[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

i am still thinking about which one better evasion or armour base.

Can someone help me:D?
Последняя редакция: Pl4yDead#2915. Время: 12 марта 2020 г., 18:55:56
gokudin написал:

I kinda agree with that, almost all my league starters use unique weapons so and when I tried one that use fossil crafting I just start feeling bad to not choose it, its too much easy to make a weapon able to clear all content using the fossil crafting

So just to get this right.. You feel bad about fossil crafted weapons because it's easy to make them, but you're okay using Uniques, because they're.. Unique and "hard to get"?
Последняя редакция: dizika#3503. Время: 13 марта 2020 г., 3:37:40
Think I'll start the league with SA Pathfinder again, can't be bothered to look for another build right now and won't be playing a lot in the next weeks, considering Doom Eternal releases next Friday.
The crafting changes suck a bit... now you can't make a delve bow to progress from lionseye but you have to go for darkscorn directly, which is expensive...
dizika написал:
gokudin написал:

I kinda agree with that, almost all my league starters use unique weapons so and when I tried one that use fossil crafting I just start feeling bad to not choose it, its too much easy to make a weapon able to clear all content using the fossil crafting

So just to get this right.. You feel bad about fossil crafted weapons because it's easy to make them, but you're okay using Uniques, because they're.. Unique and "hard to get"?

The feeling of losing an opportunity for a better league start. And yes it was kinda easy to make a rly good weapon with fossils at league start when you reach maps.

And start a build counting with a unique item is more risky.

I think its more ballanced now, and if they add those mods in crafting bench it will be good
Started using this build last league but sadly only got through Act 2 due to other games and other factors. Was just wondering if this build would still be good for leveling through and getting gear for other builds?

If that's the case, are there any major changes to how the build is structured other than the Delve changes?
i'm at 30 it was kinda hard to kill bosses till got scourge arrow, already complete the first lab lets see if things get better now
Scourge Arrow seems extremely clunky to play, why the heck is it a channeling skill :(
LegendaryMewtwo написал:
Scourge Arrow seems extremely clunky to play, why the heck is it a channeling skill :(

with more atk speed it will be rly nice ;)

Edit: You are at 38 without the first lab, just run it ASAP it will make your life much more easy with sourge. keep in mind that you must use your flasks as much as you can, keep at least 3 utility flask with you, those dont stop if you are full life/mana
Последняя редакция: gokudin#0551. Время: 14 марта 2020 г., 14:15:42
Great build, deathbeam. I played it as my main last league (my first league) and got to t16s and killed Sirus with it.

Just curious, are you planning to update this throughout the league? I'm interested to see if you would change things with the new cluster jewels and crafting workarounds.
switched from toxic rain to scourge arrow and i feel im doing like 0 dmg to bosses, with lvling uniquesm with toxic rain they are melting.

using quill rain and some lvling uniques, but everything in 4 link.

I really hope it will get better in future :|

PS. Do i always need to wait 5 stacks before release?
Последняя редакция: flyingcorpse#2593. Время: 15 марта 2020 г., 7:33:23

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