using saved 2 passive points for "Acuity" (raider has lower accuracy than Deadeye) and "Lethal Assault" (higher damage) nodes I will loose about 200hp and 18% elemental res (not so bad) but all these changes will give me great bonus to evasion, massive boost to attack speed and movement speed and slightly better damage (that can be upgraded even more by replacing "Added Cold Damage" with an "Ice Bite" support). According to PoB I will also have massive boost to DPS (almost 40%) but this is something that I can't understand. I will loose one chain and one additional arrow from Deadeye ascendancy but seems that PoB doesn't include these looses in the calculations. So what will be the real impact of sacrificing one chain and one arrow in that build? 3. Do we really need 132 intelligence? 21 lvl of gem "Curse on Hit" gives almost nothing comparing to 20 lvl, so the only gem that needs more than 111 Int is "Frost Bomb". And by simply changing path to the "Watcher's Eye" jewel (one Dex instead of two Int nodes) you will save one passive point. So 15 lvl of "Frost Bomb" instead of 13 lvl is really worth one passive point? |
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" I mentioned in the guide until I can see what is the numbers properly and test it I can't say for certain, I just know I prefer slower bigger hits that can instaphase or one shot bosses over a tonne of small hits. The biggest downside of barrage is it inflicts minor chills and shocks due to it splitting the damage, whilst a 5 charge Scourge will insta phase shaper I make odd builds and sometimes write guides.
My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D |
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" Power Charge is generated by Herald of ice - Curse on Hit - Assassins Mark, as Herald of Ice shatters are classed as a hit you can curse a tonne of enemies per volley. Intuitive Leap could work but it seems like a bit of a waste as the Critical Strike Chance is nice, especially for aiming for that 100% crit. Evasion per Frenzy on Raider is fucking amazing so no idea why you wouldn't use that. Getting 36% increased evasion from one point on the tree is a no brainer imho. If you look at why Survivalist is great down in the guide you can see with Green Nightmare it'll give you 4% Dodge, 3% to Evade, +1 Max Cold Res (which is worth it alone) 5% of Cold Damage as Extra Chaos. Frenzy Charge Generation. Not using it is objectively worse in every way. The change of the other nodes is personal preference, I've tested this out over 5 leagues now and this is the optimal setup I've found, for annointing you can go with Adder's Touch if you want but I found it less consistent. 200hp is a fair amount when the build is between 3.8 - 4.2K it's the difference between one shot from uber elder and surviving just. "I will loose one chain and one additional arrow from Deadeye ascendancy but seems that PoB doesn't include these looses in the calculations. So what will be the real impact of sacrificing one chain and one arrow in that build?" as mentioned in the guide, Ricochet the Deadeye node gives a 10% MORE multiplier per remaining chain and Gloomfang provides upto 20% non-chaos as extra chaos per time it's chained so you're reducing the chaos damage you stack quite massively by doing so. Which is the tradeoff raider makes to be more defensive, Sacrificing one chain is about 10 enemies per volley and a 10% more multiplier for single target or the difference between 60 and 80% non-chaos as extra chaos. 3. Hyrri's Demise provides damage per 10 of a stat, the 30 int is more lightning damage, more mana to help you sustain Scourge Arrow for longer. That's why I take it. I make odd builds and sometimes write guides.
My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D |
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" I forgot about that skill combination. But still I don't know how you trigger Onslaught (unless you had "Onslaught Support" linked with "Herald of Ice" - but not in that PoB build). "With 75% "Rat's Nest" bonus I have higher Crit Chance values than in your build without these 2 nodes. " These 36% increased evasion gives you like 1% more evade chance... and difference between 90% and 91% evade chance (especially with additional 50-75% dodge chance) is not so "fucking amazing" ;) " But I have "Survivalist" in this build - just without "The Green Nightmare" jewel and "Evasion and Elemental Resistance" small node. So in fact I'm loosing only 3% ele res, 4% Dodge (or 0% Dodge during Vaal Grace) and additional 5% chaos damage. I admit - 5% more damage is not a small value, but in my opinion is not worth wasting 4 passive points. " Unallocating bonus damage "Lethal Assault" and changing path under "Thick Skin" (10 Dex less) will allow to allocate additional two 4% health nodes so the final value will be about 4.2K " For me the most important tradeoff is 50-60% higher movement speed and 25-35% higher attack rate (or even more with +Max Frenzy Charges items). If the difference will be 10 enemies less per volley but (due higher attack rate) even more enemies per second, it is not a big sacrifice. In combination with much higher movement speed and better raider survivability it should give me higher clearing speed... in theory ;) Also sacraficing +/- 20% additional chaos damage against single targets for 25%-35% higher attack rate and much higher mobility (which will allow you to avoid attacks) seems to be a good deal for me... in theory ;) Since there is no chance to calculate these differences I will have to check them in practice - there are no big changes in skill tree, so respecing them will not be expensive (50-60 respec points, mostly cause of changing ascendancy). I'm also thinking about "Vaal Pact" but need to test it in practice - maybe difference between 900 and 1800 Life Leech will be unnoticeable. Thank you very much for the explanation :) @EDIT I forgot about the most important thing: PRECISION! It is a must have aura - on 1st lvl it will give you additional 40% Crit Chance (so there is no need of changing "Starkonja's Head" for "Rat's Nest" and loosing that 200 HP) and also 93 accuracy for only 22 mana reserved :) Последняя редакция: Armant#6641. Время: 11 дек. 2019 г., 19:21:31
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" Onslaught is from a searching eye jewel Biggest downside of Rat's Nest is the lack of health Vaal Grace isn't gonna be up all the time, with Inc Duration you get 16 seconds of it, useful in boss fights but rest of the time it's unrealistic. The Dodge amount is never a small amount in practice, having 50% is literally half but getting 54% just feels like you dodge way more, probs just due to the way the RNG rolls, but hey it's upto you, it's only a guide. The change of the health one is a good point tbh, especially if no longer using Point Blank then you can keep Lethal Assault. I use Headhunter so Movespeeds never an issue, just juice a map enough and you'll have all the haste auras :D I make odd builds and sometimes write guides.
My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D |
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Yeah you're right on the Precision also means if you can get a watcher's eye with
+50 Crit Multi with Precision 1.8% Hatred Crit Chance. Big boost to damages I make odd builds and sometimes write guides.
My updates and other junk are at https://www.youtube.com/user/Psywearebabylon Been playing since before Atziri so got maybe 1% of the games intricacies learnt. Only 4 million more hours playing to be classed as a rank amateur :D |
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" And that watcher's eye should be much cheaper than double hatred - good point :) Последняя редакция: Armant#6641. Время: 11 дек. 2019 г., 19:18:45
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