[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

Bento_ написал:
Question for sanchezi and Artradis:
Did you get your belts through fossil crafting on a Hunter base or how did you do it?

I bought mine for a very hefty sum (my most expensive item). Crafting the belt I'm wearing (4xT1 + T3 resist and one open suffix) is probably unlikely, but worse tier (albeit still fine) variations of it are possibly craftable, but I haven't looked into belt crafting myself.
Bento_ написал:
Question for sanchezi and Artradis:
Did you get your belts through fossil crafting on a Hunter base or how did you do it?

I spent about 2 ex trying to craft a belt like this and was not having a lot of luck. I would get the +% increased life roll, but then only 1 resist or no chaos damage. I got fed up and started searching. I found mine for 12 ex.
artradis написал:

Hey, thanks for having a look, I actually completely ignored my coralito's so far ... switched to a perfect one and got a better CoN
. Cost me 4 Ex + 2 Ex in divines, since I need a max attribute roll for int requirements.
Thanks to my belt I get away without any additional int nodes on the tree or on jewels
I also switched to + life on my boots, since all that movement speed isn't that helpful ... I'm still at 140% now and withering step adds turbo boost anyways. But I was able to get Lethality in place of 3 life nodes. Still barely at 6k life, but now at 21.2 M dps with mirage archer.
Might try to fit a second damage Nostalgia, but that will require some investment for resistances...I would need 35 chaos resistance from somewhere. But I'm also wondering if all the damage is worth it and if it wouldn't be better to focus a bit more on + life. I still get oneshot sometimes, event with the massive amount of mitigation I have.
silas66 написал:
I feel like I'm in quite a good spot right now, but recently crafted some Embalmers with Despair Curse on Hit (3rd try!) and now I'm looking at what to go for next. Got some spare mana and gem slots, not sure what to do with them.
My PoB: https://pastebin.com/za1Pnhwx
Edit1: was old PoB
Edit2: added current Glorious Vanity jewel

Schmocke написал:
artradis написал:

Hey, thanks for having a look, I actually completely ignored my coralito's so far ... switched to a perfect one and got a better CoN
. Cost me 4 Ex + 2 Ex in divines, since I need a max attribute roll for int requirements.

That's a really nice ring!

Schmocke написал:

Thanks to my belt I get away without any additional int nodes on the tree or on jewels
I also switched to + life on my boots, since all that movement speed isn't that helpful ... I'm still at 140% now and withering step adds turbo boost anyways. But I was able to get Lethality in place of 3 life nodes. Still barely at 6k life, but now at 21.2 M dps with mirage archer.

I just recently switched to a pair of tailwinds with also elusive on crit, and it really feels nice. I might be mistaken but elusive from withered step is lost once you attack, whereas elusive from boots persists even when you are attacking. I feel very fast when clearing now anyway, and I've managed to drop my withered step entirely (atm in favour of a vaal grace, but I don't know if it's worth the 2x extra build-up time for running both vaal grace and vaal haste).

Schmocke написал:

Might try to fit a second damage Nostalgia, but that will require some investment for resistances...I would need 35 chaos resistance from somewhere. But I'm also wondering if all the damage is worth it and if it wouldn't be better to focus a bit more on + life. I still get oneshot sometimes, event with the massive amount of mitigation I have.

Hehe yes I think we're both past the entirely viable damage cap, but it's so fun to keep min-maxing, whilst still having a sufficient HP pool and good damage mitigations.
is scourge arrow still effective with not using chaos/poison support gems? i used to use the skill exclusively for uber elder as i just wasnt patient enough to kill uber with barrage. i am thinking i d be better vs sirus with scourge arrow also. these are my links i used in past with it, pre 3.9, would they still be as effective? i can certainly swap mirage archer for dmg on full life.

Shitysushi - Arrow shooting build.
Sendeliriante - hollow palmer
What's the biggest increase in dps for this build? I've only been playing this guy on the side, and I do like it, but he's just not there yet.

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Crafted the bow myself for about 30-40c, bought the helm for 30c, ring was 1 ex, and the chest was around 190c as -15 mana is rarer than I thought it would be, I probably would have been better off buying one.

Are gems going to be the biggest increase for this build?
IGN: Obsii

Would anyone mind checking my gear? I'm following this tree and build. I feel like I have better than average gear for level 79. I'm getting my ass kicked at level 11-13 tier maps. I'm at max resistance, but just getting hit a lot and getting killed faster than I can hit a potion.
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Things get up on me before I can charge the shot all the way and when I do charge the shot, it's not taking them down quickly.
Bmxant написал:
What's the biggest increase in dps for this build? I've only been playing this guy on the side, and I do like it, but he's just not there yet.

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Crafted the bow myself for about 30-40c, bought the helm for 30c, ring was 1 ex, and the chest was around 190c as -15 mana is rarer than I thought it would be, I probably would have been better off buying one.

Are gems going to be the biggest increase for this build?

Your biggest dps increase is going to come from wither stacks. I'm not seeing anything you have which is applying either withering touch with balistas or wither with multiple spell totem support.

Looking at your gems, you have like 3-4 different skills going on: scourge arrow, toxic rain, caustic arrow, etc. I think the guide does a good job of breaking down the progression of skill gems. Plague bearer is missing too which makes mapping a lot smoother.
chodenode написал:
Would anyone mind checking my gear? I'm following this tree and build. I feel like I have better than average gear for level 79. I'm getting my ass kicked at level 11-13 tier maps. I'm at max resistance, but just getting hit a lot and getting killed faster than I can hit a potion.
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Things get up on me before I can charge the shot all the way and when I do charge the shot, it's not taking them down quickly.

Around this level is when I converted to using a darkscorn and I haven't looked back. The chaos resist helps a lot in general, but having darkscorn makes you super tanky and you still do a lot of damage.

Biggest DPS upgrade for you would probably be a new quiver - even a basic drillneck would help a lot with your dps since your current quiver isn't adding much dps.

Another QoL upgrade would be moving to vaal grace to help with surviving or move to a vaal haste for increased dps.

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