[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play
Here is my pastebin https://pastebin.com/kkSms3uR
I went the route of eventually upgrading to Darkscorn and all other end game items, tbh I didnt think I'd ever be able to afford most of the stuff to really push this build to its fullest. But with a little luck and dedication after a week I'm basically almost geared.. Couple little things here and there. Awakening gems aren't that expensive, and getting 20 quality on Infused Channeling is really important for the buff effect to have more or less permanent up-time.
In terms of single target dps to bosses, you really need the aid of the withered effect, to push it to its highest possibility, tho stuffing totems mid fight seems like a pain in the ass, and can often times just insta die. But getting practice in with placement and kiting will really start to show the difference in what most people are missing regarding dps. From my tool tip DPS without wither is 2.8 ish. With wither I'm pushing 4.7.
I've been thinking of running withering touch on HoAG and dropping precision all together, for me this is a DPS loss of 320K, but if you factor in having withered on them almost always from Herald, I think it definitely outweighs the DPS loss. I think for most people this will be more practical. I also wanted to see how this held up (for the old content before awakener bonus was a thing) and the Health bosses have without it, seems to melt so much faster. For obvious reasons, MORE health modifiers on bosses makes DPS looks very slow. So in the newest form of the atlas builds with DPS in the 2m-3m mark look very slow and weak. When in reality those modifiers just make bosses insanely chunky.
In essence builds like this are kinda outdated. You really need to be abusing the meta game to push shit into ridiculous levels to really shine. But for everything else this builds slaps.
You can even toss in a level 3 enlighten to get that extra bit of mana, unless you havent hit the craft on the armor base, your mana situation will always be shit. So getting this piece is by far the most important piece of gear next to darkscorn/timeless jewel. for the reduction set up.
I've also found dash with second wind gem to be superior to BA in every way, faster cd speed, and basically will always have it available to use. I find BA to be clunky on certain terrains anyways, dash just feels so good.
TLDR: Withered = actual dps. Without it. You'll be watching paint dry. Also awakener health scaling OP.
I'm having a bit of trouble with this build regarding the single target boss damage. My clear speed is amazing, survivability is good but during bosses I suffer a lot. My wither totem uptime is mediocre, the damage done to bosses is abysmal and due to it I quickly run out of flask charges which in turn leads to me having mana problems which destroys my dps even further. For example Awakening 5 Sirus took me 15 minutes to kill. I simply didn't do any damage. Everything I gain from the hyper clearspeed is lost on map bosses taking minutes to kill.
So I'm approaching this thread in hopes of getting some guidance. I'm obviously doing something wrong with my build but I don't understand what. There must be some tidbit missing from my build that makes it all click together. If it turns out that everything is fine with the build I would then appreciate some general direction where to head with it with upgrades. There are some I can easily point out by myself but I don't know what's the correct order for the maximum effect of increasing dps and single target damage.
Things to improve:
-Awakened chaos damage
-Awakened unbound ailments
-Awakened deadly ailments
-Better glorious vanity to allocate Revitalising Darkness
-Thread of hope maybe? (Would also require revamping my resistances)
-Cluster jewels? (Haven't really read up on them yet)
-Amulet anointment (Dirty techniques?)
-Cinderswallow (Although I still don't completely understand what it synergises well with in this build. Also not dps, only survivability?)
Below is my pob. For some reason it doesn't show the glorious vanity I have used to socket divine flesh.
Your POB settings where wrong, some of the values where not set (Like wither/Poison stacks /shock effect from skitter bots -- Herald of Agony/infusion not active. With that all set you're at 4.7mil.
Also you had 5 stages set and not Thorn Arrows, which is where the dps is coming from.
Aside from the upgrades you mentioned a chest with -15 to mana cost is reeeeally important, and the -9 chaos helm is a good dps increase. Otherwise you're sitting pretty. Also +20% dmg with poison/max life jewels are a good bump of dps.
You'll definitely want more health later on, as phase acro is only good if you can actually tank big hits. :P
also a quiver like this (just copy and paste this into a custom item in POB)
Eagle Stinger
Broadhead Arrow Quiver
Unique ID: 0ffb34a71728d0b206738500bf479e1d75f01b8d81800567f6c33966f87ea7cb
Item Level: 86
LevelReq: 64
Implicits: 1
Adds 6 to 12 Physical Damage to Bow Attacks
+25% to Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier
Adds 7 to 13 Cold Damage to Attacks
36% increased Global Critical Strike Chance
+81 to maximum Life
1.05% of Physical Attack Damage Leeched as Life
{crafted}11% increased Attack Speed
Will increase dps substantially from where you are. around 642K.
Последняя редакция: karmavore#5329. Время: 1 апр. 2020 г., 2:02:52
Hello. Thanks for the build I'm having fun. I've few questions however.
- On comparison between Critical Chance and Multiplier for our build. PoB says it is better to stack multiplier because of the Perfect Agony, I understand that. But.. do I have to critic enemies to have critical DoTs or DoTs itself can critic on their own ? So.. do I need the Critical Chance ?
- Second question is about comparison Chaod DoT Multiplier between Chaos Damage. I want to have one of these on my amulet and I'm bit confused. Here is the comparison of both in PoB with scaled fair affix ratio. Which one I should get ? Or should I get CC or CCMultiplier on amulet instead ?
Thank you so much !!
Последняя редакция: BatuBaker#3429. Время: 3 апр. 2020 г., 11:03:58
Could you please post a screen shot of the passive tree?
Sorry I'm a pleb and don't have a PC,so I don't have pob.
Thanks for the guide OP I really like how you laid out the skills and links based on leveling progress
Credits to @LawsonGD for this idea of crafting armor. 4 uses of Pristine, Lucent and Serrated gave me this armor, while 10+ tries with just 2 fossils went horrible.
I was rage-spamming a maraketh bow for a bleed gladiator with chaos orbs after not getting what i wanted from a bunch of fossils. landed on this, was wondering if it would be worth anything to anyone. Figured a scourge arrow build would be most likely to get some use out of it. Should I roll over, or sell?
Hi, im sorry if this is a dumb/obvious question, about to hit maps and trying to understand some things as a new player.
Why don't we want to link anything to Herald of agony? My agony crawler does alot of damage, so why we don't want to enhance it confuses me.
Related to that, I looked at a few other builds that do link HoA, but alot of them recommend Vicious projectiles/Vile toxins. The agony crawler does not inherit your poison chance right? So why would we want to link those to it.
I was wondering if someone who has this build on a sweet spot could answer me just couple of questions?
1. Can I clear 20/20 wave simulacrums?
2. Sirus 8, all t16+ awakener 8?
3. Is it hard to get to lvl 95 without dying too much?
4. For High end sweet spot, given todays market how many exalted am I looking at more or less?
I was wondering if someone who has this build on a sweet spot could answer me just couple of questions?
Thanks in advance!
Ch3ck написал:
1. Can I clear 20/20 wave simulacrums?
Ch3ck написал:
2. Sirus 8, all t16+ awakener 8?
Ch3ck написал:
3. Is it hard to get to lvl 95 without dying too much?
Reaching 95 is ok, for 98 you may need to be stricter in what you run whilst aiming to grab a level.
Ch3ck написал:
4. For High end sweet spot, given todays market how many exalted am I looking at more or less?
With emphasis on high end, 30 ex should get you to a very good state w.r.t. the questions above, but this build can continue to scale if you are into further min-maxing (in which case the budget becomes very high). 10-20 ex will get you to and OK state.