[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

So that would be Best in Slot for this Build i guess - since explode chest doesn't matter so much what do you think?

Or any other option maybe - wish it had %life hunter Mod but whatever i guess its still best in slot for SA?

(Divine Flesh)
Последняя редакция: BOMBER1337#7937. Время: 18 июля 2020 г., 11:47:38
I'm not sure I quite understand the quiver craft in the guide, does it need to have two influences on it?
Hi, following this build - so far, really enjoying it.

Noob question - how do you have 6 ascendancy points at level 60 in PoB? I completed 2 labs and got only 4 points.
Krakatoah написал:
I'm not sure I quite understand the quiver craft in the guide, does it need to have two influences on it?

Yes. But but with harvest you can create really strong hunter quivers now so I would recommend just looking at chaos augments on hunter/shaper base.

dareqw33 написал:
Hi, following this build - so far, really enjoying it.

Noob question - how do you have 6 ascendancy points at level 60 in PoB? I completed 2 labs and got only 4 points.

The soonest you can do 3rd lab is level 60, but that assumes you already have trials completed before (e.g second character). Its fine if you dont have the points yet, just do the 3rd lab when you will be able to.
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Последняя редакция: thedeathbeam#7125. Время: 19 июля 2020 г., 3:09:02
@thedeathbeam Hi Man,

Would like to ask - Is assassin version still viable to run poison sa? If yes do you have any new updated talent tree? would appreciate that.

+ i see now boyz using crafted bows instead of darkscorn - They provide higher dps?

Thanks in advance ! :)
wuttenq написал:
@thedeathbeam Hi Man,

Would like to ask - Is assassin version still viable to run poison sa? If yes do you have any new updated talent tree? would appreciate that.

+ i see now boyz using crafted bows instead of darkscorn - They provide higher dps?

Thanks in advance ! :)

Most likely, but I think ass is not that worth it over PF. You will have enough damage to destroy everything eventually, but Ass would never give you what PF does (prolif, ailment immunity, flask sustain).

And ye, crafted bows were always more damage than Darkscorn. So if you dont mind losing some defense, then crafted bow is good option.
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Well i did it to level 100 with this Build.

So powerfull!
What is more important to choose for helmet if I have to choose: Spore enchant for SA or -9% chaos resistance?

BOMBER1337 написал:
Well i did it to level 100 with this Build.

So powerfull!

GZ :)

sksbo написал:
What is more important to choose for helmet if I have to choose: Spore enchant for SA or -9% chaos resistance?


Always SA enchant over anything else basically. The enchant is super powerful (as you can see in the media section).
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Whats the point of the ailment duration when i focus?
i read its very powerful but i havent seen a change tbh

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