[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

Anyone could explain why do we use 6-link SA setup in chestpiece mostly, instead of bow? Or is "20% chance for poisons inflicted with this weapon to deal 300% more damage" mod global and working regardless of where the attack is socketed?
Fushta написал:
Anyone could explain why do we use 6-link SA setup in chestpiece mostly, instead of bow? Or is "20% chance for poisons inflicted with this weapon to deal 300% more damage" mod global and working regardless of where the attack is socketed?
Yes it works. Only cases where you need to socket in the same item is when it says "socketed gems are supported by..." (for example Soul Mantle or Tremor Rod) or let's say a bow with +1 to socketed gems.

Any attack is inflicted with your weapon, all it means it probably wouldn't work for spells (blade vortex poison?)
Hello guys, need some help.
try to craft bow, and got this. I have useless stun duration, and i think poison chance is useless too. i need try to anul both mods, or only stun duration, or i just can play without changes? sry for my terrible english.
I cant find the bandit choice in POB
Question on Quiver - what are best mods, and what is minimum to make it a meaningful upgrade from drillneck? See a range of rare quivers being used - some with frenzy, some extra arrow, some crit?? Thanks
GrappIer написал:
I cant find the bandit choice in POB

It's kill all.
Cymbor написал:

Wow, your nodes look really nice, a bunch of life and resist and even some damage! I really want to get another variation now lol. I got lucky, i bought my helmet fully crafted for 6ex with even chaos res so i'm okayish chaos res wise.

Yeah I was probably lucky, but there are still at least 1 wasted passive (increased lightning damage) as well as single-point reachable passives that are not useful. I only tried 3-4 different jewels.

Cymbor написал:

Well, to craft my chest I used a resonator with serrated/pristine/aberrant on a regular base (no influence). I was hoping for more chaos res but well.
I then had 2 open prefixes so I blocked the %life with the %life craft and I slammed hunter orb, which applied influence and I rolled the mod I wanted but tier 2 (As you can see here : https://poedb.tw/us/mod.php?cn=Hunter#Body%20Armours you can only roll additional curse, life regen or the phys to chaos mod if you hunter slam with an open prefix). I feel like the chance to get it from a lucky slam is higher than crafting it on a base already hunter influenced (and I don't think chests ilvl 86+ hunter influenced are cheap rn).

I see, thanks!
artradis написал:
Rejz0 написал:
huyakf1997 написал:

Look on my items. I melt t16 with only 1 pod so i Just spam attack and move. I stop moving only for loot xD. And ofc for boss but they die in few sec. I kill all conquerors in few sec. Even drox die with shield... Also i have so many upgrade like watchers eye or chest with % for frenzy charge on hit. And Nostalgia with +1 frenzy charge etc.

Really nice build variation Rejz0! I'm also running two pure damage nostalgias (with some really nice implicits - only +1 frenzy would be clear upgrades), but my next goal will be to tweak my build towards your variation with aspect of the spider/despair as aura and so on.

As you are no longer (afaics) cursing enemies with despair, are you using/considering using some other curse to fill up your 1 curse slot? Maybe as a curse on hit (ideally temp chains but enfeeble would also work) glove corruption on your fenumus' weave gloves? There are some not too expensive "curse with lvl 10-ish enfeeble on hit" on poe.trade; would these be a viable upgrade to your non-corrupted gloves?

I have an idea for this build. I mean. Change chest for 10% chance to frenzy charge on hit or additional curse. Then depends on chest mod fenumus with +1 frenzy or temp chain. 2x dmg Nostalgia with +1 frenzy so ended with 8-9 frenzy charge. Also change to aul's uspring to run skitterbots and get shock for insane dmg upgrade. Chilled combined with spider web and temp chain is also good. So BIG invest on my Way.
Последняя редакция: Rejz0#1814. Время: 7 янв. 2020 г., 13:26:15
Is this the build that most deep delve player use?!

Methyr написал:
Question on Quiver - what are best mods, and what is minimum to make it a meaningful upgrade from drillneck? See a range of rare quivers being used - some with frenzy, some extra arrow, some crit?? Thanks

I have this same question. I am unable to see the change in damage in PoB because the '% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy' modifier doesnt work and I dont know a work around for it. These quivers cost 1EX so if people are using them in this build, I would image that they are better than the Drillneck that costs around 1c. Any insight and/or PoB workaround to test would be helpful. Thanks!

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