[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play

danyastein написал:
I like your build, but I have a question — why did you swap skill gems from version 13.04 in new version from helmet to boots? There was helmet with cwdt and boots with curses, in the new version it's the other way around. Does it really make any difference or can i leave the stones on their old places? (may be my english is so bad, so i apologize in advance for that)

I swapped them simply because of easier off-coloring as someone pointed it out to me in Discord, in the end it really doesnt matter if you already have the colors.

Only thing that relatively matters is the enhance setup in gloves as you can get +1 levels corruption if you are lucy for higher level enhance.

PUTO написал:
thedeathbeam написал:
PUTO написал:
General question for this build :: What do you think a good atlas strategy is for this build? I tried some wandering path exarch altar farming but too much bubblegum currency and having to sell etc sucks.

Was thinking of maybe doing harvest since you just sell the lifeforce.

Or some invitation farming to sell only maven's writs or so..

What do you usually farm with this build?

I was doing wandering path growing hordes with deli mirro beyond harvest exarch altars whole last league on Collonade, was fun. Atm im doing wandering path exarch deli mirror harvest again, probs gonna add beyond too.

wandering path growing hordes deli mirror beyond harvest exarch sounds very fun.. care to share an atlas tree? and i guess we always run 4x rusted scarabs and rare maps? or do u also vaal

Sure, here:


and yea I run 4 rusteds (or whatever scarabs I have really, gildeds too) and I vaal the maps sometimes (most of the time).

ericchongws написал:
I think there's something wrong with the high budget item setup. You only have 2 curse limit. Am I missing something?

Also, would we need -mana cost on ring since we're full totem?

Yea, but 3 curses actually isnt necessary most of the time because CWDT enfeeble overrides temp chains, so it still works against stuff its supposed to work (e.g mapping and multihits on bosses).

And well it depends if you are comfortable with 14 mana cost totems. Because we spam them quite often. Atm i dont need - cost on my char but thats mostly because of Skirmish giving me some regen.
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Последняя редакция: thedeathbeam#7125. Время: 15 апр. 2023 г., 6:58:43

Do you roll maps for beyond then?
Also were you using any sextants?
PUTO написал:

Do you roll maps for beyond then?
Also were you using any sextants?

Nah, I buy beyond sextant. And then roll 3 random other sextants (mostly just looking for some extra packs, shrines are also ok)
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Holy *$*$, what happened to the price of the Impossible Escape jewel? Went from 1.5 div to 6 div overnight :(
Is there a reason your Darkscorn is set to 30% quality? How are you reliably getting that in the starter setup, or even high-budget? I'm also seeing the attack speed quality enchant being worse than the default quality. Just curious, thanks!
Последняя редакция: Riftling#7220. Время: 15 апр. 2023 г., 12:50:10
Riftling написал:
Is there a reason your Darkscorn is set to 30% quality? How are you reliably getting that in the starter setup, or even high-budget? I'm also seeing the attack speed quality enchant being worse than the default quality. Just curious, thanks!

Beast corrupt to 30 is easy 30 qual. But for the attack speed enchant you only rly need 24, 30 is there for comparison with base qual. And yea the AS enchant is a bit less DPS but reducing the channel time of ballistas is a bit more important than just pure DPS.

But obviously current league you probs dont want to beast corrupt your DS anyway because of crucible etc.
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Последняя редакция: thedeathbeam#7125. Время: 15 апр. 2023 г., 12:56:33
Should I annoint vengeant cascaade on this and look into swapping to strangelgrasp later or is it worth it to invest in a better amulet now itself?
ultra_super_hyper написал:
Should I annoint vengeant cascaade on this and look into swapping to strangelgrasp later or is it worth it to invest in a better amulet now itself?

Vengeant is too important so yea just annoiting is fine, you can upgrade at any point later but investment into vengeant ASAP is super worth it.
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ultra_super_hyper написал:
Should I annoint vengeant cascaade on this and look into swapping to strangelgrasp later or is it worth it to invest in a better amulet now itself?

Use the link the build creator posted, just a page earlier. You could easily get an "endgame" amulet for less than 1d. I'm not a fan of stranglegrasp because you gonna lose the 15% cull.
[EDIT] Make sure your SA is 20q
Последняя редакция: ericchongws#1140. Время: 15 апр. 2023 г., 14:48:21
ericchongws написал:

[EDIT] Make sure your SA is 20q

I got myself a 21/20 sa aalready prep'd :D

I then got the oils for vengent cascade but I thought 'd ask about the amuelt first. Perhaps it is worth looking for a good amu as I do love cull.

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