[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

So from I read above Glorious vanity shlukd be socketed arount some big keystone, not in a random jewel socket? I'll have to sacrifice some nodes to reach point blank then since I'm not even 90 yet.
When we get divine flesh which converts 50% of elemental damage taken to chaos damage does it mean our elemental resistances could go uncapped? I guess it will be hard to cap all elemental resistances alongside 85 chaos res.
And last question - if we can choose between plague bearer and withering step, which one is better? I just can't effectively hit that many buttons 😁
How do I start to transition from the starter gear to better stuff? I only spent 25c on my current gear and I have about 2 ex now farmed, but looking at everyone's gear here that doesn't even scratch the surface.
Spasko написал:
So from I read above Glorious vanity shlukd be socketed arount some big keystone, not in a random jewel socket? I'll have to sacrifice some nodes to reach point blank then since I'm not even 90 yet.
When we get divine flesh which converts 50% of elemental damage taken to chaos damage does it mean our elemental resistances could go uncapped? I guess it will be hard to cap all elemental resistances alongside 85 chaos res.
And last question - if we can choose between plague bearer and withering step, which one is better? I just can't effectively hit that many buttons 😁

Yeah, you need to replace Keystone with Divine Flesh with Glorious Vanity. You can just drop Watchtowers or Avatar of the Hunt. And yes you still need to cap your resitances.

Plague Bearer > Withering Step.

Trapsin написал:
How do I start to transition from the starter gear to better stuff? I only spent 25c on my current gear and I have about 2 ex now farmed, but looking at everyone's gear here that doesn't even scratch the surface.

Delve Bow > - mana cost body > full flask setup (e.g cinderswallow) > delve helmet (with some useful enchant) > quiver imo

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Hello, i need some help.. i play now the Divine Flash build.. also got the Sockel inside.. (you cant see it idk why) I doing well so far.. just got problems with oneshots.. what can i do to fix it? i Know my chest roll isnt the best.. i have 2 ex left for some upgrade.. start farming more next days..

Do i need to stack more Chaos res? and ignore some of the others?


When going for the 5 ballista build is Withering touch better than Spell Totem + Wither?
And is Darkscorn > Delve bow?
Hi guys,
How do you sustain your Mana pool against bosses?
I've just removed the mana leech node from the passive tree when i bought the Cinderswallow Urn but against bosses this flask is not so effective.
Any advices?
I was wondering, is Maloney's Mechanism a good investment for this build ? How does it compare to a regular quiver with frenzy on hit and increased ailments damage? Is it really better ? And which gems should you socket in it to make the most of it ?
thedeathbeam написал:
Spasko написал:
So from I read above Glorious vanity shlukd be socketed arount some big keystone, not in a random jewel socket? I'll have to sacrifice some nodes to reach point blank then since I'm not even 90 yet.
When we get divine flesh which converts 50% of elemental damage taken to chaos damage does it mean our elemental resistances could go uncapped? I guess it will be hard to cap all elemental resistances alongside 85 chaos res.
And last question - if we can choose between plague bearer and withering step, which one is better? I just can't effectively hit that many buttons 😁

Yeah, you need to replace Keystone with Divine Flesh with Glorious Vanity. You can just drop Watchtowers or Avatar of the Hunt. And yes you still need to cap your resitances.

Plague Bearer > Withering Step.

Thank you! I don't know how I'm gonna cap elementals, I got a very lucky body craft with triple very high resist values and 89 to max life but lacks the -15 mana cost.If i change it for a mana cost one without resists it would become even harder.
Giving u guys a quick review of this build. Yes as in the title the build is fast, fun to play and SUPER tanky ( compare to other builds that i played this league). Everything up until t15s is a joke, but when it comes to t16s, the dmg wasn't there ( my case at least ). Yes the build can still tank big hits from t16s but i feel like it lacks of damage. T16's boss fight usually last long and u dont want to play around with them for too long. Anyway 100% recommend this build if you want a fast, reliable map clear character and again SUPER tanky. But for t16s and above ... i dont know. I'll leave my gear here so u guys can tell me what i'm doing wrong :

Rolling a new character now, if u guys interested in any of my gear, message me ingame or through web message ( remember to give an offer if u want something ).
huyakf1997 написал:
Giving u guys a quick review of this build. Yes as in the title the build is fast, fun to play and SUPER tanky ( compare to other builds that i played this league). Everything up until t15s is a joke, but when it comes to t16s, the dmg wasn't there ( my case at least ). Yes the build can still tank big hits from t16s but i feel like it lacks of damage. T16's boss fight usually last long and u dont want to play around with them for too long. Anyway 100% recommend this build if you want a fast, reliable map clear character and again SUPER tanky. But for t16s and above ... i dont know. I'll leave my gear here so u guys can tell me what i'm doing wrong :

Rolling a new character now, if u guys interested in any of my gear, message me ingame or through web message ( remember to give an offer if u want something ).

Look on my items. I melt t16 with only 1 pod so i Just spam attack and move. I stop moving only for loot xD. And ofc for boss but they die in few sec. I kill all conquerors in few sec. Even drox die with shield... Also i have so many upgrade like watchers eye or chest with % for frenzy charge on hit. And Nostalgia with +1 frenzy charge etc.

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