[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

maybe reflect damage, your gear have some physical or elemental damage add with your spells or maybe you have a flam dash high level(keep lvl 1)
JohnyStalker написал:
Biggest lie since Neverending Story !
Why lure other with big promises ?
Ok i dont expect im realy unkillable but until now i cant see diffrence in tankiness to other builds ... how sad i waste my time with this ...

Time to say Sorry
my Gear is now a bit better and now things like Sirus/ Catharina/ Sim. wave 20 deatless/ lvl 95 ... is possible.
the dmg is low in some situations but i think taht could be improfed with better gear
Ssuffer написал:
I understand this build is hardcore viable, but I just died at lvl 91 on lvl 15 map. I had no time to react at all and honestly I don't even know what killed me lol. Until this map, I had no problem at all. Everytime I play this build this is what happens. I feel very tanky for a long time and suddenly I die out of nowhere. I had 4.5k life and 1.6kes and playing on console so it is hard to get better gear fast from trading. I didn't use MOM and Eldritch battery though.

Welcome to evasion characters, evasion / dodge rolls fail and you get chunked.

First of all, do you pay attention to map mods? On hc I'd be extra careful with dangerous map mods like "dodge is unlucky", "-max res", or big combo of mob damage mods like speed + crit + phys as extra element, or increased area, or increased projectiles, if you pile a lot of dangerous mods you can get bursted in 1 second.

Second, I would definitely not venture into rank 15 maps with sub 5k life on hardcore.

You also didn't say if you had the endurance charge crafts, or CWDT setup, or brutal restraint, or all the other bits that could contribute to well layered defenses or lack thereof. Dodge / evasion is just a part of it, big part but not only one in the big picture. Also this build aims to get as close to 75% dodge as possible meanwhile you said you had around 50% only.

About the console market, it's scuffed and I think it was mentioned several times this guide is not optimized for console because only small portion of playerbase is on console, so you'd probably never find a guide dedicated for that environment. Best you can find is dedicated SSF builds that don't rely on trading for very specific items.

If you play HC, checking what popular SSFHC racers are building could be of help. ED is quite popular among them. Still, they tend to die from time to time. I'd swear Ziz only played ED and Volatile Dead this season and died multiple times on both builds. That's how hardcore goes. It's not a question if you die, but when. Unless you skip 90% of the game and play only safe content (Steelmage reached 100 in SSFHC on his gladiator by skipping deliriums and map bosses... well the strat worked for him tho!)
hey, first time doing a non-melee or non-skele build, and loving this so far. map clearing is amazing.

my issue right now is with bossing. i am only level 80 but having no issues clearing t16 maps, its just the map bosses/conqs that takes me quite a while to kill. is this just the nature of the build?

POB: https://pastebin.com/vccdKDSK

i dont have endurance charges, not having issues with survivability (feel pretty tanky actually) and feel like its mainly DPS. not sure if culling strike is that big of a ST dps boost and where i should even try to get it on my gear

how should withering totems be used exactly? sorry if i overlooked in guide.

thanks in advance.

EDIT: very nooby question, but being that im using to 1-click mechanics, any recommendations on how I should have my skills set up? having trouble with the ED/C proc while also managing flasks

have it as such:
right click-blight
middle click-flame dash
Q - vaal blight
W - wither
E -contagion (middle finger rest here)
R - essence drain (pointer finger rest here)

Последняя редакция: mrjadillac#5435. Время: 3 мая 2020 г., 13:23:23
have a question, How works the culling strike if the wiki says the DoT dmg dosnt trigger it??

Nice build, gearing still in progress, missing watcher's eye, better ring and helmet. Without some serious investments single-target was a bit rough. Now it is better but sill not superior. 615k tooltip dps in hideout btw.
drakkenbcn написал:
have a question, How works the culling strike if the wiki says the DoT dmg dosnt trigger it??
You have to re-hit the boss under 10% with fresh essence drain (it has initial small hit and then starts the dot) or you can hit it with flame dash.
I put my brutal restraint and I received a skill called second sight rather than wind dance.. am i doing something wrong?
Snoopyx213 написал:
I put my brutal restraint and I received a skill called second sight rather than wind dance.. am i doing something wrong?

It has to be "of Deshret" any number brutal restraint.

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