[3.25] Scourge Arrow Poison Prolif Pathfinder - Fast, tanky, fun to play
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I use Withering Step as an on-demand +speed movement skill, sometimes firing an arrow to cancel Elusive early and reactivate the skill sooner since Elusive's buffs degrade over time.
Withering Step is also good for softening enemies while going on a Plague Bearer run, but some magic enemies and most (but not all) rare enemies will die faster to Scourge Arrow. Plague Bearer + Withering Step is great for passively clearing dense mobs that don't seem particularly rippy, especially when they are more than a screen away (i.e., much faster than using multiple SA). For example, running through Delve, open Breaches, Temple (in-map event and "present-day"), sometimes Blight lanes, sometimes Harbinger mobs, and for pesky enemies under proximity shield that just won't die. Since Withering Step is instant cast, it can be a bit faster than summoning Wither totems to help some tougher enemies die a little faster. Having said all that, I think Withering Step/Elusive really shines in taking Delve side paths since you get (1) free, easy phasing so you don't get jammed in enemy packs, (2) a fuckton of dodge (starts me off with +29% attack and spell dodge), and (3) nice movement speed. I have Withering Step on middle mouse button, which has felt good. I think Plague Bearer would run well on a side mouse button, but I have those bound to delve flare and dynamite. Bonus: I like flashing Withering Step's eyes during trades. If you're looking to optimize small parts of this build, then Withering Step and Plague Bearer both get +1 radius at level 21. "
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1. You will probably want to transition away from Tabula/whatever body armour + Lioneye's Glare to crafted body armour + Darkscorn/crafted thicket bow by around red maps.
You will need at least 114 Intelligence for level 21 Added Chaos Damage and optionally 155 Intelligence for level 20 Despair. Embalmers with the corrupted Despair implicit noticeably improve clearspeed and are very nice to have. I used to use Witchfire Brew for its level 21 Despair aura, but I came to the conclusion that the aura is just too small for this build outside of Withering Step runs. Circle of Nostalgia with both damage mods, like these, and Watcher's Eye with Malevolence DoT multi are +damage QoL items. Darkscorn converts 25% of physical damage taken to chaos damage, so you will want at least 0% actual chaos resistance for that or you will be increasing damage taken. Divine Flesh converts 50% of elemental damage taken to chaos damage and increases your maximum chaos resistance +10%, so you'll want 75-85% chaos resistance for that or you will be increasing damage taken, assuming 75% elemental resistances. 2. I'd say so, yes. The only truly mandatory gems should be the Scourge Arrow 6L and the buff auras; however, I'll say that the multi-wither totems are kind of a big deal to help us kill the toughest enemies potentially 10+ seconds faster. Everything else is nice to have. Self-cast Despair, Stone Golem, and Blood Rage are purely optional. I have Despair, Blood Rage, and Vaal Grace and just don't care to use them lol. 3. Atziri's Promise is only there as a cheap leveling flask. It doesn't even contribute that much damage once your poison damage has good scaling. The final flask setup is Cinderswallow with movement/stun avoid craft, Coralito's, a life flask, quicksilver, and jade flask. Optionally, the life flask can be Forbidden Taste, Blood of the Karui, or a hybrid flask with enduring or foreboding mods together with the Hardened Scars amulet anointment for on-demand Fortify. Curse immunity mod is optional, especially with good damage reduction, and I don't use it. 4. In PoB, under the "Starter" item set. Lioneye's Glare, non-corrupted The Embalmer, Drillneck, Tabula Rasa, Atziri's Step. The rest is whatever. From Atziri's Step, you switch to boots with the spell dodge temple mod, like these. Many pages ago I said that 5L Scourge Arrow with Lioneye's Glare took me to T10 maps. As long as you have a 5L somewhere, I'd say you can use a middling unique body armour like Dendrobate, Cherrubim's Maleficence, Belly of the Beast, Kintsugi, Daresso's Defiance, etc between Tabula and a crafted 6L body armor, if you want. I used Dendrobate. Последняя редакция: ctr2yellowbird#7209. Время: 7 окт. 2019 г., 18:13:28
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" I decided to spend most of the chaos i had laying about buying some and trying to craft some pieces, would you mind having a look at what i got and tell me if there's anything that needs upgrading immediately? (i know bow and quiver ain't too great atm) Also possibly a stupid question but as far as playing it goes, you always charge to 5 stages before releasing SA right? despair and wither is only used on bosses i assume? and plaguebearer is kinda up to you? |
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" How deep are you and how far do you go side ways? I took for granted that we would not sustain 50+ charge of darkness but I might be completely wrong. I'm currently doing the delving with mu Jugg, depth 250, reaching the end of the loaded map sideways with 14 flares. But I'll be happy to do it on the Pathfinder. |
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Thanks for the build, really enjoying the playstyle atm and crushing all content. Any idea what to do with the above quiver? Annul life with big balls or try to sell for another build. It raises my accuracy from 89% with drillneck to 97% as I am using flesh and stone in place of precision. The +1 arrow might be nice qol too for blighted maps when i'm spamming my cursor in random directions. |
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" I'm trying to craft that sort of quiver since a few days.. I was starting to think that the +1 arrow could not be combined with some of the other modes, I'm hapy to see my dream can be achived. How many fossils did you put on? Corroded + Serrated + Shruddering, Corroded + Serrated or just Corroded? How many rolls? Последняя редакция: Rootsmann#7961. Время: 8 окт. 2019 г., 9:13:01
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" Hey, I think I got really lucky since I crafted it using the exact same method as outlined in the OP. Shuddering + Corroded. (only two tries) You just need a shaper base of Ilvl 80+ I think? Double check on PoeDB to be sure of the +1 arrow mod. I knew it was possible because I saw a couple on poetrade for 20+ ex, however not sure on pricing for mine. |
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Could anyone tell me what i should upgrade next? Haven't had too much issue with normal maps besides dying pretty fast due to being used to different playstyle i think. Haven't tried any blighted map above tier 7 and said map + 7 lane blight encounter but they've been EXTREMELY close so i def need to upgrade something but i'm at a loss.
Current gear:
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" It's lvl 81 if I remember well. you are a lucky b*st*rd to get that with 2 tries! I would use it and continue crafting on a second basis. That's basically what I do with my helm and my body right now. The base for the helmet is with the most expensive enchant this league but I'm happy having two of them and rotating which one get's better. I'll just stop for a while and focus on quiver now. Just need to delve more. |
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" In no particular order (but maybe a bit in order of priorities): - The scourge arrow helmet enchant - the corrupted Emblamers with Despair on hit - Ring of nostalgia with both Herald poison damage (the one you have) and effect. - Watcher's eye with damage over time multiplier under malevolence. Последняя редакция: Rootsmann#7961. Время: 8 окт. 2019 г., 14:40:58
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" I know haha! My quiver is ilvl80 so it's definitely possible with that ilvl. EDIT: Just got this on my next craft. Now which one would be better... Is +1 arrow highly valued? Also 92% accuracy vs 97. Последняя редакция: Adamisgr8#0665. Время: 8 окт. 2019 г., 15:01:40
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