[3.8] CI Aura Bot (19Auras / Aspect / Smite / Party Fortify / Tanky)

LittoBum написал:
Wasfill написал:
LittoBum, do you follow jews? Whats maximum percentage of aura effect you saw?

I have a few 30-40% ones in my stash, my current one is 33% and 12% es for 7pts which is the most efficient one ive had for myself.

I posted my old one on Reddit 6pts for 33% and sold it for 1ex, prolly could have sold for more but didn't want to be too greedy

The highest ive seen whilr also being realistic pathing is 11pts for 58%

What numbers are lucky for the jewels for you? :D
Transom написал:
LittoBum написал:
Wasfill написал:
LittoBum, do you follow jews? Whats maximum percentage of aura effect you saw?

I have a few 30-40% ones in my stash, my current one is 33% and 12% es for 7pts which is the most efficient one ive had for myself.

I posted my old one on Reddit 6pts for 33% and sold it for 1ex, prolly could have sold for more but didn't want to be too greedy

The highest ive seen whilr also being realistic pathing is 11pts for 58%

What numbers are lucky for the jewels for you? :D

Don't want to divulge my whole list as I would like to buy as many as i can for cheap to try out for a 1% Corruption but

5115 (the one i posted on Reddit) is 33% (6pts) in duelist jewel socket
4687 has over that depending on how many points you want to spend in Marauder Socket
4064 has a little less acess to aura nods but has really good ES
Thanks my jewel roulette gave me a nice-ish jewel in the witch area.
But might try to snipe one of the ones you mentioned to try :)
Transom написал:
But might try to snipe one of the ones you mentioned to try :)

Also you can check this list, hope it'll be useful
https://ru.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2740943/page/1#p22777382 - переход на офф клиент.

Wasfill написал:
Transom написал:
But might try to snipe one of the ones you mentioned to try :)

Also you can check this list, hope it'll be useful

oof. Thanks for the list. Found a 4 points 30% elegant hubris at Barbarism and will use that one for now since its way cheaper than any other vaal one I could find and doesnt wreck nodes I would take :D
Just out of curiosity how much % effect would you need after 30% for another worthhile "breakpoint".
Transom написал:
Wasfill написал:
Transom написал:
But might try to snipe one of the ones you mentioned to try :)

Also you can check this list, hope it'll be useful

oof. Thanks for the list. Found a 4 points 30% elegant hubris at Barbarism and will use that one for now since its way cheaper than any other vaal one I could find and doesnt wreck nodes I would take :D
Just out of curiosity how much % effect would you need after 30% for another worthhile "breakpoint".

100, 120, 140, (150), 160, 180, 200

These are the amount of Aura Effectiveness you need to for +max Res Break Points, 150 is a decent one for the AS from necro and the +2% dmg from weapon
Последняя редакция: _Nuk#4437. Время: 24 июня 2019 г., 20:31:48
LittoBum написал:

100, 120, 140, (150), 160, 180, 200

These are the amount of Aura Effectiveness you need to for +max Res Break Points, 150 is a decent one for the AS from necro and the +2% dmg from weapon

Unfortunaly we have 3 diff BP, 20(max res)-33.[3](AS)-50(wep) =\
=> 151% better than 150% cos we can get 200% in a total for chest gems.

Is it real to find 110% aura effect jew?)
https://ru.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2740943/page/1#p22777382 - переход на офф клиент.

Последняя редакция: WedWix#4581. Время: 25 июня 2019 г., 3:21:21
Hi, im following your build guide and looking at the jewels section.
im wondering wich one of the 3 glorious vanity you focus as base (Xibaqua, Doryani and Zerphi).
Are they all 3 full random or their effects are determined by the general/amount of sacrified people ?
moumout написал:
Hi, im following your build guide and looking at the jewels section.
im wondering wich one of the 3 glorious vanity you focus as base (Xibaqua, Doryani and Zerphi).
Are they all 3 full random or their effects are determined by the general/amount of sacrified people ?

Hi, The name actually doesn't matter

The reason is the name only determines what the jewel which keystone you will get.

The Number is the only thing that matters which is the number and determines what all nodes on the tree will be.
I think I stumbled across a nice one.

6.2% per point over 5 points for 31% Aura Effect.


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