[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

Последняя редакция: Saumon11#6021. Время: 31 дек. 2024 г., 1:08:32
Saumon11 написал:
Hi, I really like this build, but I have no idea how to calculate my dps on pob. If someone could have a look, I'd appreciate it. Also, tips on upgrades are welcome. Thanks

Character Name : LazyEagle

PoB Link : https://pastebin.com/5spxEebf

Edit: Wrong pob link

Check the configuring pob for your own character in main section, that should give you pretty accurate number.

QuadroTony написал:
is there any way/profit to increase max chaos res above 85?

also, is there also other ways to increase phys from hits taken as chaos dmg in addition to darkskorn?

Yeah, extra max chaos res is extra defense.

And for phys taken as chaos, yes, there is hunter body with 15% phys taken as chaos.

Enlil8 написал:
Would darkscorn be more viable for my build?

Darkscorn is extra defense, rare thicket bow is extra damage.

Ghargan написал:
Bento_ написал:
Is there a list somewhere on which types of helmets can roll the "Nearby Enemies have -9% to Chaos Resistance" modifier?
I crafted quite a few attempts on a Lacquered Helmet with the SA enchant only to conclude that that mod seems to be unavailable on that base, even though I saw no mention of it on POEDB.

I bought one, so you definitely can get it on a lacquered. :)

Also - Dirty Techniques or Corruption for anoint? Corruption seems better on paper, no? Or the 5% faster poison damage is that op?

And - does any small source of fire damage suffice for the cinderswallow? or is there a minimum to get?

Thanks )

Dirty Techniques is more damage, faster poisons is very valuable, and it also has muti and duration. And for cinder, any amount of fire dmage will do.
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1) so how to increase max chaos res above 85, any tips?

2) i found max on rare body can be 15 phys taken as chaos
what about one uniq body that have 30 phys taken as lightning? it will be the same yes, due to Divine Flash keystone?
QuadroTony написал:
1) so how to increase max chaos res above 85, any tips?

2) i found max on rare body can be 15 phys taken as chaos
what about one uniq body that have 30 phys taken as lightning? it will be the same yes, due to Divine Flash keystone?

1. You can get +1 max chaos res on hunter quiver, and also from glorious vanity on some nodes it transforms
2. Lightning coil? Well 30% phys taken as lightning would be stronger than 15% phys taken as chaos if it was not on such horrible body, rare with phys taken as chaos is def way better
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ok thanks
also will try to craft head
but there is few options

rare head - 10% phys as chaos

rare head - 20% phys as fire
rare head - 20% phys as cold
rare head - 20% phys as lightning

considering divine flash each elemental inc damage will be -50%
so all this affixes in theory must be equal to 10% phys as chaos
but it will took 2 affixes instead of 1
QuadroTony написал:
ok thanks
also will try to craft head
but there is few options

rare head - 10% phys as chaos

rare head - 20% phys as fire
rare head - 20% phys as cold
rare head - 20% phys as lightning

considering divine flash each elemental inc damage will be -50%
so all this affixes in theory must be equal to 10% phys as chaos
but it will took 2 affixes instead of 1

They are not all equal to 10% phys as chaos, because yes, you get 10% phys as chaos from all of them, but from the 20% ones you also get 10% phys as ele, and since we have like 0 phys dmg reduction, that 10% phys as ele still reduces incoming phys damage by quite a bit.
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I just notived that people run some sort of fire damage to increase damage by 10% from cinder flask, is that correct?
I am about to get the flask but i have 0 fire dmg atm. Should i replace the added chaos damage on my quiver for fire?
Loving this build and now I'm feeling pretty maxed out (~9.3m Thorn dps, 3.7m Release at 5 stage dps). I can comfortably say this build hasn't really been super expensive to min/max - the most expensive stuff are a few jewels and my chest piece. I really love the clear speed, and once you get enough dps, the boss damage is very smooth too. Also, I would add Vaal Grace as a definite option since it makes bosses/metamorphs a lot easier in my opinion.

Please let me know if any one has some tips on stuff I can improve on :)
This doesn't feel maxed out. Plenty of things to improve. The quiver is not that great because it lacks attack speed and a space for +chaos damage, has low physical damage, poor base. The boots lack tailwind/elusive/faster poisons. The belt has only one damage affix and poor resistances. The glove corruption is weak. Some jewels lack resistances or 7% life. The watcher's eye has only one good modifier out of 3. The body armor has low resistances. No level 6 awakened gems. Even the Darkscorn can get better with some divine orbs.
Последняя редакция: Johny_Snow#4778. Время: 3 февр. 2020 г., 2:00:20
A helmet I found in a "contains chaos items" delve node

Seems very strong defensively, now have around 45% total physical damage reduction, but clear speed is noticeably slower compared to my other helmet. Not sure yet if it's worth the tradeoff

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