[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

Can someone review my gear ? Am not goin to craft quiver/upgrade belt get few more lvls ( i was playing it as assassin and propably will switch back as the dps in my opinion was higher ) but the gear is exactly same.

Thanks in advance. also would welcome any suggestions.
wuttenq написал:
Can someone review my gear ? Am not goin to craft quiver/upgrade belt get few more lvls ( i was playing it as assassin and propably will switch back as the dps in my opinion was higher ) but the gear is exactly same.

Thanks in advance. also would welcome any suggestions.

Wel, as you are Pathfinder, I would replace asenath gentle touch with embalmber and sins rebirth with cinderswallow. Also you do not have reeze immunity frm flasks, what is pretty omportant. Your quicksilver is pretty bad too, alchemist of adrenaline would be big boost.

Small build update:

- Added mention of Impresence and Fenumu's Weave to end game optimization section
- Added mention of double Circle of Nostalgia to end game optimization section
- Added Death's Harp to leveling section

These changes are mostly inspired by people experimenting with gear to get more damage in this thread (and also i completely forgot to add some half decent phys bow to leveling section after changing it to use SA instead of TR until maps).

I also wanted to thank to everyone who were helping other people with their gear or answering their questions. I am trying to keep up with the thread but since the build became more popular it is harder and harder to answer every question, so thanking people who take their time and do that in this thread is the least I can do, so again, thanks!
My builds:
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Hey how do you guys feel about Sin's Rebirth?

Creates a Smoke Cloud on Use
Gain Unholy Might during Flask Effect
Immunity to Ignite during Flask effect
Removes Burning on use

Unholy Might
You deal extra Chaos Damage, based on your Physical Damage.

Anyone tested it? Is the DPS worth it replacing one of your flasks?
If so, which one/

thedeathbeam написал:

I also wanted to thank to everyone who were helping other people with their gear or answering their questions. I am trying to keep up with the thread but since the build became more popular it is harder and harder to answer every question, so thanking people who take their time and do that in this thread is the least I can do, so again, thanks!

Totally can give this back to you. Learned a lot here from you and everyone else. And now I'm glad that I am "educated enough" to reach out to other new players and help a little!

This build is the one I followed during Legion, and one of the few builds I played until 90+. I took it up again during this league because EA was just too lackluster and boring, and its still just as great a playstyle as I remember. I do have a question on some of the mechanics of this and similar builds.

The build I initially had during Legion was a Wind Dancer+Kintsugi build, which I later transitioned into a Divine Flesh+Darkscorn build. I noticed that I seemed to be tankier with the latter build, even though I was taking more hits, because with the Wind Dancer build I dodged/evaded most but I'd die to a big hit every now and then. Is the reason this guide has transitioned entirely over to Divine Flesh + variants and doesn't really have a Wind Dancer version because DF is just more reliable?
I don't usually play bow builds, but I like Scourge Arrow.
I played a cobra lash assassin as my leaguestarter, so I'm just using every piece of gear aside from the claws from it.

Besides the rings and levelling/jewels, what upgrades should I focus on?


Последняя редакция: Yuzeru#3526. Время: 14 янв. 2020 г., 12:59:54
I respec to this build but i'm having some issues to run map t15+ mostly by the burning ground, dont know why I just take so much dmg

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What is the optimal Precision lvl? Cus lvl 20 is eating a bit too much of my mana. What does Precision even do for this build?
Последняя редакция: Complaints#4172. Время: 14 янв. 2020 г., 16:10:14
gokudin написал:
I respec to this build but i'm having some issues to run map t15+ mostly by the burning ground, dont know why I just take so much dmg

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How much life do you have bro? You have not taken any increased life from the big life wheel in the passive tree. Also you are just Level 81.

At the same time you are already using double nostalgia and devoto. 3 Items that are great but have no life rolls... I used almost only rares with nice resistances and a lot of life and when I was around level 90-92, i started to swap the rares for better items (step by step).

You should first focus on leveling to lets say 91 and put all the nodes into that nice juicy life wheel. Just for example, lets say you level to 91 and have 10 new skill points and put them into the life wheel, that would be increased life by 49% which is huge! Do that first (its not really hard from 81 - 91) and then you can work on your gear

Hello guys, I've been following this thread closely to pick up some ideas on what I can improve.

After a good 1-2 weeks farming and improving my gear little by little I am now at a point where I don't really know what I should invest into.

I have 6.6k HP and my resistances are capped. As for clear speed I am doing fine, killing everything without problems on T16 maps. The "problem" I have right now is when it comes to some conquerors like Drox, it takes a lot of time. I have only killed Sirus twice but the low lvl one so it doesn't count.

What I would like to improve is damage, as always, lol, and also how I could avoid the 1-shots from time to time (apart from getting gud at the game). I know for sure that I need a quiver with chaos damage multiplier/frenzy charges/phys attack, but apart from that I don't really know what else to improve. Should I just start getting 21/23 gems? If so, which ones should I get first?

Also what is the best possible gem setup for my siege ballista? I just 6-linked my armor myself and went from a 4-link ballista to 6-link and I am pretty sure my 6-link is not the best possible setup.

Thanks guys!

Последняя редакция: Ramsesmfg#3990. Время: 14 янв. 2020 г., 18:48:34

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