[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

artradis написал:
Sanchezi написал:
So, I bought a few new toys:

Now, I'm sitting at ~31.4m dps with vile toxins.

My thoughts on vile toxins:

Once you get your damage high enough, this totally makes sense for all maps/bosses since you're ripping through content so fast.


I totally agree! I'm running the vile toxins variation even for Sirius now, as each phase becomes so quick with the huge damage values.

I'm currently at 46.2mil Shaper DPS with vile toxins. End-season goal is to reach 50mil (without dropping any defenses), but I've tweaked basically every knob I can found by know, so I don't know if I'll reach all the way (BiS boots enchants / better watcher's eye left, basically).

Well if you factor in the 20% more for thorn arrows from extra pod, you are at 50M already :) but damn dude those numbers are insane.
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thedeathbeam написал:
artradis написал:

I'm currently at 46.2mil Shaper DPS with vile toxins. End-season goal is to reach 50mil (without dropping any defenses), but I've tweaked basically every knob I can found by know, so I don't know if I'll reach all the way (BiS boots enchants / better watcher's eye left, basically).

Well if you factor in the 20% more for thorn arrows from extra pod, you are at 50M already :) but damn dude those numbers are insane.

Ah, I didn’t realize this was not included in POB. Do we also scale ‘Release at 5 stages’ damage somehow (‘Release at 6 stages’), or does this not scale at all (same ramp up time), or is this scaling hard to estimate?

So, if one has +1 spores enchantment, for accurate damage values, the following formulas hold?

- 1.2 * <thorn arrows dps> + <release at 5 stages dps> for vile toxins variation, and
- 1.276 * (1.2 * <thorn arrows dps> + <release at 5 stages dps>) for mirage archer variation.

Hehe yes this build has been a blast to try to optimize (for dmg whilst not sacrificing too much survivability), I’ve never stuck around for so far into a season before :) Thanks alot for the build! I second another poster who described that another huge pro with this build is that just keeps scaling into end-game with new possible upgrades, which really can be a key motivation to keep going late into the season.
Последняя редакция: artradis#5458. Время: 18 февр. 2020 г., 3:52:02
artradis написал:
thedeathbeam написал:
artradis написал:

I'm currently at 46.2mil Shaper DPS with vile toxins. End-season goal is to reach 50mil (without dropping any defenses), but I've tweaked basically every knob I can found by know, so I don't know if I'll reach all the way (BiS boots enchants / better watcher's eye left, basically).

Well if you factor in the 20% more for thorn arrows from extra pod, you are at 50M already :) but damn dude those numbers are insane.

Ah, I didn’t realize this was not included in POB. Do we also scale ‘Release at 5 stages’ damage somehow (‘Release at 6 stages’), or does this not scale at all (same ramp up time), or is this scaling hard to estimate?

So, if one has +1 spores enchantment, for accurate damage values, the following formulas hold?

- 1.2 * <thorn arrows dps> + <release at 5 stages dps> for vile toxins variation, and
- 1.276 * (1.2 * <thorn arrows dps> + <release at 5 stages dps>) for mirage archer variation.

Hehe yes this build has been a blast to try to optimize (for dmg whilst not sacrificing too much survivability), I’ve never stuck around for so far into a season before :) Thanks alot for the build! I second another poster who described that another huge pro with this build is that just keeps scaling into end-game with new possible upgrades, which really can be a key motivation to keep going late into the season.

Nah, the stages are fixed number, extra pod just adds 1 extra pod but not stages. So its only adding 20% more to thorn arrows, but not to primary projectile. And yeah those formulas look correct.

Np, I am really happy that people are enjoying it. And also that the build can be now actually upgraded with new influences and woke gems, because for example last league there were not many substantial upgrades you could do after getting core setup.
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thedeathbeam написал:
artradis написал:


- 1.2 * <thorn arrows dps> + <release at 5 stages dps> for vile toxins variation, and
- 1.276 * (1.2 * <thorn arrows dps> + <release at 5 stages dps>) for mirage archer variation.


Nah, the stages are fixed number, extra pod just adds 1 extra pod but not stages. So its only adding 20% more to thorn arrows, but not to primary projectile. And yeah those formulas look correct.

Alright, thanks. Then after hitting level 98 and adapting with these new formulas I guess I've met my final season goal :)

- 44.9mil Shaper DPS w/ Mirage Archer variation
- 53.9mil Shaper DPS w/ Vile Toxins variation


I will probably do some uberlab runs to see if I could hit that sweet 16% attack speed enchant for a final damage boost. I also have the Watcher's Eye update, which I can afford but I really like the one I have now ever since I dropped my Quartz flask (source of phasing).

thedeathbeam написал:

Np, I am really happy that people are enjoying it. And also that the build can be now actually upgraded with new influences and woke gems, because for example last league there were not many substantial upgrades you could do after getting core setup.

I totally agree. I followed your guide also the last season but end-game didn't offer nearly as many variants to try out. As of 3.9 end-game is awesome with this build (playing the game as well as min-maxing you character), optimizations never stop! :D

I will probably not play next season but I will try to summarize up all my optimizations as well as my final defense/offense numbers in a final post once this season is over, in case some other min-maxer would like something to aim at beating for the next season (in case we don't see too many nerfs; possibly even more goodie mechanisms instead.
Последняя редакция: artradis#5458. Время: 18 февр. 2020 г., 17:32:01
Hello guys, sorry but i'm very confused, i started playing 5 days ago, i followed this guide for the skill tree and now i'm level 60 (act 8), but i don't know what to do to follow this build :(
Randomaiz написал:
Hello guys, sorry but i'm very confused, i started playing 5 days ago, i followed this guide for the skill tree and now i'm level 60 (act 8), but i don't know what to do to follow this build :(

What do you mean? Are you having issues? Or? There are skill trees for every 10 levels so you can just follow that, and also the core setup is basically everything you need to make the build feel decent. Also can you make your profile public so we can see your character.
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thedeathbeam написал:
Randomaiz написал:
Hello guys, sorry but i'm very confused, i started playing 5 days ago, i followed this guide for the skill tree and now i'm level 60 (act 8), but i don't know what to do to follow this build :(

What do you mean? Are you having issues? Or? There are skill trees for every 10 levels so you can just follow that, and also the core setup is basically everything you need to make the build feel decent. Also can you make your profile public so we can see your character.

I think i set the profile to public. I have problems with gems, i don't know how to get them, i'm an uber noob :D sorry!
Последняя редакция: Randomaiz#5164. Время: 19 февр. 2020 г., 10:41:19
Randomaiz написал:
thedeathbeam написал:
Randomaiz написал:
Hello guys, sorry but i'm very confused, i started playing 5 days ago, i followed this guide for the skill tree and now i'm level 60 (act 8), but i don't know what to do to follow this build :(

What do you mean? Are you having issues? Or? There are skill trees for every 10 levels so you can just follow that, and also the core setup is basically everything you need to make the build feel decent. Also can you make your profile public so we can see your character.

I think i set the profile to public. I have problems with gems, i don't know how to get them, i'm an uber noob :D sorry!

If you are in act 8 already, then do Lily's quest in Act 6 she should have most of the gems. Alternatively do Siosa's Quest to unlock the library shop. Also for your bow, check Sash recipe:

1x Weapon
1x Blue or Rare Rustic Sash
1x Blacksmith's Whetstone


1x Weapon with (40 to 69%) Increased Physical Damage[6]

Just vendor your current bow with Rustic Sash and Blacksmiths Whetstone and you get way better weapon. You can also craft like attack speed on it after. Also check out essences on wiki, they are very helpful for adding stats to your gear for low investment.
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Thank you very much! You are very kind with me, i'll try to do all of this :)
Can someone explain me (like to the noob) step by step how to craft quiver. I am using hunter base lvl 84+ quiver and crafting with powerfull alchemical resonator + shuddering + abberant + corroded fossils - is it right.
After 11 attempts the best I had are

2nd one looks good but no life :(
I can add on bench but max is 55 life so not enough

Does it mean that my RNG is very bad and I have to keep trying the same way?? I don't want to waste too many fossils if I am not doing things right.

Or should I do something else ??

Thanks for any replay
Последняя редакция: Iceman079#0590. Время: 20 февр. 2020 г., 12:33:41

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