[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play
@maddestscientist do you have a POB I could look at? Or better yet some footage? I'm curious about your method of applying wither, I really don't like withering step and find it pretty unreliable on bosses.
Последняя редакция: Superloveman#6387. Время: 7 сент. 2021 г., 1:47:27
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Here is my POB: https://pastebin.com/QLNcUzvc
Quick Note: While I have Aspect of Spider on my chest, I don't use it currently. Why this build?: Once you hit 5 release Scourge Arrow Total Damage poison damage of 500k each full charge does 2M damage. This should be enough to do any content in the game, especially if you don't die. The different defensive layers on deathbeam's builds felt much better than other builds I have done while sustaining an insane DPS, and I wanted to make a hybrid tank build to not get one shotted. I currently happily walk through shaper beams, face tank sirus bowling alley(great time to dps him!) and Die beams, and can easily do deathless uber elder, heart of the grove, chayula, and cortex. Vs Maven I only die to memory game and this is the first league I actually fight her so I am bad at the fight. Wither Application: Using mirage archer in scourge arrow gives us only a bit more damage and doesn't reward us for getting off a full charge as it effectively makes our 6L scourge arrow a 5L. TO BE CLEAR most people in poeninja take mirage archer so I think it is probably more viable. I use mirage archer-blast rain-withering touch-faster attacks to apply wither applications(and blind and knockback). Playstyle: Faster charging on scourge arrow lets you be more reactive while sustaining high dps. I would have needed attack speed on most of my gear instead of the faster attacks support I put in to replace awakened vicious projectiles to get close to my current attack speed of full charges every half second. When Clearing I take the elusive on kill passive, quicksilver flask, and maybe blood rage vs plague bearer vs vaal grace(still making up my mind). When doing Endgame Bossing I take the 2 large cluster dmg nodes I took off for elusive UNLESS we are vs Sirus, in which case I take the jewel node by Hardened Scars to put in an immune to corrupted blood. I also remove quicksilver for ward flask and always use vaal grace. Notes: Running Herald of Agony, Petrified Blood, and Purity of Elements left me with 55 mana without Enlighten Support. This felt tough and I often ran out of mana, especially on maps with no passive regen. With Level 2 Enlighten Support I have 100 mana which feels much better. To get higher DPS replace Hardened Scars with Whispers of Doom and then get the temporal Nightgrips and replace a ring with Despair on hit(or manually cast as the extra levels and quality give 10-20% more dmg). Since I am running Purity of Elements Deathbeam, and I, think it would be possible to remove the bismuth flask with godlike gear to shore up your resistances. If you remove all our active defensive layers, fortify and endurance charges and immortal call, we still have ~10k Phys Max hit taken and 28k Phys EHP. If you get phys dmg->ele/chaos on chest and helm this increases to 30k-40k and chaos damage becomes our Max Hit taken limit. If you get this high of phys conversion and got high hp on every gear slot except nightgrip you could probably get 5-6k hp which might let you tank every skill in the game. Looking at you Atziri flameblast! Последняя редакция: Maddest_Scientist#2870. Время: 7 сент. 2021 г., 10:52:27
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That is very nice writeup for tank-focused setup, sounds very good.
On the opposite side of the spectrum, I was experimenting with some perma zerk setups again and then decided to try it on poison SA as well and it turned out to be clear speed monster glass cannon (i really did not expected I will be able to dish out so much damage out of it, also ignore the resists its just me being lazy). The number modifiers are of course from main post for damage calculation (6 thorns + 2 thorns, and then 5x ballista for single target) ![]() Pastebin for anyone interested: https://pastebin.com/JXuXabut Its not tidied up at all and I probs missed bunch of stuff when configuring it but the idea is there :d I will probs try to build it for fun My builds: https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ Последняя редакция: thedeathbeam#7125. Время: 7 сент. 2021 г., 18:19:41
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" That is a BOATLOAD of damage!!!! If you are going for full damage and have such high crit it MIGHT be worth it to invest in perfect agony + crit multi. I am not sure if it is worth dumping Darkscorn. I am almost positive the X% chance for poisons to do Y% more damage isn't calculated in POB so it is tougher to do a one to one comparison. The only other comment is if it would be worth it to run one of the aspects instead of 20/20 precision or farrul's fur etc. I hope you post a video doing some endgame content once you get the build built! I love it when you AND the boss one shot each other :D. ____________________________________ For those who were as confused as I am on how this setup generates permanent rage/removes temp chains, here is an excerpt from a reddit post I found: "When you shock on hit, you proc HoT due to Storm Secret. In your gloves (Shackles) you have HoT + hextouch + temp chains + any other curse. As your default curse limit on self is one, when HoT goes off you gain and lose temp chains immediately, which jumps you to max rage due to Chains of Emancipation." Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/lq3blw/psa_easy_100_berserk_uptime_on_bosses_chains_of/ |
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" Well if you love massive numbers, look at this: ![]() This is with classic Fenumus Weave and no Berserk (so less speed, more damage). This is absolute glass cannon boss killer, probs can be pushed even further with tempering orbs on darkscorn, better jewels etc, lol. Pastebin for anyone interested: https://pastebin.com/tZMeeJpG And you know what is the funniest thing? The thing that actually enables all those high DPS setups is, of course, our lovely Bismuth Flask :d My builds: https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ Последняя редакция: thedeathbeam#7125. Время: 7 сент. 2021 г., 21:02:55
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" Shhhhhhhh |
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From what I can see, after playing around with POB for a while, even with a dot multi watchers eye malevolence is a dps loss over the envy aul. The loss of 20% to ward is too big, apparently :(
For some reason POB isn't letting me export to pastebin so I can't share it here, but I basically swapped the aul for a malevolence one, added malevolence as a skill and enabled it, then swapped a viridian jewel for a watchers eye with dot multi. This means I'm thinking about swapping arctic armor/elemental prolif for an enlighten + purity of elements with a double phys taken as x purity of elements watchers eye. |
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its done... nearly.... i trade all my equipment now and put it on. I think some awakened gems i need to buy but no problem. I need the last Two points from Uberlab to complete this. But i`m cufused.. i upload my build into the PoB of this Guide. original dps was arround 17 Mio dps in PoB When i upload my Char i only have 498K dps? What i do wrong? Maybe anyone can check it and maybe look arround my gear? I hope i dont do any mistakes. Here is my PoB: https://pastebin.com/bFndnhV0 ty for your helping hands :) |
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" You did not enabled Ballistas in your full DPS and you are missing bunch of stuff, also some workarounds (as you can see in configuring pob for your own character section). But for your gear you are mostly missing proper helmet and boots, some awakened gems as well will be good upgrades. My builds:
https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ |
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Oh btw, I just noticed that we have very easy way to fit in malevolence. Well, "easy". It requires Enlighten 4, dropping Arctic Armour and grabbing Hoag rmr circle of nostalgia. Then you can fit in Petrified Blood, Hoag and Malevolence.
My builds:
https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ |
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