[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]
Thanks Viktranka and Ozten for this quick answer. I knew my build was surely a shame but now i know how to improve it x).
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Guys, i cant get how can i reach 75 % chance to dodge atacks wwithout Freedom of movement. If i remove this anointment my max dodge with flask is 71%
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How do we fit all 4 auras? Have Enlightened lvl4 but cant fit in Flesh And Stone?
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" You don't. Drop flash and stone once you have aspect of spider. I have three phones, Blizzard. Three f***ing phones.
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" we cant es and malevo are auras flesh and stone is not aura aspect spooder not work with enlightment question any of you killed sirius 8 with this build yet ? post your char pls, need to know what upgrade xd Последняя редакция: Zebedin#5037. Время: 28 марта 2020 г., 9:18:46
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" Hi there , how do you get so much ? I 'm about 62% chance to evade an attack !? |
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Love the guide, great work. This is my best league ever.
Just wanted to jump in and show everyone the bow I crafted today. The RNG gods blessed my Redeemer Orb slam. |
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" Yes. It's just a meme, it's not worth any significant amount of money. " Yes, very. Ed's base damage is very low, damage investment early really helps. " Early on it's good, but then 20% damage for 1 point isn't worth it anymore. " I don't see anything too weird, except your flask setup. Get curse and freeze immunity here, to not die each time you get frozen. You should also flip your gems to 20% quality. And stop leveling a level 1 corrupted empower, just throw that thing away ^^' Make sure your flesh and stone is in sand stance. Maybe get a no witnesses jewel. " Map mod only goes up to 50% chance to avoid blind. Blind immunity is only granted if you reach 100% blind avoidance (kinda). Flesh and stone, being technically an aura (for enemies), will always apply blind regardless of their avoidance. " Check the FaQ section for a list of dodge sources. " Evade and dodge are two completely different mechanics. Evade chance mostly doesn't matter for anything serious, since it's so unreliable it's hard to plan ahead. It doesn't hurt to have evasion, but in this build it's mostly for ghost shrouds recovery. Hence wind dancer. |
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Hi there,
about the medium cluster jewel: Can you explain the advantage of exposure therapy over for example vile reinvigoration? Is the 10% multiplier better? Or in my specific case: Just crafted one with flow of life & circling oblivion. Keep rolling? Another question: Where do you get life regen from? Thanks! |
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I want to try to craft gloves. I'm new to this, so just to check that I've got it right:
1) Buy Elder fingerless gloves with T1 Chaos dot multi as the only Elder mod 2) Buy Warlord-influenced gloves with Culling Strike as the only Warlord mod 3) Awakener's orb the Warlord onto the Elder 4) Profit Right? This looks to be much cheaper than the "finished" gloves out there atm. |
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