[3.7] Essence Drain/Contagion Trickster (the best one)

Kelmain9 написал:
Anyone tried this "Corrupting Soul" mod of the Doryani Timeless jewel?

Pumps up your Energy Shield but 50% of non-chaos damage hits your life...which makes me feel actually more fragile.


only jewel (timeless) with any noticeable impact
with it i have 5.5k life and 4.3k ES (2.6k without)
anytime you have ED up your health regen is insane, when you dont you are noticeably squishier, but health flasks should cover your life just in time for your ED to reach them and spread

i pathed over to MoM node and the jewel to get it
i path differently from others ; avoid templar area, go to scion evasion wheel then scion life wheel
Последняя редакция: primordialiege#5907. Время: 17 июля 2019 г., 10:40:28
kevinbrightblade написал:
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I've reached all my goals for this build so I figured I'd share. This is my high level content version of the ED Trickster. At lvl 94 I have 5800 health and 2k ES, 65% evade, 42% spell dodge and 1.5M Shaper dps. Here's the PoB: https://pastebin.com/F1ZPqCcE

Here's my gear:

I run two six-links, ED and Vaal Blight, along with 2 curses (Despair and Enfeeble), Aspect of the Spider, and Malevolence for 100% mana reservation. Contagion gets an AoE bump from the glove prefix so one-shotting legions is pretty easy. I've also done Uber Elder a dozen time deathless and am farming T15/16 maps with a sub 4 minute average time.

There's a few places I think the build could be even further min/maxed, like adding chaos % damage to the rings and belt, or getting something fun on the quiver (movement speed or increased AoE). And a double Malevolence WE with NaCDoT and life/ES rate would be really nice but super expensive. Same thing with getting 21/20 on all ED support gems or jewels with two damage mods and life. Each of the damage improvements I mentioned are between 10-25k dps, so if you did them all the total dps could go up another 100-200k.

Let me know what you think!

Hey Kevin, or anyone else that knows, im trying to follow your setup somewhat with devouring diadem etc so I have a question regarding Mind over Matter, is there a certain amount of mana/ES I need to get MoM to work? When I used it I felt that I didnt get any "help" from that node and that the damage was taken from the lifepool straight away :S
You don't need a minimum amount of mana/ES for MoM to take effect. That being said you need your ES to be 3/7 of your life in order to reap the full benefit of Mind over Matter. But you should be able to go to a low level area, let mobs hit you, and see both life and mana/ES decrease at a proportional rate.

Note that MoM takes 30% of effective damage inflicted out of your mana. With Essence Battery that means your Energy Shield (ES) absorbs 30% of non-chaos damage. So chaos damage or big hits while using your ES to cast spells can make MoM seem less effective.
primordialiege написал:

only jewel (timeless) with any noticeable impact
with it i have 5.5k life and 4.3k ES (2.6k without)

I look much better on paper with it. But I feel like I am getting hit harder. I am theorizing it's that "50% damage bypasses energy shield" thing.

Just seeing if others felt like that, as well.
Kelmain9 написал:
primordialiege написал:

only jewel (timeless) with any noticeable impact
with it i have 5.5k life and 4.3k ES (2.6k without)

I look much better on paper with it. But I feel like I am getting hit harder. I am theorizing it's that "50% damage bypasses energy shield" thing.

Just seeing if others felt like that, as well.

went back to using deshret brutal restraint because perma onslaught is just too nice. still trying to find one with frenzycharge + onslaught on kill

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Working on getting rid of Allelopathy, should I multi mod these or anul the ES?

tad2q написал:
Working on getting rid of Allelopathy, should I multi mod these or anul the ES?

I would just multi-mod those. I was really starved for ES and having t2 ES% is a solid second stat. For example here's what I ended up going with:

So yours with the 80% ES is better.
Последняя редакция: kevinbrightblade#5644. Время: 18 июля 2019 г., 15:50:44

Just wanted to see if there was anything else to improve I know my rings need work, but I did t16 map with ease only thing that was slower than that were rares and the boss.
It should be noted that Despair curse effectiveness does not work with the Witchfire Brew flask. I had been using the curse effectiveness enchantment and a curse effect node from glorious vanity for over a week before checking in pob.

I have since had to change up my setup because there was not enough mana left over for Flesh and Stone. Not really sure where to go from here because I would have to give up effect duration on the amulet in order to gain a free malevolence or despair aura. Does anyone have a suggestion?

Current gear:

deathopz написал:

Just wanted to see if there was anything else to improve I know my rings need work, but I did t16 map with ease only thing that was slower than that were rares and the boss.

Level 4 Empower and level 21 ED will be huge damage boosts.

Yeah, your rings kind of suck and your boots aren't great.

Your belt enchant doesn't do anything for this build.

You're using Blood and Sand when you should be using Flesh and Stone

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