[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

Can someone take a look at my gear and give me advice on which items to upgrade? and how is my gem setup, does it look good or do i need some changes.

I can do maps up to tier 16. tried sirius failed hard tho, i die alot but the dps seems fine.
Hello Everyone,

I have question about Mirrage Archer in Endgame. It feels like everything dies before mirage takes action, so is it maybe better to swap it with awakened vicious projectiles for bosses?
How is this build coping with Drox? Somewhere along the league I read in this very thread that he is a pain to deal with because of chaos resist.

Will this get better with higher gear and gem level? Or is he just someone that you cant deal with?

I am curious to try this build out. So, I will be looking forward to your answer(s)!
hi everyone. I'm not good at eng, but i'll try :)
Pls someone explain me, does this bow (with Chaos damage over time multiplier craft) will be better then Darkscorn at damage output? PoB says yes in all ways. But i dont know, can i belive him
Hey everyone, could anyone please tell me if this belt is worth keeping (I used it for levelling) as in what is good or bad about it? I see people using stygian belts, but culling strike seems op to me? Thanks :)

There's a lot of conjecture regarding having quality on Scourge Arrow when I look it up. Can anyone answer definitively, do I want quality on this skill?

It appears the effect is 1% faster projectiles / % of quality, and I've seen people say yes - while others have answered no, that is fucks with your pods being placed correctly if it hits a wall before they manage to spawn due to its faster speed.

Последняя редакция: CardeaC#0035. Время: 10 янв. 2020 г., 17:34:38
Great build, I deviated a little bit from what was written but I find that it works for me. No issues doing any bosses and can run T16s easily. I think the divine flesh version for this build is probably the best for this league simply due to the amount of chaos damage dealt by mobs.

Outside of getting a Watcher's Eye, awakened gems, 6-linking my darkscorn, I'm more or less done with the build. Other possible upgrades could be a Maloney's Mechanism if I want to go for a more reliable frenzy/endurance charge generation.

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Последняя редакция: Fyrenti#6558. Время: 10 янв. 2020 г., 18:08:22
Whats the next move on upgrades?

Maloneys mechanism for frenzy/culling/pcoc or frenzy/coh/despair ?
(and switch out neck from Impresence)

or even go for WHISPERS OF DOOM annoit, and get a 2nd curse?
(1 on blasphemy and 1 on maloneys)

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what next? maybe need better rings, maybe despair on gloves and craft amulet?
any suggestions? ^_^
i am new with playing this build. I searched a bow build who isnt a glas canon for a long time but nothing makes really fun. Then i found this Scourge Arrow Build. Really funto play. Ty for this :)

So i am fresh finish to equip my char and play only maybe 5 maps to test if i like this build or not. I tryed some T16 Maps and wonder that i can still alive on bossfights :) Run arrond and fire some green tomatos into the boss :-D nice
So can anyone look over my Equipment AND the Passive Tree please? Maybe a get any wrong and i dont see it...

A question to boss fights i have. i channel scourge arrow to 5 stacks or attack fast like a mashin gun vs bosses? So i drop my Wither Totems.. put on Blood Rage and attack?

btw.. here is my current gear i am using. Resistence all capped:

ty for help i say :)
Последняя редакция: DuschtGernNackt#3291. Время: 11 янв. 2020 г., 3:13:45

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