[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play
" Darkscorn vs well crafted thicket bow is around 10% less damage, or 15% or something like that, nothing big. My builds:
https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ |
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Hello there!
I just started leveling this build, and I am struggling to understand the difference between some types of damage. To simplify my doubt, I think that the following question would help me a lot: Why not Vicious Projectiles and Void Manipulation? I am not saying that I prefer that gems or something like that, I would just like to understand why exactly they don`t help the build! Thanks! |
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" They simply provide less damage than what we currently use. Vicious is decent, but it also provides less attack speed, what makes it worse than any other support we use. Same with Void Manipulation, it has simply lower damage bonus than other supports we use. My builds:
https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ |
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Hi, I'm loving this build. This is my first time playing league.
I was wondering if I could switch out the Circle Of Nostalgia ring for a regular ring. It'd be much easier for me to max out resists this way and add Intelligence. How important is the Circle of Nostalgia ring? Thanks |
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" Hello. Glad you like it :) Yeah for sure. I was playing this build last league without Circle of Nostalgia, and poison was also way worse than it is now and yet the build worked just fine, so you can def. drop it. My builds:
https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ |
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Thank you DeathBeam for your build. I'm eventually addict to this build. Before I got the enchant on helmet and Darkscorn, I lost 2 sets of Fragments in fighting with UE bossess and had to call for help, lmao. But then it was deathless which I could not imagine that before.
One thing I wanted to ask you: I have crafted a thicket bow with most of your recommended stats, except attack speed (got 10% chance to poison instead). And attack speed base on my bow is 1.5 same as Darkscorn (with 20% as). Sorry I don't have any picture here. Is it worth to change to my crafted bow, or I should try for another one with attack speed? Thank you! |
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" Nice, gz! And glad you like the build :) Your bow looks pretty sweet. Well, it should be pretty easy to check in PoB, just follow the configuring your own character in PoB section I have and you should know pretty accurate difference between those 2. My builds:
https://pobb.in/u/thedeathbeam My site: https://mapsofexile.com/ |
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Hello! I am trying this build out since I've never tried either scourge arrow or HoAg and it looks really fun, but I just had one question on the Iron Reflexes version of the tree. When would you say would be a good time to grab that node? Would it be instead of going Acrobatics in the 20-30 point transition? Or would you say to level up purely with evasion bases and then switch after say Blood Aqueducts? Thanks in advance!
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" In PoB going from Darkscorn to my VP+poison mod bow gives me nearly 45% more poison damage: I got lucky and bought the base already 6L with VP+Poison mod and two trash suffixes for 4ex, so it was fairly cheap to wipe the suffixes and multimod it. Not many good crafted suffixes so I went with the top attack speed roll and the hybrid accuracy mod, but you can do what you want. Chaos Dmg+Delve Poison mod will top Darkscorn, and this bow will top that by a significant margin. It isn't THAT bad to craft one yourself now since Corroded fossil has dropped in price to 4/5c compared to the 10/11c I was paying for rolls before I managed to buy that base. Plus the Delve stash tab has made fossil buying in bulk much easier. Rolling bows with just Corroded fossil is the simplest and generally most effective way to land these two mods. You can do Corroded+Aberrant if you want the chance to land the Despair on hit mod and it'll give you about the same chance to land VP+Delve mod as solo Corroded, but then you have to deal with buying twice as many fossils. And just be warned when I say it isn't "that bad" to craft a bow like this, we're talking something like a 0.75% chance to land any level VP mod plus the Delve poison mod. That means you'll need to spend maybe 5-6ex on average to land the mod combination, and even if you do it may have an extra trash prefix or three suffixes so you'll need to land annuls to make it craftable. But if you're looking for another place to push this build and you aren't doing a Darkscorn+Divine Flesh setup, going for the VP bow is the way to do it. |
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"Tbh you should still use evasion bases over armor bases due to increased evasion nodes ranger gets so you'll get more armor out of evasion piece or hybrid evasion + armor piece than pure armor piece after you pick iron reflexes. Now whether it's more beneficial to level as evasion or armor, I don't think you'd have much of either when you're running tabula so it's probably more to your personal preference. Personally I feel low evasion ratings don't help much, unless you have a lot of it, you'll still be hit a lot and feel very spiky. I'd probably transition to armor when pathing in that vicinity just to avoid the 1-shots from failed evasion. Последняя редакция: Viktranka#3883. Время: 28 сент. 2019 г., 19:10:27
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