[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

Hey guys, so I tried ballistas in my Embalmer gloves and honestly, it rocks!!!
That means, I want to use 2 6links now.

Body Armor - Scourge Arrow 6 Link
Bow - Siege Ballista Link

Body Armor - Scourge Arrow 6 Link
Gloves Embalmer - 4 Link +1 from Gloves = 5 Link


- When i upgrade to 6link bow for siege ballista, can i completely get rid of embalmer gloves?

- Despair on hit on gloves or on bow? any upsides / downsides?

- When i have -mana costs on body armor and despair on hit,
i can easily get rid of witchfire and mana flask, right?
cinderswallow is a must, i know, i will use it then finally.
and replacement for mana flask? quartz for dodge and phase? or atziris promise?

- i see people crafting stuff like freeze immunity on unique flask? how is that possible? what are the requirements for this? can i craft removes curses on cinderswallow?

i was so frustrated in the beginning, but the build starts to rock.
quite a ramp up period if you are more or less a casual like me.

cheers guys have a nice weekend <3
markuskanada написал:
Hey guys, so I tried ballistas in my Embalmer gloves and honestly, it rocks!!!
That means, I want to use 2 6links now.

Body Armor - Scourge Arrow 6 Link
Bow - Siege Ballista Link

Body Armor - Scourge Arrow 6 Link
Gloves Embalmer - 4 Link +1 from Gloves = 5 Link


- When i upgrade to 6link bow for siege ballista, can i completely get rid of embalmer gloves?

- Despair on hit on gloves or on bow? any upsides / downsides?

- When i have -mana costs on body armor and despair on hit,
i can easily get rid of witchfire and mana flask, right?
cinderswallow is a must, i know, i will use it then finally.
and replacement for mana flask? quartz for dodge and phase? or atziris promise?

- i see people crafting stuff like freeze immunity on unique flask? how is that possible? what are the requirements for this? can i craft removes curses on cinderswallow?

i was so frustrated in the beginning, but the build starts to rock.
quite a ramp up period if you are more or less a casual like me.

cheers guys have a nice weekend <3

Embalmer Gloves- as far as I know they're still a big DPS upgrade but there might be other competetive options.

Despair on hit- you don't use up an affix slot on a bow when you have it corrupted on gloves but it's gerenally cheaper to have it on a bow.

Flasks- I use a Quartz instead of a mana flask.

Anti-freeze on a unique flask- haven't seen that one anywhere, here's all the mods I see in a crafting bench for the Cinderswallow:
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TheNaskgul написал:
Two questions (that I'm sure have been asked before, so sorry in advance):

1) Why IC over something like Vicious if almost all of your charged arrows are coming from mirage? Wouldn't it be better to just pop quick 1-stages and keep moving than stop moving for a full second every 8-seconds?

2) What is gem priority? Chaos/ailment over time, chaos, life presumably?

Thanks for this guide, this is the first non-TS bow build I've played and it's been awesome!

1. It is a lot of damage + some defense (big chunk of defense when using divine flesh). And at higher levels and quality the delay before getting infusion gets a lot lower, and we dont need it that much when mapping anyway, only on bosses where our optimal DPS scenario is charge to 5 and at high levels of IC we should get infusion too in that time period. Also I really dont like vicious projectiles because they give less attack speed what is huge qol downgrade

2. Gems are sorted in PoB by priority

Concilhaut написал:
One quick question.

Siege Ballista or Shrapnel Ballista?

What even is the big diffrence?

in my 5 link Ballista Setup they do ok but nothing amazing i can run t16 pretty smooth i just want more boss dps.

The big diference is that Shrapnel Ballista requires positioning, Siege Ballista dont. When all shrapnel ballistas hit the target with all their projectiles (e.g all 5 because we also use rain of splinters) it is around 30% more damage than Siege Ballista. But again, that requires placing Shrapnel Ballistas very close to the boss. But if you need more boss DPS i can recommend 6 linking either, its very good.

Signarion написал:
Why do you advise using a siege ballista, and you go with a shrapnel ballista?

Because its just gem swap and I want to test both before saying anything final about them, so far against bosses that do not move shrapnel is performing a lot better, and against bosses that move, siege is slightly better.

mr_blun7 написал:
Thanks for the guide.

You write that i can find the Bandits Choice inside POB but i dont see a option anywhere. Can you8 please tell me where or if i should kill all or save one?


Kill all, it is in top left corner in PoB.

bowdigre написал:
which bow is better for me? Gale has the higher poison buffs, but empyrean higher DPS and resists, so it's unclear to me. thanks!

Empyrean. But, are you SSF? If not I recommend grabbing Lioneye.

xRigs написал:
Hello, first of all, nice guide. Having a little trouble with survivability, but I suppose having less than 5k HP will do that.
Just a few questions for you.

1. What is your preferred variant for the passive tree?
2. Do you prefer Devoto's or a crafted helm?
3. I just crafted this bow, I was wondering if you think it's wise to try to divine the minimum chaos damage.
4. Is it worth exalting?
5. What are the main stats to look for on Jewels besides Max Life?
6. Since the bow has despair on hit, what would be the best corruption on Embalmers?

1. I played all of them and I like them all. Atm I prefer the variant I havent played before, so the 5 ballista one :d
2. Yeah, I like devoto a lot if you dont mind losing some HP, i usually dont and the movement speed and AS is great
3. The bow is pretty decent but I dont think its worth divining as you eventually want to move away from it (i would not divine anything that does not have at least flat chaos, delve mod, attack speed and chaos multi)
4. If you would hit attack speed yes, but that is so unlikely
5. Damage with poison, attack speed, chaos multi
6. Either max life or max frenzies imo

damien3219 написал:

so i got this note in range of my gloriuous vanity, you think its worth going for?

I would most likely just annoint it, mainly if you are also using Ballistas, but pathing to it, eh. probably not

Carnivori написал:
Hey! Lacking some boss dmg and I was thinking of crafting a new bow(got fossil craft bow but it's only half decent).

Is Hunter base thicket bow worth it? Seems like you can get some juicy mods(particulary chaos dmg+chaos pene hybrid) but I've rolled the bow 3 times now and failed to get the 60% chance for poisons to do 100% more dmg mod that I easily got on a normal ilvl83 thicket bow base.

Penetration is not doing anything for dots (and poison is dot). But rest of mods on hunter bases are awesome so yeah imo its worth it.

Syperek написал:
Upgraded my gear to what looks like the final setup (unless I get into really expensive crafting of Awakened gems):
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I kept putting off the helm enchant but it's such a great addition to clear speed it's crazy, can't recommend it enough!

Thanks for the build, it's really awesome and I hope people will appreciate it as much as I do! :D

Very nice. And yeah SA enchant is sooo good. As you are Divine Flesh, Hunter body has really sick mod on it for that version, 15% of phys damage taken as chaos damage, so if you are looking for more stuff to upgrade, I can definitely recommend that mod on hunter base, its really strong.

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thanks for the prompt responses!

simple question: does attack speed really matter that much for this build?
how does attack speed affect scourge arrow? does it affect ballistas?
dongpickle2 написал:
thanks for the prompt responses!

simple question: does attack speed really matter that much for this build?
how does attack speed affect scourge arrow? does it affect ballistas?

Yes attack speed is very very important, it makes channeling of SA faster what means more damage and better playstyle and ofc also makes ballistas shoot faster, apply more wither stacks.
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Syperek написал:
markuskanada написал:
Hey guys, so I tried ballistas in my Embalmer gloves and honestly, it rocks!!!
That means, I want to use 2 6links now.

Body Armor - Scourge Arrow 6 Link
Bow - Siege Ballista Link

Body Armor - Scourge Arrow 6 Link
Gloves Embalmer - 4 Link +1 from Gloves = 5 Link


- When i upgrade to 6link bow for siege ballista, can i completely get rid of embalmer gloves?

Embalmer Gloves- as far as I know they're still a big DPS upgrade but there might be other competetive options.

Thanks! ... But i keep them only for the chaos damage and poison duration?
I mean I dont use vile toxins no more when i get a 6link ballista setup in my bow... or am i wrong? I thought its only for a cheap 5link option before you get the good stuff

markuskanada написал:
Syperek написал:
markuskanada написал:
Hey guys, so I tried ballistas in my Embalmer gloves and honestly, it rocks!!!
That means, I want to use 2 6links now.

Body Armor - Scourge Arrow 6 Link
Bow - Siege Ballista Link

Body Armor - Scourge Arrow 6 Link
Gloves Embalmer - 4 Link +1 from Gloves = 5 Link


- When i upgrade to 6link bow for siege ballista, can i completely get rid of embalmer gloves?

Embalmer Gloves- as far as I know they're still a big DPS upgrade but there might be other competetive options.

Thanks! ... But i keep them only for the chaos damage and poison duration?
I mean I dont use vile toxins no more when i get a 6link ballista setup in my bow... or am i wrong? I thought its only for a cheap 5link option before you get the good stuff

The gloves were part of the build long before we even used Vile Toxins for anything, they are very good, the flat chaos from them is huge and poison duration too and its pretty hard to beat them with rare gloves. Ofc some nice chaos multi/as gloves will be pretty good instead if you want upgrades.
My builds:
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OK, instructions clear!! thanks deathbeam my man!

Is this bow good? Ignore the quality craft, just using it to link the bow.
You say to switch Poison Support out when we have enough Poison chance; What is enough? I am at 110% now but when I switch is out I go down to 50%. What should I aim for as the switching threshold? THanks

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