[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

RedRidingHood420 написал:
midnight2903 написал:
RedRidingHood420 написал:
A Stygian Vise with good resistances would only cost you ~1EX, and CoN is really cheap, ~20C or so. No problem.

Isn't the CoN like 1Ex for the increased buff and chaos damage?

yea, sorry, increased buff effect is over 1EX

*cries in 0Ex drops*

I think I will work on getting the DoT Multi craft on bow first, unveils are so annoying to find.
midnight2903 написал:

I think I will work on getting the DoT Multi craft on bow first, unveils are so annoying to find.

isn't your bow super expensive? Also, I'd ask around in chat, a lot of people would be willing to craft it for you for a tip (if you're not afraid to get scammed)
RedRidingHood420 написал:
midnight2903 написал:

I think I will work on getting the DoT Multi craft on bow first, unveils are so annoying to find.

isn't your bow super expensive? Also, I'd ask around in chat, a lot of people would be willing to craft it for you for a tip (if you're not afraid to get scammed)

I crafted the bow myself, it's the only lucky thing to happen to me this league. Outside of the bow and Dendrobate, I don't have any high value items.

EDIT: Oh shit I didn't realize the bow was that expensive.
Последняя редакция: midnight2903#7851. Время: 25 июня 2020 г., 11:11:43
midnight2903 написал:

I crafted the bow myself, it's the only lucky thing to happen to me this league. Outside of the bow and Dendrobate, I don't have any high value items.

EDIT: Oh shit I didn't realize the bow was that expensive.

20 exalts or so, right? It's hard to tell
RedRidingHood420 написал:
midnight2903 написал:

I crafted the bow myself, it's the only lucky thing to happen to me this league. Outside of the bow and Dendrobate, I don't have any high value items.

EDIT: Oh shit I didn't realize the bow was that expensive.

20 exalts or so, right? It's hard to tell

I doubt it's that expensive.
Hi, I'm playing a somewhat similar Scourge Arrow prolif build comprised of a mix of different guides out there, including this one. I feel that my build is approaching its min/max stage and would love some advice from other Scourge Arrow players.

While according to PoB I'm reaching just about 3M poison DPS, I still feel like bosses the likes of the elder guardians or the 4-watchstone conquerors are taking too much time to kill, while still being dangerous if not deadly despite my defenses.

I can comfortably sustain my flasks, but with ~6k HP I sometimes still get brought to single digit %HP or straight up one shot from an occasional smack that goes through my dodge.

I have sacrificed a couple of evasion nodes on the tree for more %HP/more DPS, and I also stopped using Grace/Vaal Grace in favour of Malevolence, bringing me to 3.8K Evasion rating with Attack and Spell dodge chance at 53% and 43%. I feel like this is an area that I need to improve on the most.

I am using Duskblight boots and Atziri's Promise with the hopes of future synergy with Divine Flesh and Darkscorn (outside of budget right now), though Lioneye's Glare feels great and according to PoB is performing better than lots of crafted rare-bows I looked at.

Unfortunately 3.11 made cluster jewels which a lot of builds suggested/relied on pretty much inaccesible without serious investment. I was able to amateurishly craft
a large

and medium

cluster jewel, but don't know how to put it all together (i.e. where to take points away from in the tree to populate the jewels etc.).

While to me the obvious weak point of my items would be the belt and perhaps the boots, I don't see where else I could improve to make this build more successful but most importantly more enjoyable than it already is.

My PoB: https://pastebin.com/qPXMMHX4

I'd appreciate any and all comments and your experience with your builds. Thanks!
Последняя редакция: Młody_Zeus#6849. Время: 26 июня 2020 г., 18:35:48
Młody_Zeus написал:

I'd appreciate any and all comments and your experience with your builds. Thanks!

The most important thing now is to save up for Darkscorn and the Timeless Jewel. Darkscorn will give you more than 1.3 million dps. If you want even more damage, you can switch in other damage flasks for bossfights.
Defence-wise Darkscorn and Divine Flesh will basically give you a permanent Fortify and an elemental Fortify. That will help a lot. I would also switch out the Quarz flask for a Jade flask. Stacking evasion is musch more important.
Guys i did some crafting for the build. If someone needs an ammy or bow
In game : Inarmos
Maybe a noob question, what is the point of precision on the build if coralito nullifies crits?
101four0four101 написал:
Maybe a noob question, what is the point of precision on the build if coralito nullifies crits?
Accuracy / getting 100% hit cap.

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