[3.11] YABB (Yet Another Bow Build) +5/+6 Ice Shot Chaingunner Delve 600+ Updated for 3.11

I think I hit the jackpot? I got corrupted a voidflecter, damage is insane!!

if anyone wana buy on meta sc league pm me!
55c ?
Hey! i went all in to this build, but it seems that iam in lack of damage... can you check my build and tell me what is wrong?


ill be very greatfull for your help!
Hello thanks for the build the clear setup with ice shot is awesome but the ice shot single target setup feels shit vs t16 bosses why that?
gems lv 21..

help me pls to understand why

my eq:

Gear for sale. i think its time for a change... ranger is way to squishy for my playstyle
Последняя редакция: FatalD4mage#1209. Время: 22 дек. 2019 г., 12:57:28
Hey guys. I am wondering what to uograde next...I have ~10ex budget rn and thinking of buying a Watcher's Eye with Crit but not sure if it's the best thing to buy rn.
I would really appreciate if someone could check my profile and make a suggestion on what to upgrade next!
Hey guys. I am wondering what to uograde next.

My advice is use it on another build :D this is dogshit vs t16 bosses + beefy meta's

Update: Currently lv 93. There's an on going bug with freeze mechanics that we won't be able to perma freeze the metabosses which is really annoying.

I'm currently melting everything with this gear. Did the guardians deathless, (still haven't fought Minotaur since I still have yet got the map).

Please consider swapping your scourge arrow for a barrage set up. My barrage is only 5 link and i will be able to kill the bosses under like 10 seconds (before my Vaal grace expired). Additionally, You might want to level up as high as possible a deccoy totem. That shit saves lives trust me.
IGN: Kogmawwwwwww

Buy list:
15%+ Quality for the following:Faster Attack, Faster Projectile, Added Fire Dmg.
Последняя редакция: phucbui7718#5923. Время: 22 дек. 2019 г., 14:19:08
phucbui7718 написал:

Update: Currently lv 93. There's an on going bug with freeze mechanics that we won't be able to perma freeze the metabosses which is really annoying.

I'm currently melting everything with this gear. Did the guardians deathless, (still haven't fought Minotaur since I still have yet got the map), also did Elder deathless. Please note that u need to do some manual dodging and shit, just don't expect to stand there and 1 shot everything.

Please consider swapping your scourge arrow for a barrage set up. My barrage is only 5 link and i will be able to kill the bosses under like 10 seconds (before my Vaal grace expired). Additionally, You might want to level up as high as possible a deccoy totem. That shit saves lives trust me.
IGN: Kogmawwwwwww

Buy list:
15%+ Quality for the following:Faster Attack, Faster Projectile, Added Fire Dmg.
phucbui7718 написал:

Update: Currently lv 93. There's an on going bug with freeze mechanics that we won't be able to perma freeze the metabosses which is really annoying.

I'm currently melting everything with this gear. Did the guardians deathless, (still haven't fought Minotaur since I still have yet got the map), also did Elder deathless. Please note that u need to do some manual dodging and shit, just don't expect to stand there and 1 shot everything.

Please consider swapping your scourge arrow for a barrage set up. My barrage is only 5 link and i will be able to kill the bosses under like 10 seconds (before my Vaal grace expired). Also I don't dig the gloomfang this league, I already melted everything to the ground so you need some extra damage for the 1 v 1 situation which I picked up a cheap life + stats + crits.

Additionally, You might want to level up as high as possible a deccoy totem. That shit saves lives trust me.
IGN: Kogmawwwwwww

Buy list:
15%+ Quality for the following:Faster Attack, Faster Projectile, Added Fire Dmg.
Последняя редакция: phucbui7718#5923. Время: 22 дек. 2019 г., 14:22:15
phucbui7718 написал:

Update: Currently lv 93. There's an on going bug with freeze mechanics that we won't be able to perma freeze the metabosses which is really annoying.

I'm currently melting everything with this gear. Did the guardians deathless, (still haven't fought Minotaur since I still have yet got the map).

Please consider swapping your scourge arrow for a barrage set up. My barrage is only 5 link and i will be able to kill the bosses under like 10 seconds (before my Vaal grace expired). Additionally, You might want to level up as high as possible a deccoy totem. That shit saves lives trust me.

What would be the 6l setup for barrage? Couldn't find anything listed in the guide.

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