[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

PathOfZwiebel написал:

is there a good second 6-link damage setup? Got an empty bow to fill

I use this with the amulet


I would use these gems for your boots

Последняя редакция: Deadwell#3026. Время: 31 янв. 2020 г., 12:29:05
Deadwell написал:
PathOfZwiebel написал:

is there a good second 6-link damage setup? Got an empty bow to fill

I use this with the amulet


I would use these gems for your boots

As a side note, you should definitely qual your Blink Arrow, the arrow speed from qual makes so huge difference.
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thedeathbeam написал:
Deadwell написал:
PathOfZwiebel написал:

is there a good second 6-link damage setup? Got an empty bow to fill

I use this with the amulet


I would use these gems for your boots

As a side note, you should definitely qual your Blink Arrow, the arrow speed from qual makes so huge difference.

Oh I missed that. Good catch
markuskanada написал:
lambλd написал:
Hello, i'm enjoying this build so far but im kinda stuck atm. As it's my only second build in this game, what would u guys change or improve becouse i feel like i still know very little about this game(have about 50ex to spare).

I think your gear looks really good to be honest. Like every item.
In which areas do you feel you are lacking? Defense or Offense?
So in terms of damage an obvious upgrade would be anointing 'Dirty Techniques' on your amulet. But then you need to work on your chaos resistance. Then you could get fenumus gloves and utilize aspect of the spider.

And wow, this is your second build in this game and your are owning this gear (double mod watchers alone is like 30-40 ex or not?) and even another 50 ex on the side? Not bad for a beginner :D

Thanks for the reply, the thing is that i dont really know where im lacking cos this is the first time i reached endgame and dont have a real reference point. I've looked into fenumus as i wouldnt mind more damage but that would mean redoing much stuff and i would have to put somewhere despair + blasphemy and i have nothing to put it in but for sure will look more into that. Atm i struggle with life regen when the blood rage is on and was thinking about getting more jewel slots in the tree but dont know where from should i pull the points off.
Hey there! This is my first time playing Scourge arrow (and first posting on the forums too), and i'm really liking it
I've made it to maps pretty recently, and it's been a blast.
However, i'm not feeling very durable agaisnt bosses (tried doing regular atziri, and died 5 times), i'm wondering if maybe it's because of my passive tree or my gear, or if i just need to level some more
Here's my PoB link if you want to check it out: https://pastebin.com/YGzZTUwY (This is using the Localldentity fork btw)
Thanks in advance
Simple. You have no chaos resistance anywhere on your gear. Even when using a rare bow chaos res is of utmost importance.
Hello, was just wondering if someone could help guide me in the right direction on what to do next. Mostly I could use some more survivability but I'm not sure on the best way to do that other than just level up and get more life.

POB - https://pastebin.com/ULzkrsLG
If you find yourself lacking in INT, a Fertile Mind jewel in the slot above Herbalism will give you 100+ INT
That jewel spot is very important for thread of hope though.
I use this with the amulet

I was looking for a damage setup like ballista or something idk, but thanks for the point out

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