[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

Very nice! And yeah, I agree, the Divine Flesh + Iron Reflexes combined tree was stretching way too much for points, so

Small build update:

- Removed combined Divine Flesh and Iron Reflexes tree
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currently leveling, a very pleasing build.
i was wonder tho what's the benefit of using lion glare VS a chin sol, im using a chin sol and Chance to hit is 100 on evasive monsters asswell,
How hard is it to find the Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier craft? I bought tons of veiled weapons, plus the ones I found, and never even got the tier 1 of the craft.
bennyt40 написал:
currently leveling, a very pleasing build.
i was wonder tho what's the benefit of using lion glare VS a chin sol, im using a chin sol and Chance to hit is 100 on evasive monsters asswell,

Well, Lioneyes has higher pDPS than chinsol on top of hits cant be evaded (the hits cant be evaded is not even the part we really care about anyway).

And this part of chin-sol: `50% More Damage with Arrow Hits at Close Range`

applies only to hits, so it is not increasing our poison DPS.
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BlazingBelphegor написал:
How hard is it to find the Chaos Damage over Time Multiplier craft? I bought tons of veiled weapons, plus the ones I found, and never even got the tier 1 of the craft.

Well its not syndicate specific, so its mostly just pure RNG :/ Just make sure you are buying weapons with veiled prefix and without something that conflicts with chaos dot multi mod (not sure if anything does tho).
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Crafted all of these, and bought about 30 embalmers to get the despair implicit. Build is a blast to play, running toxic sewers feels very good.
So for anyone using this build and wondering what to annoint/lacking survivability, apparently Hardened Scars WORKS with hybrid enduring flasks. That should add sooo much survivability to the build, its insane.
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What an absolute crazy build!
Love every second of it :)
Time to chance build, was maybe most balanced build i have ever played. Fast clear, very good boss dps and lots of fun to play. Also uber elder/uber lab farming is very easy with this.

My endgame Gear

Ign HalpingHansu/Jevnigeff
Hey! I've been loving this as my first actual build. I've only been playing since about two weeks before the league started. Was hoping I could get some input on this bow I just crafted. I didn't get the open prefix but everything else looks good to my nooby eyes.

edit: After posting I realized I had forgotten to improve the quality haha. Would something like this be worth doing the 30% quality corruption I have available from Einhar?
Последняя редакция: Pheret87#8919. Время: 22 сент. 2019 г., 16:51:31

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