[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]
Maybe stupid question, but I am new on forum:) How I can show my character items on my forum post as you guys do?:)
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I am in the process to craft BIS endgame bow, can I just craft "Cannot roll attack mods from here and then guarante-slam "+1 to level of socketed gems"?
Thank you for a great guide, having a blast =) |
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Can anyone look at my char and tell me whats the most important gear or stuff that i should target right now?
Thanks in advance |
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" Bought 8 Divination Cards. I like playing with HH, all the mods and Clearspeed is really nice. |
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Great guide, but I'm a little confused by the leveling section.
31-60, you tell us to take Eldritch Battery. 60-endgand, "notice we don't take mind over matter". Why take EB but not MoM, isn't that just completely destroying your survivability for no return? |
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Just beat Sirus at Awakener 8 deathless with the gear below. I spent about 15ex on everything breakdown is 5ex bow, 2ex Hyrris (way cheaper now), 1.5ex Vertex (also cheaper now), 2ex amulet, 4ex jewels and the rest were all less then 30c each.
Thank you Darkxellmc for the guide, it was easy to follow and a really well scaling tanky build. Also the new flowcharts look great. |
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build is amazing for 1 shotting legions and mapping
but suck a fucking donkey ballz on single target i consider leveling up some boss killer cause shit just 1 shotting me |
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" Indeed, oops. " Check the FaQ for dodge source chances. " Then you did something wrong in your pob. Malevolence (without watcher's eye) gives 20% more damage. Skitterbots apply a 15% shock which comes out at 6% more damage overall. Malevolence vastly outshines skitterbots here. " Chaos is slightly better by 1%, so I guess yes? Not really tho, unless you care about a 0.3% overall change in the build dps. " Known problem. If you don't have the craft, try to find a trusted crafter on the forums. There's hundreads of threads, it shouldn't take long. Most of them don't charge much, some even are tip what you want. If you don't have enough currency already, don't worry too much. PoE is a game about progression. You aren't supposed to buy budget gear and go farm the most difficult endgame encounters with it. A couple builds can do it (ball lightning mines, mostly), but "most" build guides that advertise a <3ex budget for uber elder and sirus8 are just flat out lying. Follow the flowchart, and run content that is appropriately difficult for your gear. I can't see your gear, but you're level 89. You should probably be farming easy low tier red maps in 3 watchstones socketed regions. By now, you should have a 6 link cane, maybe a level 21 empower, and not much else. If you have better than this, you're already doing better than I was in metamorph. Gl hf :p " Good job, that's impressive! But, huh... I have bad news... The "-9 chaos res" you put in there overrides the base shaper chaos resistance. you should leave it blank, the helmet mod is properly computed already. Shaper's chaos resistance is 35%, not -9% ^^' Sorry for making you loose 40% of your pob damage. " Tried it out too. The haste aura is good, obviously. But idk, I don't like it very much either. It does deal with attribute requirements tho, but getting a HH for that is hard trolling anyways ^^' " - No, damage with 2 handed weapons increase weapon damage. We don't attack, so we don't deal weapon damage. - Yes. Optimal rotation on bosses is: precast wither totem, cast ed, vaal blight, flasks (witchfire), blight. For bosses where you can't precast a totem (most map bosses), make sure you ED them before you go in melee range of course. If you don't, you'll have no regen and die. But you probably know that already. - Vaal blight is mostly for bosses. But cannot die totems are a pain, I agree on it too XD. Don't forget soul gain prevention takes forever since we have a lot of skill effect duration. Vaal blight increases damage taken by enemies hindered by 20%, it's a really good boss burst. - % increased damage, %chaos damage over time multiplier. - You can swap the aquamarine for a sulfur, if you want. Bottled faith is technically the best damage boost, but I hate it on this build. I'd rather be curse immune (not to even mention the price) - There's a jewel section in gear > jewels > clusters " click your name at the top of the screen, click your inventory, then an item. It'll link it in your open reply. " Proj speed is a suffix, so yes it'll work. I'd recommend annulling the proj speed tho, but as you want. " Flip your gems for 20% quality (all except your ED). Then, follow the flowchart " Yes. It's to solve mana issues, I don't like mana flasks while leveling. You shouldn't really die during the campain tho, even with shit gear and 2.5k life, as long as you are rescapped ^^' We don't really have es at this time anyways, since most of it comes from endgame items interactions. |
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Hi have only 10k evasion when other PPL have like 20-40k. What am I doing wrong? :D What should I upgrade step by step? Have almost 500k dps ED without flasks, 4400HP, 1800ES. Последняя редакция: tasior11#6818. Время: 27 марта 2020 г., 5:33:28
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Hello guys, what are the next pieces of gear i should focus for upgrades? My characters are public also, if you want to check. Thanks! Последняя редакция: MrWay#2655. Время: 27 марта 2020 г., 5:43:44
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