[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

Use lab runner services from TFT to get the helm enchant if you want to "buy it" also, perfect fossil the helmet/boots beforehand we care about the quality. while it does look like 300 more ward, thats times our 100% increased from the chest and then also times the ward flask which increases ward by 20-30%. just rolling it well i went from 2100 max ward to 3567 ward. I felt my damage increase in t14-16 by alot. I haven't gotten to the cluster jewel part of this build yet, but i hope it will help me melt sirius a8 and maven.

you dont need to cap chaos resist until divine flesh, until then just make it positive.
OmegaPeePeeClap написал:
OK, I mean, yeah I need chaos res on my helm really bad, my amulet is going to be very hard to replace, its where I am getting most of my STR and INT from, this build needs a lot of it.

It took me about 200 chaos fossils to make my helm, I spent easily about 3ex on fossils. I guess I could try again, but man these helms with the enchant start at like 4ex. I can try to craft another helm for more ward but man, i really hope the extra 300 ward is going to put me from taking 10 seconds to kill yellow rares, to one shotting t15 rares.

It's not going to. It'll help, but there's quite a bit more you can do.

You need gem quality something fierce. I loaded your character on POB, you're at 427k DPS on 5 stack release with your Iron Flask popped. 20 quality on most of your gems bumps you to 472k DPS.

Your quiver should have some kind of % DoT, either Chaos DoT or normal % DoT.

Grab the Chaos Mastery for 1% chaos DoT per 4% chaos res, that's worth almost 32k DPS.

Your amulet is really not great, at all. 55 STR and INT is nice from it, but it lacks an anoint and you needed to craft life instead of channeling mana, making you need to run a mana flask instead of something like a Taste of Hate.

Are you throwing down your ballistas constantly while running? Are you keeping Plague Bearer going? There's a lot of micromanagement for this build.

I'm mostly cruising through T15s right now, but it's one of the more expensive builds I've ever played. Everything pretty much melts. As soon as I'm coming up on a pack I drop a ballista and then just single stack Scourge Arrow into it and it kills everything, almost always. For rares I charge a couple more stacks. Bosses are kinda sketch, as they always are with Scourge Arrow. But Malevolence cluster setup helps.

Don't worry so much about the helm enchant. I don't have it, and it's fine.
Последняя редакция: Milkshakes00#5735. Время: 3 нояб. 2021 г., 22:30:28
Managed to beat A9 Sirus.
I gotta say, withering step helps a lot...
Instead of relying only on the totems for wither I think it feels a lot better to combine it with withering step for bossing.

OmegaPeePeeClap написал:

Ok so I made a few upgrades, I spent about another 7ex, also on some things I tried crafting myself. Mostly the flasks were an absolute pain in the ass to try and craft. But I am still having major issues with damage, Like rares in yellow maps just take like 10 seconds to take down. I have no issues with survivability, its just my damage is really non existent. If anyone can check out my build and let me know where I am missing something.
Things I know I am missing:
the helm enchant (with better Ward roll)
the helm crafted focus mod (I hate the focus playstyle, please dont tell me thats where 70% of our damage comes from)
divine flesh

I understand I am missing a few of these things, But i feel like I should be at least doing yellow maps comfortably by now. I already spent so much on this build. I have to be missing something major, I just have to be

My gear is way, way worse (5L Darkscorn, Drillneck, no despair or enchant) and damage is fine in red maps. Something must be wrong with your playstyle
Milkshakes00 написал:
OmegaPeePeeClap написал:
OK, I mean, yeah I need chaos res on my helm really bad, my amulet is going to be very hard to replace, its where I am getting most of my STR and INT from, this build needs a lot of it.

It took me about 200 chaos fossils to make my helm, I spent easily about 3ex on fossils. I guess I could try again, but man these helms with the enchant start at like 4ex. I can try to craft another helm for more ward but man, i really hope the extra 300 ward is going to put me from taking 10 seconds to kill yellow rares, to one shotting t15 rares.

It's not going to. It'll help, but there's quite a bit more you can do.

You need gem quality something fierce. I loaded your character on POB, you're at 427k DPS on 5 stack release with your Iron Flask popped. 20 quality on most of your gems bumps you to 472k DPS.

Your quiver should have some kind of % DoT, either Chaos DoT or normal % DoT.

Grab the Chaos Mastery for 1% chaos DoT per 4% chaos res, that's worth almost 32k DPS.

Your amulet is really not great, at all. 55 STR and INT is nice from it, but it lacks an anoint and you needed to craft life instead of channeling mana, making you need to run a mana flask instead of something like a Taste of Hate.

Are you throwing down your ballistas constantly while running? Are you keeping Plague Bearer going? There's a lot of micromanagement for this build.

I'm mostly cruising through T15s right now, but it's one of the more expensive builds I've ever played. Everything pretty much melts. As soon as I'm coming up on a pack I drop a ballista and then just single stack Scourge Arrow into it and it kills everything, almost always. For rares I charge a couple more stacks. Bosses are kinda sketch, as they always are with Scourge Arrow. But Malevolence cluster setup helps.

Don't worry so much about the helm enchant. I don't have it, and it's fine.

I forgot about the annoint, but actually i cant really afford the oils to get the good ones anyways. But yeah, I know my amulet is shit but I dont know where to get the STR and INT needed for the gems we use in this build. If you look at the guides POB, his amulet is just out of this world nutty, its like perfect, with the attributes, resists, etc, its just amazing, and I dont think ill ever be able to get an amulet like that.

About the totems, I hate the totme playestyle, so know I dont use them while mapping, I thought they were only used for bossing, which even bossing in yellow t6's feel like utter dog shit, takes me like 3 minutes to kill a t6 boss. I think I just dont get the playstyle of the build, and I might sell everything and go back to the accuracy stacking jugg.
Does anyone else having a problem if you press V that you die?

Also is enchanted fossil removed from the game? How can I make craft from lab on helmet..Becouse Its boring to farm lab until I get the enchant I want.
IGN:Avlorena,Amoridan,Gernil im usualy on in any of these characters
OmegaPeePeeClap написал:
I forgot about the annoint, but actually i cant really afford the oils to get the good ones anyways. But yeah, I know my amulet is shit but I dont know where to get the STR and INT needed for the gems we use in this build. If you look at the guides POB, his amulet is just out of this world nutty, its like perfect, with the attributes, resists, etc, its just amazing, and I dont think ill ever be able to get an amulet like that.

About the totems, I hate the totme playestyle, so know I dont use them while mapping, I thought they were only used for bossing, which even bossing in yellow t6's feel like utter dog shit, takes me like 3 minutes to kill a t6 boss. I think I just dont get the playstyle of the build, and I might sell everything and go back to the accuracy stacking jugg.

I have a similar amulet and it only cost me 2ex if I remember correctly. In fact, my amulet gives me 78 STR and 75 INT by itself. A bit low on the chaos res, but that's nothing considering we don't really need much resist anywhere, it's easy to make up for it.

Totems are pretty mandatory. They do a shit ton of damage and clear a LOT. You gotta realize while you're shooting 2 scourge arrows, they're shooting 3 each. The damage is lower, but they cluster very well and with all totems down it's 12 scourge arrow pods in the same spot. It's a lot of damage. A looooot of damage. In fact, according to POB if you don't include the Ballistas in the Full DPS, the DPS drops by like 20 million, lol.

For clearing it really is just drop-a-totem-shoot every so often. It also gives you a 30% increase in damage due to the mastery.

If bossing even in T6 is taking so long, you're doing something very wrong with the build, and I can't even imagine what. 4 totems and a 5 stack scourge arrow one shots pretty much any map boss.

Vassili666 написал:
Does anyone else having a problem if you press V that you die?

If you're higher on stacks it can be sketchy. I've found making sure Plague Bearer is on and I start charging a Scourge Arrow, then hit V works well. Most of the time though, I just pop Plague Bearer and then hit V and run through everything, since it melts everything's face.
Последняя редакция: Milkshakes00#5735. Время: 4 нояб. 2021 г., 10:55:53
Looking for some advice on how to prioritize upgrades from here on out. Dropped probably 12ex so far and had some good crafting luck (god quiver, hit helm enchant on my first uber lab run), feeling pretty good. Squishy in t14+ scourges still but working on it.

Also, anyone done testing on main skill vs totem in +1 gem level chest piece? I'm thinking main skill probably benefits more, or is the totem life too important?

Targeting divine flesh next - plan to reroll helm & probably boots to get chaos res, and fix jewelry as needed.

After that - need an optimized large cluster, curse on hit nightgrips, and to dump a lot of ex into upgraded gems. Should I prioritize gem upgrades over divine flesh / gear at this point?
Последняя редакция: boomersoonr#2164. Время: 4 нояб. 2021 г., 12:37:54
any alternative anointment for Panopticon?

Последняя редакция: pedrocoelho#3309. Время: 4 нояб. 2021 г., 14:19:15
Is everyone using ward now? Is that the move? Did i screw myself over :>?

im curious what would be more damage unbound ailments/vile toxins/deadly ailments or vicious proj?

to me awake added chaos and void manip is needed now since they both give +1 at max levels.

I feel like i do maps fine and destroy t16s with small juicing the problem i have is my butts damage vs Srs. I know poison 'isnt' insta damage it just feels like its awful vs certain bosses.

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