[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

my dps feel supppppper low.
can someone check out my profile and tell me what im doing wrong?
currently saving for a darkscorn.
sako22 написал:
my dps feel supppppper low.
can someone check out my profile and tell me what im doing wrong?
currently saving for a darkscorn.

Looks good, but I think you only have 90% chance to poison. Put a point into that 3rd node on the Toxic Strikes wheel, and that will cap out your poison chance with Coralitos.

I dont know if missing 10% chance is making any difference, but its at least something you can fix.
Destructodave написал:
sako22 написал:
my dps feel supppppper low.
can someone check out my profile and tell me what im doing wrong?
currently saving for a darkscorn.

Looks good, but I think you only have 90% chance to poison. Put a point into that 3rd node on the Toxic Strikes wheel, and that will cap out your poison chance with Coralitos.

I dont know if missing 10% chance is making any difference, but its at least something you can fix.

i was under the impression that coralito would cap me out when i use it because it gives 25% chance. and im constantly using it. this build seems to be over capped on poison chance. maybe im missing something.
sako22 написал:
Destructodave написал:
sako22 написал:
my dps feel supppppper low.
can someone check out my profile and tell me what im doing wrong?
currently saving for a darkscorn.

Looks good, but I think you only have 90% chance to poison. Put a point into that 3rd node on the Toxic Strikes wheel, and that will cap out your poison chance with Coralitos.

I dont know if missing 10% chance is making any difference, but its at least something you can fix.

i was under the impression that coralito would cap me out when i use it because it gives 25% chance. and im constantly using it. this build seems to be over capped on poison chance. maybe im missing something.

When I added all my nodes up, it was only 90%.

65% on the tree, then 25% from Coralitos. Thats why I had to put another point into that node.

Unless I'm just missing something, I dont see anything making up that last 10% without a crafted Elder Bow.

I doubt that is why your dps feels super low, though. Just something I've noticed when I added all the poison nodes up. I also saw a guy on PoE.Ninja take it, and it made me wonder if we werent capped for him to waste a node there. So I added them up, and we arent capped from Coralitos/Tree alone.
Последняя редакция: Destructodave#2478. Время: 23 июня 2020 г., 23:54:25
You get chance to poison from herald of agony, too. So we should be capped without problem.
El Psy Kongroo.
Zimtdrop написал:
You get chance to poison from herald of agony, too. So we should be capped without problem.

Ah, ok. I never noticed it on herald of agony. My bad. I looked everywhere else but HoaG, lol.

It can easily be missed. :)

Btw: I'm really having a great time with this build. Only thing I feel kind of lacking is the single target at higher bosses like shaper guardians/shaper. I am still missing the helmet enchant, maybe this would help.
El Psy Kongroo.
can u help me should i use which potion or pantheon for uberlab i want take anydmg of trap thx
There was a mention of playstyle here somewhere....

a few times SA, then Plague Bearer + Wither Step... this combined quite melts bosses, there's the Damage coming from. Just that you're aware you have to press more than 1 button when asking for more DPS :)
Последняя редакция: snietschie2#3324. Время: 24 июня 2020 г., 5:20:36
Hi There!

I am new to POE and wanted to try this build. But I cant copy the build from pastebin to Path of Building. I am getting connection errors. Which is weird, cause pastebin is online.

Is there another way to get the build visible in Path of Building?

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