[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

Chief_Brody написал:
Framax написал:
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Very fun build and I can clear basically everything at ease. A bit rippy, mostly due to 5171 hp. Bosses can take its time sometimes.

I got around 10 ex to invest into better gear. Can someone please guide me? I don't know what to look for, I would really appreciate it!

i would say a rare Quiver
- Life
- Ailments Damage
- Poison Damage
- Frenzy Charge generation
- Attack Speed
Shake your own Quiver :-D

I dont see a Watchers Eye in your Tree?
Malevolence and if enought Currency in stash include Precision on it :)

i know its hart but try to get new jewels with 4 stats.
2-3 Damage
Resis or stats

Thank you so much for your feedback, I have tried to find a good quiver, I will look again! Also try to find Watchers Eye and Malevolence.

2-3 Damage? What do you mean with that?
Framax написал:
Chief_Brody написал:
Framax написал:
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Very fun build and I can clear basically everything at ease. A bit rippy, mostly due to 5171 hp. Bosses can take its time sometimes.

I got around 10 ex to invest into better gear. Can someone please guide me? I don't know what to look for, I would really appreciate it!

i would say a rare Quiver
- Life
- Ailments Damage
- Poison Damage
- Frenzy Charge generation
- Attack Speed
Shake your own Quiver :-D

I dont see a Watchers Eye in your Tree?
Malevolence and if enought Currency in stash include Precision on it :)

i know its hart but try to get new jewels with 4 stats.
2-3 Damage
Resis or stats

Thank you so much for your feedback, I have tried to find a good quiver, I will look again! Also try to find Watchers Eye and Malevolence.

2-3 Damage? What do you mean with that?

I mean you need a Watchers Eye with the Stat Malovelence like this:

2-3 Damage i mean on Jewels. Jewels with 2-3 Damage stats + Life like this:

2 Damage with Life + Stats or Resists:

3 Damage with Life:


After a lame leveling orgy i jump from level 93 to level 96 and i think here is the end for me :)
I upgrade some items like my Belt / new Helmet / new Boots / 1 new Jewel
Helmet and Boots to get some more Life.. include the belt upgrade with Fertile Catalysts.
here the actually gear i use:

new damage by all resis caped and arround 5.8K Life:

I try to get a new Ring atm i want change this one because i want chaos damage as implicit.

and maybe when i get rich.... (i think not in this life) i buy a watchers eye wich Malevolence and Precision.

i play with my mind to get fenumus mitts with +1 to socketed gems... what you guys mean is it wasting currency? I think a little Aura and Enlighten boost?
I think after this 2-3 changes i am done with upgrades in my currency range.
Good luck and have fun with this really best bow build i ever played!
Последняя редакция: DuschtGernNackt#3291. Время: 17 янв. 2020 г., 17:08:56

This is my Gear now. Have perfect boots too, for this build. i was thinking if i realy need a new quiver..

Последняя редакция: IkaPic#2833. Время: 17 янв. 2020 г., 17:46:21
Последняя редакция: Deadwell#3026. Время: 17 янв. 2020 г., 20:02:37
sup guys, anyone have sugestions on good bonus from glorious vanity jewel that i should look for? ty.

Ritual of Shadows has been hot for me

+% Increased Chaos Damage
25% Chance to inflict Withered for 2 seconds on Hit
IDuvicoI написал:
sup guys, anyone have sugestions on good bonus from glorious vanity jewel that i should look for? ty.

Cult of chaos is very nice, +(13-19)% chaos resistance, +1% max chaos resistance
found some jucy nice new Gloves on the Market :)

Chief_Brody написал:
found some jucy nice new Gloves on the Market :)

you can have malevolence, precision, herald of agony, aspect of the spider and blasphemy all together? how?
IkaPic написал:
Chief_Brody написал:
found some jucy nice new Gloves on the Market :)

you can have malevolence, precision, herald of agony, aspect of the spider and blasphemy all together? how?

because Despair reserves no mana :)

but it only works with a Enlighten 4 i think.
With a enlighten 3 maybe you delete precision to get it work

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