[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play
canonselphycp400 написал:
Thanks for the quick replies. So if I used an iLvl 85 bow, will the seeds have to be monster Lvl 85 as well? I'm only finding mostly ilvl 83 and I already used an ilvl 85 bow :(
I think so
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Hey, it's my second time around using your build and I'm loving it, I just have a couple questions:
1. Is the vaal grace that useful in the cwdt setup?
2. will you be adding a section on Harvest crafting?
Thanks and good luck
1. You self cast vaal grace, its in cwdt setup just to share link with increased duration. And yes, vaal grace is pretty op vaal skill.
2. I think so, but later in the league after I will have better idea of what is good and what not.
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Thanks for the quick replies. So if I used an iLvl 85 bow, will the seeds have to be monster Lvl 85 as well? I'm only finding mostly ilvl 83 and I already used an ilvl 85 bow :(
Just to confirm it wasn't letting you use lvl 83 seeds on an 85 bow?
Thanks for the quick replies. So if I used an iLvl 85 bow, will the seeds have to be monster Lvl 85 as well? I'm only finding mostly ilvl 83 and I already used an ilvl 85 bow :(
Just to confirm it wasn't letting you use lvl 83 seeds on an 85 bow?
I didn't try but that seems to be the case with other items. Also you need to run area level 83 to progress their growth cycles.
Thanks again for the guide. Been following and am fairly comfortable so far in doing t11-13. Duskblight was a good addition. Having some problems on knowing when to switch to cluster jewels now that crafting is nerfed though. Slightly unfortunate.
I was looking at the new cluster weightings and at least touch of cruelty + uholy grace + unvawering evil + 2 sockets looks like reasonable craft (those 3 notables are most common and also all good for this build). You can also made 2 notable + 2 jewel socket without uholy grace and then use harvest craft for adding caster mod for guaranteed uholy grace.
Same with mediums, you can guarantee Spiked Concontion for example with Harvest craft. I think when you take harvest into account and farming correct crafts, it should not be that bad.
awawawawa написал:
Hi 1st of all thanks for the awesome build.
I have some questions and sorry if some of these were already answered on the previous pages.
1st of all i ahvent done the last lab so i need that anti freeze
Do u think witchfire brew is ok to replace atziris promise?
Do i need +1 arrow quiver and replace my current +chaos mult quiver?
What should be the next upgrade for about 1ex budget if u dont mind recommending me?
Thanks again this is my 1st league to start as a PF and am enjoying it thanks to you.
Yea, if you dontwant to self cast despair, witchfire brew is more than fine.
For +1 arrow, no you dont need it *that* much, but it helps a lot.
If you have 1 ex budget, you can maybe start crafting new bow. Get ilvl83+ elder thicket base, alt spam for 60% more poison mod, aug + regal, and then you can use harvest to guarantee flat chaos mod as prefix (if you block suffixes).