[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play
fun build, really enjoying it so far
"Ah, salutations my children... are you ready for your daily dose of smooth jazz?"
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Hi! Thanks for the built, having a blast.
I was wondering... since scourge arrow pierces all targets, doesnt that make the implicit on drillneck useless and should we therefore corrupt it to get another stat on it? |
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" Glad to hear that :) " Hi. Well the wording on SA is confusing, only primary projectile for SA pierces everything, but secondary doesn't, so we definitely need pierce from Drillneck for that. My builds: https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ Последняя редакция: thedeathbeam#7125. Время: 10 сент. 2019 г., 16:08:02
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Any chance you could do a detailed bow crafting guide please? Do we still need to stack chaos res seeing as darkscorn isn't going to happen for the majority of us?
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" I cheked some of your media videos and i see that your scourage ( i think ) does not use mp and leech hp how u achive that?Also i see on pob 23k evasion and i compare your gear ( armors etc ) with my unique stuff even if my items have more evasion than yours i still have less i dont understand that XD. sorry if this questions are stupid but this is my second character to reach lvl80+ and end game so i am kinda lost with gear etc. |
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Hi, thank you very much for your build. Read everything and I was wondering : this build is pure chaos damage with poison and damage over time, but when I look on POB, I see that everyone seems to play cold based Scourge Arrow full dexterity.
I can't find one chaos based on POB, is there a big difference in terms of damages or survivability between chaos based and cold based SA ? Also, the gearing looks a lot different, yours seems based a lot on Legion stuff (bow, ring that buffs HoA, jewel...), it will be way harder this league to get this kind of stuff right ? Thx. Последняя редакция: zibbulon#1401. Время: 10 сент. 2019 г., 18:31:54
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"Check if it's with jade flask and if it has the same affix (for example "of reflexes" can go from 75% increase to 100%) . |
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just a quick question about the forbidden taste flask
is there any way to reduce the damage we take from it? i dont die playing with it right now, buts its a weird playstyle always ticking low when no monsters are around ^^ "Ah, salutations my children... are you ready for your daily dose of smooth jazz?"
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" Well, there isnt really much to it, just spam 2 or 3 fossils and hope for the best. For example this is bow I crafted today: I bought iLvl 83+ normal thicket base (not shaper or elder) and then just used like 3 sets of Aberrant, Corroded and Metallic fossils and then just crafted some phys on the bow. Its not the best bow because no chaos multi craft, but it will do for now. For chaos resistance: No, it is not that important anymore because both Darkscorn and Divine Flesh are kind of hard to get, and without them chaos res do not provides much benefits. " I cheked some of your media videos and i see that your scourage ( i think ) does not use mp and leech hp how u achive that?Also i see on pob 23k evasion and i compare your gear ( armors etc ) with my unique stuff even if my items have more evasion than yours i still have less i dont understand that XD. sorry if this questions are stupid but this is my second character to reach lvl80+ and end game so i am kinda lost with gear etc.[/quote] You mena that it do not use any mana? Yeah, that is simple, you can just reduce it to 0 with - mana cost on body and 1 or 2 ring crafts. They nerfed it this league but its still easily doable. For evasion, make sure you have flasks up with good affixes (mainly jade one). But, evasion is not that important, I wouldnt worry about much. You will naturally have plenty by just pathing throuh tree, using dexterity bases and Jade flask. " Well this is poison build, not really chaos based (or at least I would understand some chaos hit build when someone would refer to it like this). The difference between this build and ele stacking SA builds is that this build is utilizing poison and damage over time to deal damage and is using SA because of its huge damage multiplier for poison. Ele stacking SA builds are doing similar thing (with abusing huge multiplier for hits that SA has as well) and they are instead of stacking flat cold damage and dexterity. Builds like this tend to be way more expensive, and not league start friendly, because thye are very reliant on good gear, but poison isnt (well, at least not that much, mainly with PF who can cover your DPS issues at least when clearing completely). My build compared to usual ele stacking build is very survivable, because I usually tend to prioritie survivability over damage as I usually dont play that safe and lag a lot, so I need from my char to be able to take some hard hits. For gearing, yes, build is using 2 legion specific uniques that are harded to get now, but I have plenty of alternatives listed in main post and they are not required at all. " Definitely dont use Forbidden Taste without Divine Flesh, that was the only reason I was able to use it. But, if you got bleed immunity, Blood of the Karui is great alternative too. My builds:
https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ |
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crafted this just spamming corroded/aberrant fossils, it is ~2% less damage than darkscorn! |
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