[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

Maddest_Scientist написал:
Keep 'em coming!

I was considering making a much tankier build that I think can hit 100% phys taken converted to ele/chaos with a 2 mod watcher's eye + purity of elements. That seems like it would be pretty ridiculous, but more life + getting up to a base of 7-8 life flask charges per 3 seconds(3 from ascendancy, 4 from cluster, maybe 1 from tree), while completely killing the dmg, sounds pretty amusing to me.

Have you tried something like this? With totems for increased boss damage as long as you don't die I think it is viable, but would be much closer to a juggernaut than our current sky-high dps.

Giga tank setup sounds def interesting but idk if it would be super viable, maybe with transcendence.

Superloveman написал:
thedeathbeam написал:
Build update:

- Added Corrupted Soul build variation. This variation combines the ehp of Divine Flesh and damage of Strength of Blood (while being slightly weaker to chaos damage)

So I tested this setup in game and it is cracked, I am enjoying it a lot, the double recovery for life + es at once is also hillarious.

Do you find you have mana issues without the flask with -mana craft?

Also, could we drop focused ballista and replace it with withering touch if we use an artillery quiver for the 30% totem placement? Or is this too slow you think?

Mana sustain is alright, I can still charge to 5 in combat, kind of annoying out of combat but whatever.

I wouldnt drop Focused Ballista, if anything drop other damage support. Focused Ballista by itself is rly good damage support so no reason to drop it.
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1 fun thing that the corrupted soul setup can use, works really well for me :d
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thedeathbeam написал:
Maddest_Scientist написал:
Keep 'em coming!

I was considering making a much tankier build that I think can hit 100% phys taken converted to ele/chaos with a 2 mod watcher's eye + purity of elements. That seems like it would be pretty ridiculous, but more life + getting up to a base of 7-8 life flask charges per 3 seconds(3 from ascendancy, 4 from cluster, maybe 1 from tree), while completely killing the dmg, sounds pretty amusing to me.

Have you tried something like this? With totems for increased boss damage as long as you don't die I think it is viable, but would be much closer to a juggernaut than our current sky-high dps.

Giga tank setup sounds def interesting but idk if it would be super viable, maybe with transcendence.

Superloveman написал:
thedeathbeam написал:
Build update:

- Added Corrupted Soul build variation. This variation combines the ehp of Divine Flesh and damage of Strength of Blood (while being slightly weaker to chaos damage)

So I tested this setup in game and it is cracked, I am enjoying it a lot, the double recovery for life + es at once is also hillarious.

Do you find you have mana issues without the flask with -mana craft?

Also, could we drop focused ballista and replace it with withering touch if we use an artillery quiver for the 30% totem placement? Or is this too slow you think?

Mana sustain is alright, I can still charge to 5 in combat, kind of annoying out of combat but whatever.

I wouldnt drop Focused Ballista, if anything drop other damage support. Focused Ballista by itself is rly good damage support so no reason to drop it.

I see, I thought focused ballista was more for utility than damage but apparently that's wrong. Thanks again!

I'm thinking about going with a Malevolence Aul and watchers eye with ES on hit (like you mentioned) and dot multi. Expensive, but should be a damage boost.
Последняя редакция: Superloveman#6387. Время: 28 авг. 2021 г., 20:23:08
Superloveman написал:

I see, I thought focused ballista was more for utility than damage but apparently that's wrong. Thanks again!

I'm thinking about going with a Malevolence Aul and watchers eye with ES on hit (like you mentioned) and dot multi. Expensive, but should be a damage boost.

Yea focused ballista is one of the best support gems :d

And ye that should be pretty good. Oh btw, look what I made, its so insane (planning to hunter slam it later and if that fails prefixes cannot be changed + veiled orb):

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Small build update:

- Added Discipline ES on hit and Vaal Discipline to Corrupted Soul version

As mentioned previously ES on hit is amazing :d And Vaal Discipline + Vaal Grace keeps us very very safe

Also honestly I havent had this much fun gearing character since harvest, making ward gear is fun + not having to worry about resists at all makes crafting so much more rewarding
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Последняя редакция: thedeathbeam#7125. Время: 28 авг. 2021 г., 21:01:16
Any tips on getting a decent grasping mail other than yolo annuling them?

I want to try and get one with just global defences, craft prefixes cannot be changed, scour, then craft Life and % max life on it. My overall health is pretty low (3.9k) because there's no room for it on my helm or boots :(
Superloveman написал:
Any tips on getting a decent grasping mail other than yolo annuling them?

I want to try and get one with just global defences, craft prefixes cannot be changed, scour, then craft Life and % max life on it. My overall health is pretty low (3.9k) because there's no room for it on my helm or boots :(

if you have 2 prefixes only you can prefix lock + scour and split it.

I made mine with yolo annuling because I wanted to imprint it, went through like 3 bodies before I got the base (so i got kind of lucky).

Ofc when you split it there is risk you regal prefix again. So either way its somewhat expensive process.
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So I just found out you can't imprint it if you split, that sucks. I think I'm just going to have to yolo annul mine too :(

Well I upgraded my boots, I took my like 5 maven orb but its done. Now I think Ill start to double corrupt a lot of nightgrip. Maybe Im lucky and get both curses on hit.
Hi guys,

i am having a great time with the build. I played the strenght stacking build with alberons before and it was one of my favorite builds so far.

However, at level 84 atm, i cant realy deceide which version of the build to play. I thought i go with Divine Flesh this time, because gearing for it seems easy this league, but the other options are also promising ;-)

What are your thoughts on the different variations of the build?

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