[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

Johny_Snow написал:
Spend 1 point to get the mana leech node in the lower right corner.

thanks good idea

also i will switch to divine flash version soon, it looks like much better that default with rare bow, just more expensive
QuadroTony написал:
Johny_Snow написал:
Spend 1 point to get the mana leech node in the lower right corner.

thanks good idea

also i will switch to divine flash version soon, it looks like much better that default with rare bow, just more expensive

for the divine flash you have to take into account the darkscorn that is from 100c to less than 1ex right now, the time jewel is at currently 35c, and the skill points investment. All of that if you have already chaos res capped. If you do not, i strongly sugget to annoint cleansed thoughts into your amulet or get a circle of nostalgia with +#% chaos res when affected by herald of agony.
Was trying to make Tailwind boots and got these:

pretty nice for now. :)
Can i use zodiac leather instead of assasin`s grab for crafting body ? 86+ ilvl
possible hunter affixes will be the same?
Hello, sorry to ask a stupid question, but where are you putting the divine flesh jewel? On your POB for it, it does not have a spot for it that I see.
Shuatahuma написал:
Hello, sorry to ask a stupid question, but where are you putting the divine flesh jewel? On your POB for it, it does not have a spot for it that I see.

Make sure you use the drop down in pob to select the divine flesh version. Also, the jewel node is down in the lower right corner of the skill tree by the "point blank" node. Point blank will turn into divine flesh as soon as you apply the jewel.
Servusjomei написал:
hi i am on upgrading stuff now and i rly dunno which i should focus first to get more dps.


on question to best playstyle do y always wait 5 seconds to relase arrorws or how do y do it? I do it always on bosses but smts i feel it has no impact...

dps is ok for mapping alone but in groups i feel rly like i do no dps at all

plzz dont suggest things that costs alot of ex only got 3 left ,-(

trying my luck again...

has anybody an idea to get dps up? Which item should i focus next? I tought buying a circle of nostalgia would help alot but dps still feels low.. (and it was 2ex the ring...)


The biggest DPS increase you can get is through a helm enchantment, the one with additional pod.
thank y!

One question regarding playstyle do y always wait 5 sec to release the arrow?

ANother question for the crafting section what does |Hunter| mean? Is this the name of the mod?
You don't have to wait 5 seconds. Look at your attacks per second stat, if you have 5 that means you only need to wait a second to charge fully.

Hunter is an item dropped from hunter influenced map, same as shaper influence. It can also be crafted with a hunter exalted orb.

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