[3.7] Essence Drain/Contagion Trickster (the best one)


could you guys help me what to upgrade?
got 2ex :p in my pocket

im struggling with legion boss, feels really slow to kill it

Valolrak написал:
Refined_Janitor написал:
After trying legit every possible set up for ED this league, this is my final form. I really like how fun this build is. Very versatile for glacier farming/elder mapping/bossing. I enjoyed this league a lot.

That is a very nice setup. I finally got myself to kill Shaper tonight, at level 94. I really wish I had the ability to farm up for Headhunter for once, but it's just too slow going. I tried Glacier farming a few hours tonight, but the loot is horrible. Almost all Karui splinters, Blessed orbs, 6 socket items. Which approach would you say helped the most in getting Headhunter? I am only 20% there yet.

Hmm, my luck picked up. About 60-70 Glaciers later, I have picked up 3 exalts, and a corrupted 21/23 gem maybe worth 3 exa. It does indeed go faster than doing 20% T15 maps, alched, and vaaled. Rampage with ED/Contagion + seven-league boots, is quite fun, at least for the time being. Will switch to Elder map when I get bored.
What would be the best/most cost effective setup for t2 glacier farming? I'm not a huge fan of ED in general so I'd prefer not to invest too much in setting this build up.

Refined_Janitor написал:
After trying legit every possible set up for ED this league, this is my final form. I really like how fun this build is. Very versatile for glacier farming/elder mapping/bossing. I enjoyed this league a lot.
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Yeah, the highest min/max players all eventually transition into low life. Have you thought about swapping out of Escape Artist into Swift Killer? Shav's doesn't synergize well, and chayula already gives you stun immunity. So it's the evasion bonus, cast speed, and 10% spell dodge vs. frenzy charges and some increased damage.

poe.ninja has it split about 2/3 Escape Artist, 1/3 Swift Killer. I've never played low life though, so no idea if you'd feel any loss of survivability or if the extra damage would make a difference.
Hello, I am having a blast with this build, it is tanky as hell.

Question. I'd like to add Grace somehow to the build. Would it be worth to sacrifice the blood and sand aura for it? How important is blind to survival?
Martingale7 написал:
What would be the best/most cost effective setup for t2 glacier farming? I'm not a huge fan of ED in general so I'd prefer not to invest too much in setting this build up.


For t2 only, noteworthy changes:
- breath of the council + zeel's amplifier shield instead of the bow.
- pick up arcane expanse and precision on the tree, sacrifice some life probably.
- perhaps spec Swift Killer + Weave the Arcane instead of Ghost Dance/Escape Artist
- carcass jack or queen of the forest for armor
- biscos belt, seven league step or goldwyrm boots
- ventors or pariah rings

Basically, sacrifice some survivability and pick up more AoE, move speed, and item quantity. I'm not sure exactly what budget you're targeting when you say "not invest too much", but the 6-link armor and the magic find gear are the only things here that aren't dirt cheap. Those items tend to hold their value though, so you could always sell them back once you're bored.

KubanitoS написал:
Hello, I am having a blast with this build, it is tanky as hell.

Question. I'd like to add Grace somehow to the build. Would it be worth to sacrifice the blood and sand aura for it? How important is blind to survival?

You'd probably have to plug it in to PoB yourself in order to get a good answer there. Blind essentially gives you an additional 50% avoidance, which you'd have to compare to the additional avoidance of the evasion rating added by Grace.

For instance, if you have 80% chance to evade, then blind will move that to 90% (for close enemies). If, after adding Grace, your chance to evade jumps from 80% to 90+%, then Grace is better.

Also, you'd have to have an Enlighten and maybe even some mana reservation in order to run Malevolence + Grace and still feel comfortable, so Grace vs. Flesh and Stone isn't a true apples to apples comparison. Given an Enlighten and some mana reservation nodes, you'd be able to run Flesh and Stone + Aspect of the Spider vs. Grace, and that tips the scales more. Something like 50% of poe.ninja ED tricksters use Flesh and Stone, 20% use Aspect of the Spider, and 15% use Grace. That doesn't mean it's right or wrong, but certainly more people prefer Flesh and Stone.
TheChosenOne_ написал:
This is my current setup. I am doing the acts right now so its not optimized but I still kill easily. Can you guys tell me exactly which gems I should use and where to put it? The guide doesn't tell us exactly where to put the miscellaneous gems and in which slot other than it telling us to "Put these wherever you can fit them in the build". If I think too hard my brain hurts so please tell me where to put all the gems at and recommend the gems I need since there are multiple gems we can choose from and choosing which gem influences our gear a little bit so please tell me what to get also like the ammmy. Thank you

I think Im gonna use the 5L weapon for a while. If this helps at all I got around 6.4ex (4ex+411c) in my stash. Btw, I just upgraded lifesprig+a random bad shield with the cane so that's why I got the tabula. I just switched and I am done for the night

Ok so I upgraded my gear by a lot. Need opinions on my current gear and how does blight work with the build? When/how do we use it along with the ed/contagion combo? I got the spreading rot jewel btw

TheChosenOne_ написал:
TheChosenOne_ написал:
This is my current setup. I am doing the acts right now so its not optimized but I still kill easily. Can you guys tell me exactly which gems I should use and where to put it? The guide doesn't tell us exactly where to put the miscellaneous gems and in which slot other than it telling us to "Put these wherever you can fit them in the build". If I think too hard my brain hurts so please tell me where to put all the gems at and recommend the gems I need since there are multiple gems we can choose from and choosing which gem influences our gear a little bit so please tell me what to get also like the ammmy. Thank you

I think Im gonna use the 5L weapon for a while. If this helps at all I got around 6.4ex (4ex+411c) in my stash. Btw, I just upgraded lifesprig+a random bad shield with the cane so that's why I got the tabula. I just switched and I am done for the night

Ok so I upgraded my gear by a lot. Need opinions on my current gear and how does blight work with the build? When/how do we use it along with the ed/contagion combo? I got the spreading rot jewel btw

blight preferably goes into ur 6L if u dont have allelopathy: use void manipulation or swift affliction instead of faster casting
get rid of rotgut, and mana flask, just use jade and quartz flask with 2 quicksilvers
upgrade your health flask
get a ESbase for ur helm, better quiver
Последняя редакция: primordialiege#5907. Время: 1 авг. 2019 г., 1:47:42
What's the purpose of blight again? We only use it for harder bosses?
TheChosenOne_ написал:
What's the purpose of blight again? We only use it for harder bosses?

yes, and to stack wither debuff with jewel

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