[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

Would a delve crafted bow be better than Darkscorn?
Sillenzedd написал:
Would a delve crafted bow be better than Darkscorn?

For damage, yes, for defense, no
My builds:
My site:
Changed to Devouring Diadem with Charisma cluster to solve accuracy, mana, crit and defense problem. also rounding out auras. Running max Precision with this setup.

Malevolence - Precision - Aspect of the Spider - Herald of Agony - Flesh and Stone

If i find an amulet with Malevolence mana reserved reduction, i can add one more aura. If i add another Circle of Nostalgia with Herald of Agony mana reduction, i can run Skitterbots on top of that. But i need to craft Aspect of the Spider on the boots lol.

Here is current tree with 5 auras.

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With Divine Flesh keystone, would Incandescent Heart be a good budget body Armour choice for the build?
Sillenzedd написал:
With Divine Flesh keystone, would Incandescent Heart be a good budget body Armour choice for the build?

Yeah incadescent is not the worst, but good luck putting anything inside of it because of the colors and the base. I guess wither totems would work inside tho. But incadescent also gives leech what is pretty valuable, and has decent life.
My builds:
My site:
thedeathbeam написал:
Sillenzedd написал:
With Divine Flesh keystone, would Incandescent Heart be a good budget body Armour choice for the build?

Yeah incadescent is not the worst, but good luck putting anything inside of it because of the colors and the base. I guess wither totems would work inside tho. But incadescent also gives leech what is pretty valuable, and has decent life.

Why not just put the gems into the bow?
I think after all I am going to start with Scourge Arrow again. Just too good for all content Only this time I play Toxic Rain into maps I think... too many struggles with SA during leveling :D

thedeathbeam написал:

Hello. Welcome to my Scourge Arrow build guide. So, let me start with saying that I really love Scourge Arrow. I tried quite a few variations of SA and I think I like this one the most.

Why? well, mostly thanks to Nature's Reprisal awesome poison proliferation. It solves a lot of problems that Scourge Arrow has, and that is having to charge to deal good damage, having issues with struggler monsters near walls and having issues with outputing damage consistently (because of constant charge/release playstyle). Nature's Reprisal solves this by proliferating all our poisons to nearby enemies when they die, so we just need to shoot once, and everything around dies, including rares and leaves no strugglers behind. And for bosses, well, our poisons last around 5 seconds and we run Mirage Archer so boss will be constantly dealt decent DoT damage, even when we are dodging.

Also, in 3.7 and 3.8 poison builds received huge buffs on tree, and Darkscorn (currently one of the best bows for this build) received huge buff as well. Scourge Arrow was buffed too (we no longer have any issues with doors) so now it actually feels great to play even in closed areas.


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25th February 2020
- Replaced Berserkering with another jewel socket
- Added Assassin tree

11th February 2020
- Replaced Stone Golem with Vaal Grace in regular setup
- Switched to LocalIdentity's fork for pastebin and added section about how to install it instead of regular PoB
- Updated configuring PoB section
- Removed workarounds in PoB that are not necessary anymore to calculate real DPS
- Added Pantheon to PoB

7th February 2020
- Added Divine Flesh to Iron Reflexes setup
- Switched Nature's Adrenaline to Master Alchemist for Iron Reflexes setup
- Fixed jewel setups for Divine Flesh and Iron Reflexes (removed old Rain of Splinters)

24th January 2020
- Removed 5 ballista tree
- Replaced Ballista totems with Wither totems
- Switched from Watchtowers to Unpredictable Offensive on tree
- Switched from 3 pointer scion jewel to Berserkering on tree
- Switched from stun avoidance Cinderswallow to damage taken leeched as life Cinderswallow
- Changed Split Arrow to Caustic Arrow in leveling section
- Fixed incorrect ordering of PoB configuration section (2nd point was "missing")
- Updated Pantheon

18th January 2020
- Added mention about LocalIdentity's fork to workarounds section
- Added new influenced mods to crafting section

14th January 2020
- Added mention of Impresence and Fenumu's Weave to end game optimization section
- Added mention of double Circle of Nostalgia to end game optimization section
- Added Death's Harp to leveling section

29th December 2019
- Added mention of life gained on hit rings and Devouring Diadem to end game optimization section

18th December 2019
- Replaced Two-Point quiver base with Broadhead quiver base
- Fixed temple spell dodge mod on boots

17th December 2019
- Added 5 ballista tree

15th December 2019
- Replaced Wither totems with Ballista totems
- Took Watchtowers node on tree
- Removed Golem's Blood and Dirty Techniques and switched to Art of the Gladiator and Bravery instead
- Added Rain of Splinters jewel
- Updated all trees with new version
- Updated leveling section with Scourge Arrow leveling
- Completely reworked leveling section structure
- Removed alternative Toxic Rain skill set
- Updated Skitterbots workaround to new nerfed values

12th December 2019
- Updated crafting section based on Delve changes
- Changed Lucent back to Serrated fossil for crafting - mana cost body

11th December 2019
- Updated trees to 3.9 version
- We lost around 8% of our end game damage becaue of Scourge Arrow nerf
- Scourge Arrow leveling is now better

23th Novement 2019
- Replaced Serrated with Lucent fossil for crafting - mana cost body

22th November 2019
- Replaced Stone Golem with Immortal Call in Iron Reflexes setup
- Lowered CWDT level to not trigger Molten Shell in Iron Reflexes setup (because it overrides Vaal Molten Shell and we dont want that)

15th October 2019
- Added Amulet anointments section

14th October 2019
- Added mention of Malevolence Watcher's Eye to End-game optimization section
- Added mention of Devoto's Devotion to End-game optimization section
- Replaced Jade flask with Quartz flask
- Added separate Iron Reflexes item set with Jade flask
- Replaced Phasing abyss jewel with regular jewel with life and poison damage in main setup (because of Quartz flask change)

2nd October 2019
- Changed Quiver base to Two-Point from Penetrating (as SA already pierces all targets)

20th September 2019
- Removed combined Divine Flesh and Iron Reflexes tree

16th September 2019
- Added combined Divine Flesh and Iron Reflexes tree

14th September 2019
- Removed Divine Flesh from default setup
- Added separate Iron Reflexes tree
- Added Iron Reflexes CWDT setup (with Molten Shell and Vaal Molten Shell)
- Added separate Divine Flesh tree
- Added separate Divine Flesh item setup
- Added Cleansed Thoughts to Divine Flesh setup
- Changed Darkscorn to Delve crafted rare Thicket Bow
- Replaced King of the Hill on tree with Avatar of the Hunt
- Switched from pathing to Bravery on tree to Dirty Techniques and Golem's Blood
- Switched all leveling trees to new default setup (no Divine Flesh)
- Switched from Added Chaos Damage with quality to level 21 Added Chaos Damage because levels on this support are more valuable
- Replaced Malevolence with Summon Skitterbots
- Removed Maim support from body armour
- Moved info from Gear alternatives to core setup section
- Replaced Darkscorn with Lioneye's Glare in core setup section
- Added "Crafting your own gear" section and moved some parts of Gear alternatives section to it
- Removed Gear alternatives section
- Added mention of Malevolence to End-game optimization section

12th September 2019
- Replaced Vaal Haste with Summon Stone Golem
- Replaced Frenzy + Curse on Hit setup with Plague Bearer and Increased Area of Effect setup
- Added level 10, 20, 30, 40 and 50 leveling trees
- Replaced end-game Drillneck quiver with quiver with frenzy generation to combat lose of Frenzy setup
- Updated leveling section with new gems

10th September 2019
- Completely revamped Leveling & Gearing section
- Added complete list of leveling gear usable from level 1 5 and 8 and from there to maps
- Cleaned up Path of Building section
- Changed Toxic Rain leveling section to be based more around DoT component for smoother leveling

9th September 2019
- Replaced Death's Harp and Death's Opus with Stormcloud and Tempest in leveling section
- Added Lioneye's Glare as alternative to Darkscorn to leveling section

8th September 2019
- Added Delve bow crafting section to Leveling & Gearing in case you need alternative for Darkscorn
- Added Embalmer pseudo 5 link section to leveling & gearing
- Replaced Dash with Withering Step

4th September 2019
- Replaced Vile Toxins with Unbound Ailments again because of the buffs to support gem
- Switched to - mana cost body instead of - mana cost rings in main build (as the mods on jewellery will be most likely slightly nerfed in 3.8 for channeled skills)
- Replaced Golem's Blood and Dirty Techniques in favour of Profane Chemistry (what now also has flask effect on it) and Method of Madness for damage and chaos resistance
- Replaced one rare ring to Circle of Nostalgia with hoag buff effect and chaos damage
- The new tree also now has 1 extra jewel socket, so that should be good in case you are lacking resists/stats
- Updated leveling section with Unbound Ailments
- Removed QoTF tree and setup
- Removed Tornado Shot setup
- Removed level 95 tree

- Replace Blink Arrow to Withering Step for movement
- Update leveling section with new gems after gem level reveal

Overall, from 3.8 changes the damage is now almost doubled, we have slightly less life and more movement speed and flask effect.

12th August 2019
- Added Content Done section

5th August 2019
- Fixed Toxic Rain setup (moved to body)
- Added Tornado Shot setup
- Added PoB configuration section

3rd August 2019
- Optimized end game tree
- Added level 95 tree
- Added some explanation for level 95 tree to PoB section
- Added 5way battle video
- Changed Immortal Call level to level 9 and CWDT to level 7
- Updated QoTF tree

31th July 2019
- Replaced Kintsugi with rare maim body
- Replaced Wind Dancer with Divine Flesh
- Replaced Atziri Step with rare ms + spell dodge boots
- Updated guide with changes after changing keystone

Here is old Kintsugi pastebin for people following that version of the build.

29th July 2019
- Replaced Atziri Promise with Cinderswallow Urn for main setup
- Changed boots enchant on Atziri's Step (as now we get stun avoidance from our flask)
- Changed Ascendancy nodes for QoTF setup (now it is using Nature's Adrenaline as well) and slightly changed tree to get missing evasion
- QoTF setup is now using Sin's Rebirth
- Starter setup is now using Atziri Promise (because its easily accessible)
- Completely dropped Maloney's Mechanism setup and went back to Drillneck for all versions for more damage, and also dropped Dash and Vaal Blight
- Replaced Steelskin with low level Immortal Call
- Added Dash to movement setup instead of Faster Projectiles
- Properly linked and colored items in PoB
- Moved PoB 6 link to Body (just visual change, it obviously doesn't matter, but to not confuse people, and as 6l body is now cheaper than 6l bow because Darkscron a bit spiked, it makes more sense)
- Added Death's Harp and Death's Opus to leveling section

8th July 2019
- Added Dash to main body setup (with Maloney's)
- Updated Pantheon section (added Garukhan, added some explanation for Soul of Lunaris/Solaris and Brine King and when to switch from Brine King)
- Added more notes for when to switch to SA when leveling, and also note about Infused Channeling

7th July 2019
- Replaced Panicked flask with Bubbling flask

4th July 2019
- Moved Steelskin to CWDT setup
- Moved Vaal Blight to Body Armour and added Increased Duration link to it
- No Maloney's setup is now not using Vaal Blight

28th Jun 2019
- Replaced Onslaught support with Pierce support for leveling
- Replaced Vile Toxins with Infused Channeling support

24th Jun 2019
- Switched from Point Blank node for Wind Dancer to Perfect Agony node
- Added body skill gem setup for no Maloney's Mechanism
- Switched Kintsugi + Wind Dancer setup to main setup
- Switched Wind Dancer ascendancy node to Nature's Adrenaline (from Master Alchemist)
- Switched Wind Dancer Alchemist's Jade Flask of Reflexes to Experimenter's Jade Flask of Heat
- Added level 90, 80, 70 and 60 trees

22th Jun 2019
- Added quill rain to leveling section
- Added Kintsugi + Wind Dancer setup
- Added Toxic Rain setup

21th Jun 2019
- Created the build
- Added info about Soul of Shakari and Darkscorn synergy

Pro's & Con's

+ Great single target. The build can reach 7M single target DPS with current setup after around 5 second ramp up (to calculate the DPS from PoB, add both Thorn Arrows and Release at 5 stages together and then multiply it by 1.28 for Mirage Archer).
+ Really good clear speed (because of Nature's Reprisal poison proliferation and Scourge Arrow hitting whole screens)
+ 206% increased movement speed (262% while Elusive)
+ 7K+ Life
+ 89% melee avoid chance, 89% projectile avoid chance, 62% spell avoid chance, 68% stun avoid chance
+ 8% less Chaos damage taken (thanks to Infused Channeling)
+ Permanent flask uptime (because of Nature's Boon)
+ Enemies are chilled (reduced action speed) thanks to Summon Skitterbots
+ Enemies are hindered (reduced movement speed) thanks to Wither
+ Can do all map mods
+ Can do all content (except Hall of Grandmasters)
+ Decent league starter, as it do not really requires anything to function, and can work just fine on Tabula

- Needs a lot of intelligence from gear
- Scourge Arrow playstyle takes some time getting used to
- Enemies do not die instantly so sometimes we can take some dangerous hits (we combat this with our high defenses)
- Life sustain can be troublesome before getting Cinderswallow Urn

Content Done

- All guardians
- All conquerors
- Atziri
- Uber Atziri
- Mastermind
- Shaper
- Elder
- Uber Elder
- Sirus
- 5 way battle
- Delve depth 600+

My characters using this build

- Legion character
- Blight character
- Metamorph character

Path of Building

Path of Building is tool for PoE to plan gear, skill tree and calculate effective damage. It also contains Bandits and Pantheon choice. You can download it here. The guide is tailored for modified version of PoB with some additional features so after you download regular PoB head here for installation instructions for modified version. After that simply import below Pastebin URL into PoB:


Navigating through PoB (important, read carefully)

There are trees for level 100, 90, 80, 70, 60, 50, 40, 30, 20 and 10. Bear in mind that low level trees are optimized for my playstyle and do not really prioritze taking a lot of life early.

There are also 3 special trees:
- Divine Flesh: This tree is utilizing Divine Flesh keystone in order to improve our defenses. Divine Flesh makes 50% of elemental damage to be taken as chaos damage and also grants us 10% additional maximum chaos resistance (so 85%). With Divine Flesh and Darkscorn, this effectivelly makes us take 20% less elemental damage, 10% less physical damage and 40% less chaos damage. To get Divine Flesh, simply get Glorious Vanity jewel with modifier Bathed in the blood of (100-8000) sacrificed in the name of Xibaqua. The number of jewel does not matter, only the name is important.
- Iron Reflexes: This tree is modified Divine Flesh setup utilizing Iron Reflexes keystone to transform all evasion into armour. We then further utilize this to boost our Molten Shell and Vaal Molten Shell (as more armour provides more HP "buffer" for these skills). This changes our whole defense to revolve around drastically reducing incoming damage instead of avoiding it, making it more reliable and better for hardcore characters. We also get elemental ailment immunity from Master Alchemist.
- Assassin: This tree is for Assassin instead of Pathfinder. It has more damage, less life, more dodge and without source of corpse explosions worse clear.

Use dropdown in bottom left corner of Tree section in PoB to cycle between the trees.

There are 4 item sets:
- Default: This is regular version utilizing rare delve crafted bow
- Divine Flesh: This is item setup for Divine Flesh version of the build (see trees section above) utlizing Darkscorn what makes us take some physical damage as chaos damage and also utilizing amulet with Cleansed Thoughts annointment. Cleansed Thoughts is hidden passive added in 3.8 what doubles our chaos resistance making capping chaos resistance pretty easy
- Iron Reflexes: This is modified divine flesh version using Jade flask instead of Quartz flask to increase armour even more and also using slightly different boots with more life and life regen
- Starter: This setup is designed for league start, using Tabula Rasa as body armor for easy 6 link, Drillneck as cheap and very powerful quiver and Lioneye's Glare and powerful and cheap bow

There are 2 boots skill gem sets:
- Default: This is setup using Immortal Call with Cast when Damage Taken support to temporarily boost our defense whenever we get hit
- Iron Reflexes: This setup is using Molten Shell and Vaal Molten Shell together with Immortal Call linked to Cast when Damage Taken to drastically boost our effective health pool whenever we get hit based on our armour. We self-cast vaal version, and immortal call is triggered

How to configure PoB for your own character

After importing your character to PoB, follow these steps to properly configure it to show your actual stats:

1. Switch to your Scourge Arrow setup (still in Main Skill section) and select Thorn Arrows in dropdown under skill
2. Enable all flasks in items section and switch to configuration section
3. Set Is enemy boss? to Shaper/Guardians
4. Check Do you use Frenzy Charges?
5. Check Is the enemy Chilled? if you are using Skitterbots
6. Check Is the enemy Shocked? and set Effect of Shock to 18 if you are using Skitterbots
7. Check Is the enemy Blinded?
8. Check Is the enemy Ignited?
9. Check Is Infusion active?
10. Set # of Withered stacks to 15
11. Set # of Virulence stacks to 40
12. Set # of Poison on enemy to 40


For your major god Soul of Lunaris is good pick as we are dodge build and extra dodge is always helpful. For bosses Soul of Solaris is very effective as well.

For your minor god Soul of Soul Garukhan is good choice because again, we are evasion/dodge based build, and extra dodge is always good. Another good option is Ralakesh to reduce dot from Blood Rage and to get Blind and Maim immunity. Valid options are also Ryslatha for extra charges for life flask and extra life recovery from it and Soul of Shakari for poison immunity and reduced chaos damage taken (what is basically also reduced physical and elemental damage taken if you are using Darkscorn and Divine Flesh).


Get Nature's Reprisal first. Then get Master Toxicist and Nature's Adrenaline for some damage and mobility and finally get Nature's Boon from Uber Lab.

Leveling and gearing

Leveling gear

Gem progression

The gems and setup below are sorted both horizontally and vertically based on priority, where stuff on right and bottom is less important in each level breakpoint section. Gem names that are italic are the ones that change since previous level breakpoint.

Level 1
3 link - Caustic Arrow, Pierce, Lesser Poison

Level 4
3 link - Caustic Arrow, Pierce, Lesser Poison
1 link - Dash
1 link - Steelskin

Level 8
5 link - Caustic Arrow, Pierce, Lesser Poison, Void Manipulation, Unbound Ailmentts
1 link - Dash
1 link - Steelskin

Level 10
5 link - Caustic Arrow, Pierce, Lesser Poison, Void Manipulation, Unbound Ailments
2 link - Wither, Spell Totem
1 link - Blink Arrow
1 link - Precision
1 link - Withering Step
1 link - Steelskin

Level 12
5 link - Toxic Rain, Lesser Poison, Mirage Archer, Void Manipulation, Unbound Ailments
2 link - Wither, Spell Totem
1 link - Blink Arrow
1 link - Precision
1 link - Withering Step
1 link - Steelskin

Level 16
5 link - Toxic Rain, Lesser Poison, Mirage Archer, Void Manipulation, Unbound Ailments
2 link - Wither, Spell Totem
1 link - Blink Arrow
1 link - Precision
1 link - Herald of Agony
1 link - Summon Skitterbots
1 link - Withering Step
1 link - Steelskin
1 link - Blood Rage

Level 18
5 link - Toxic Rain, Lesser Poison, Deadly Ailments, Mirage Archer, Unbound Ailments
3 link - Wither, Spell Totem, Faster Casting
1 link - Blink Arrow
1 link - Precision
1 link - Herald of Agony
1 link - Summon Skitterbots
1 link - Withering Step
1 link - Steelskin
1 link - Blood Rage

Level 24
5 link - Toxic Rain, Lesser Poison, Deadly Ailments, Mirage Archer, Unbound Ailments
3 link - Wither, Spell Totem, Faster Casting
1 link - Blink Arrow
1 link - Precision
1 link - Herald of Agony
1 link - Summon Skitterbots
1 link - Plague Bearer
1 link - Despair
1 link - Withering Step
1 link - Steelskin
1 link - Blood Rage

Level 28
6 link - Scourge Arrow, Lesser Poison, Deadly Ailments, Mirage Archer, Infused Channeling, Unbound Ailments
3 link - Wither, Spell Totem, Faster Casting
1 link - Blink Arrow
1 link - Precision
1 link - Herald of Agony
1 link - Summon Skitterbots
1 link - Plague Bearer
1 link - Despair
1 link - Withering Step
1 link - Steelskin
1 link - Blood Rage

Level 31
6 link - Scourge Arrow, Added Chaos Damage, Poison, Deadly Ailments, Mirage Archer, Infused Channeling
3 link - Wither, Spell Totem, Faster Casting
1 link - Blink Arrow
1 link - Precision
1 link - Herald of Agony
1 link - Summon Skitterbots
1 link - Plague Bearer
1 link - Despair
1 link - Withering Step
1 link - Steelskin
1 link - Blood Rage

Level 38
6 link - Scourge Arrow, Added Chaos Damage, Poison, Deadly Ailments, Mirage Archer, Infused Channeling
4 link - Wither, Spell Totem, Multiple Totems, Faster Casting
1 link - Blink Arrow
1 link - Precision
1 link - Herald of Agony
1 link - Summon Skitterbots
1 link - Plague Bearer
1 link - Despair
1 link - Withering Step
3 link - Immortal Call, Increased Duration, Cast when Damage taken
1 link - Summon Stone Golem
1 link - Blood Rage

After you get enough poison chance (what means 100% with Corallito up without Poison support in your links), replace Poison support with Unbound Ailments support in Scourge Arrow links.

Core setup

After you will be done with leveling, your core item setup will look something like this:

Try to get Scourge Arrow creates an additional spore pod at Maximum Stages enchant on helmet as soon as possible, it makes the build feel a lot better (see Media section).

If you do not have Tabula Rasa but you have Embalmer Carnal Mitts and you want at least 5 link, put your setup inside Embalmer, with Vile Toxins from it you will have 5 link.

If you are done with leveling and you do not have Corralito's and your poison chance is not 100%, respec some points on tree and make sure to grab some extra nodes for poison chance, this is very important.

Amulet anointments

Anointments are a new type of enchanting gear introduced in Blight league. To anoint an item, simply take it to Sister Cassia. Only Blight uniques and amulets can be anointed with Notables from tree.

Here is list of useful anointments for this build:
- Freedom of Movement (Clear Oil, Sepia Oil, Violet Oil): This anoint is very useful from early to midgame and very strong for its price. Its also very good if you just simply want some more dodge and movement speed
- Warrior's Blood (Teal Oil, Teal Oil, Black Oil): Another very good cost effective anointment, very useful if you lack some life regen and strength
- Dirty Techniques (Silver Oil, Amber Oil, Amber Oil): The single highest DPS node on the tree for this build, really worth it if you can afford it
- Corruption (Crimson Oil, Black Oil, Black Oil): Provides really a lot of damage for relatively low price
- Vitality Void (Clear Oil, Silver Oil, Golden Oil): As we are poison build, we do not really have that high hits so to cap our leech we need to invest. Vitality Void is ideal for this, and helps if you feel like you are lacking sustain
- Soul Raker (Sepia Oil, Verdant Oil, Silver Oil): Very similar to Vitality Void except it is cheaper and also probably provides more leech on average
- Discipline and Training (Black Oil, Silver Oil, Silver Oil): "Beefy" node if you just want some extra EHP
- Lucidity (Amber Oil, Violet Oil, Silver Oil): Decent damage node and very good node if you are having mana issues or missing a bit of flat mana reduction to get SA cost to 0
- Disciple of the Unyielding (Violet Oil, Crimson Oil, Opalescent Oil): Very good defensive node that grants us some endurance charges on kill and mininum endurance charge (it's better for Iron Reflexes version, but works on all of them)
- Cleansed Thoughts (Clear Oil, Azure Oil, Golden Oil): Doubles your chaos resistance, very good if you have issues with capping it in Divine Flesh version
- Hardened Scars (Teal Oil, Black Oil, Golden Oil): Very strong node that basically gives the build permanent Fortify (if you use Hybrid enduring flask)
- Soul of Steel (Golden Oil, Golden Oil, Golden Oil): Extremely strong node for Iron Reflexes version of the build, gives us max res and some phys reduction and armour

Crafting your own gear

For crafting we will be using fossils and resonators. Fossils are a currency introduced in Delve league that can be obtained most commonly from Delve as well. Based on the fossil type, they improve odds of certain mods to be rolled and also add their own special mods.

Unless the Item Base says otherwise use a regular base (so not Shaped or Elder ones). The reasoning for using normal bases are that both Shaped and Elder bases add some extra mods, and unless we are aiming for some of them, they are just adding unnecessary clutter to the pool of mods, making desirable result less likely.

Mods with * before are important, if you do not hit them, just reroll.
Mods with [<influnence>] at start are optional if you want to invest a bit more into making your gear better. They require respective influenced bases.

Crafting poison bow

Item base: iLvl 83+ Thicket Bow (optional: use Perfect Fossil for 28-30 quality or Hillock)
Fossils: Corroded Fossil, Aberrant Fossil, Metallic Fossil
Mod priority:
1. * 60% chance for Poisons inflicted with this Weapon to deal 100% more Damage
2. * Adds (47–72) to (98–123) Chaos Damage
3. Empty prefix to craft +(33–40)% to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier on crafting bench
3. (14–16)% increased Attack Speed
4. Any of the other poison mods (duration/damage)

Crafting - mana cost body

Item base: iLvl 86+ Assassin's Garb (or iLvl 100 Sacrifical Garb from The Sacrifice divination card)
Fossils: Serrated Fossil, Pristine Fossil
Mod priority:
1. * Socketed Attacks have -15 to Total Mana Cost
2. +(120–129) to maximum Life
3. [Hunter] (11–15)% of Physical Damage from Hits taken as Chaos Damage (if you use Divine Flesh version)
4. [Hunter] Every 5 seconds, Regenerate 15% of Life over one second
5. Regenerate 1% of Life per second

Crafting frenzy quiver

Item base: iLvl 64+ Broadhead Arrow Quiver
Fossils: Corroded Fossil, Shuddering Fossil
Mod priority:
1. [Hunter] +(21–25)% to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier
2. * (3–5)% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge when you Hit a Rare or Unique Enemy
3. (30–40)% increased Damage with Ailments
4. +(90–99) to maximum Life
5. [Hunter] +1% to maximum Chaos Resistance (if you use Divine Flesh version)
6. (11–13)% increased Attack Speed
7. Empty prefix to craft Adds (6–8) to (14–18) Chaos Damage to Attacks on crafting bench
8. Adds (4–6) to (9–10) Physical Damage to Attacks

Crafting - chaos resistance helmet

Item base: iLvl 64+ Lion Pelt
Fossils: Aberrant Fossil, Pristine Fossil
Mod priority:
1. * Nearby Enemies have -9% to Chaos Resistance
2. +(90–99) to maximum Life
3. Regenerate 1% of Life per second

End-game optimization

If you want way more damage and you are willing to invest a bit, you can get Vicious Projectiles + Delve mod bow like this (you will lose some QoL because you will not have - mana cost from body anymore so your SA mana cost will be high). Warning! Since 3.9 bow like this is legacy and can be obtained only in Standard:

If you are struggling with hitting the boss with all pods, you can get quiver like this with extra arrow:

To improve clear speed, you can get Embalmer's with Despair on hit corruption, the difference between everything being cursed with despair is very very noticeable (you can also drop self-cast despair for something else now if you want):

If you want to improve clear speed even more, you can grab Devoto's Devotion. That will make you move faster and also make your Mirage Archer shoot faster:

If you feel like you need more sustain/survivability and you are willing to invest, you can grab some rings with life gain on hit mods like these:

If you think you need more damage and you are able to spare some unreserved mana for Aspect of Spider, you can run Fenumus' Weave as gloves (and Impresence with Despair reservation as getting despair on hit Fenumus would be pretty hard):

If you still need even more damage and you can cap your resists without both rings, you can run double Circle of Nostalgia:

If you lack mana sustain and/or you feel like you need slightly more defense, you can grab Devouring Diadem as helmet and reserve Flesh & Stone on top of auras we already use:

If you can get Watcher's Eye with Unaffected by Bleeding while affected by Malevolence if using Malevolence (or Corrupted Blood cannot be inflicted on you corruption on jewel) you can replace life flask with Forbidden Taste (if you have capped chaos resistance with Divine Flesh) or Blood of the Karui (with Forbidden Taste you can replace your Quartz flask with Jade flask):

For tree optimizations, if you can get enough Intelligence and Strength from gear, you can remove Primal Spirit from tree and instead either take more life or damage (so for example Lethality cluster) or extra jewel socket. For example I get all my stat requirements just from amulet and one ring:

You can save quite a lot of points on tree with Very Large Ring Thread of Hope near 2 big bow nodes by skipping a lot of nodes and taking Revenge of the Hunted, Heart of Oak, Swift Venoms and Hunter's Gambit:


If you have enough unreserved mana and you feel comfortable with it, you can replace Summon Skitterbots with Malevolence for more damage and also grab Watcher's Eye with Malevolence mods:


Beachhead Lvl 84
Phantasmagoria/Cells Lvl 85
Crystal Ore Lvl 88
Esh's Breachstone Lvl 88
Tul's Breachstone Lvl 88
Pit of the Chimera Lvl 88
Glacier Monolith Farming Lvl 90
Vaal Temple Lvl 90
Elder Burial Chambers Lvl 94 (Tornado Shot)
Cage Lvl 72 (Mapping with Plague Bearer)
Lair of the Hydra Lvl 90 (Vicious Projectiles bow + Devoto)

Warlord Lvl 80
Redeemer Lvl 82
Hunter Lvl 84
Metamorph Level 80
Atziri Lvl 88
Red Elder Lvl 91
Shaper Lvl 91
Elder Lvl 92
2 way battle Lvl 94 (Tornado Shot)
5 way battle Lvl 93 (with HoAG disabled by accident)

Delve Depth 364 Lvl 94 (Tornado Shot)
Ahuatotli Delve Depth 483 Lvl 95

Difference between having and not having SA enchant on helmet
Mapping with Lightning Warp + Asenath's Chant
Siege Ballista only clearing
Can someone take a look at my build and give me advice on how to improve? i need more dps i feel like, i cant beat some bosses. i have around 25ex to upgrade for.

thanks :)
Enlil8 написал:
Can someone take a look at my build and give me advice on how to improve? i need more dps i feel like, i cant beat some bosses. i have around 25ex to upgrade for.

thanks :)

Well, I would start with your circle. You really want one with double damage affixes, because atm it has 0. If you want to keep flesh & stone, get amulet with reduced mana reservation for malevolence. Also you can definitely get way better quiver, ideally with frenzy generation. With divine flesh, grab Forbidden Taste, its pretty good, instead of Blood of the Karui. Also look at some Thread of hope options.
My builds:
My site:

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