Where does the mana sustain come from this build? maybe i'm missing something :/ since it doesn't use eldrich battery
СообщениеRainge40#184521 июня 2020 г., 18:13:34
Rainge40 написал:
Where does the mana sustain come from this build? maybe i'm missing something :/ since it doesn't use eldrich battery
It does use Eldrich Battery
Question around the PoB - since we're going all the way down for Wind Dancer, would it be better to put the Transcendent Mind into the jewel socket on the way down there? That way we don't lose any Int from the jewels effect?
СообщениеSScouty#309421 июня 2020 г., 18:45:02
SScouty написал:
Question around the PoB - since we're going all the way down for Wind Dancer, would it be better to put the Transcendent Mind into the jewel socket on the way down there? That way we don't lose any Int from the jewels effect?
And make the jewel do absolutely nothing? It relies on having intellect in radius, but not specced. If you put it in a place with only dex nodes around, it won't do anything.
+3% to Damage over Time Multiplier per 10 Intelligence on Unallocated Passives in Radius
СообщениеViktranka#388321 июня 2020 г., 18:49:44
Viktranka написал:
SScouty написал:
Question around the PoB - since we're going all the way down for Wind Dancer, would it be better to put the Transcendent Mind into the jewel socket on the way down there? That way we don't lose any Int from the jewels effect?
And make the jewel do absolutely nothing? It relies on having intellect in radius, but not specced. If you put it in a place with only dex nodes around, it won't do anything.
+3% to Damage over Time Multiplier per 10 Intelligence on Unallocated Passives in Radius
Ah, yep - i'm just a numpty :)
СообщениеSScouty#309421 июня 2020 г., 18:52:25
sasori1337 написал:
What do you mean by GG wands? What other cheap gear should I look for to take me through white maps before I switch?
a good wand would have +1 to lvl of all chaos spell gems / 20+ chaos dmg over time multi / open prefix to craft spell dmg (ofc if u have all that and on top dmg over time multi as a suffix, this would be even better but such a wand is everything but budget)
u can try to snipe a +1 / chaos dot multi / open prefix for relativly cheap (payed 3c for my one and it carries me)... but since this build is super popular atm there are alot of snipers and the prices go up.
everything else is pretty meh... just use what u can get to be res-caped + life.. thats it
Thanks -- I'll keep a lookout. Although I'm finding it strange that I haven't seen any +1 gem wands available for trade on Harvest. I've tried searching both online and offline players, looking for +1 gem, +1 skill gem, and +1 spell gem. Nothing at all on wands. I know spellbinder is popular, but not even a lowly one-socket wand? Seems weird.
СообщениеEchoGrim#726921 июня 2020 г., 21:35:15
Razzenit написал:
Darkxellmc написал:
ACT111 написал:
Is there a guide for the chaoslinger version? Couldn't find one.
Leveling -> check out page 205
Maps -> I don't do that, sorry. Not sure where you can find a detailed guide.
Couldn't find anything on page 205... is that the correct page #? Quite hard to browse all the 400+ pages
It's 405, I think, you can edit the link from address bar of your browser for easy travel to exact page.
Сообщениеzcythustk#275121 июня 2020 г., 21:41:48
Shin_RyuuJin написал:
Well, so far, enjoying the build once again, I'm still amazed at the clear and survivability (even though I die a lot cause I don't pay attention to the game XD).
However, as I plan to get myself the 10 ex bow asap, this note that you put in the synthesis crafting one bothers me:
"You will not be able to redeemer slam the last suffix. There might be options to ensure you get something useful there, life a good resistance. Keep an eye out! You should probably be using imprints to get back to a liquefaction bow if a new crafting technique is discovered."
Why is the slam not possible ? As I'm not super good in crafting, I don't see why the slam would not be possible. Is it just because of the probability to hit the correct mod, or just because something blocks us the slam ?
Thanks in advance, and thanks for this amazing build !
You are right. It's not 100% clear that you can't slam influence on a synthesized base; and if you can, doing so is clearly optimal.
The main problem is that you have to hit the jackpot using the extremely rare T4 seedcraft in order to make a +1 bow. I wouldn't expect to craft the base any time soon, and since few people are likely to be using the T4 craft on a bow, you probably won't find the base for sale except at astronomical prices. So I'd settle for the 10ex Maraketh option for now, with the synthesized bow as a (perhaps not entirely realistic) late-league goal.
Сообщениеevouga#125321 июня 2020 г., 22:16:22
I'm sorry, I didn't see any updated info on small cluster jewel, since now we get Elusive from tree, but you did say to get a medium cluster with a socket slot. What is the small cluster jewel supposed to have?
Thanks in advance!
СообщениеClodill#678421 июня 2020 г., 23:45:33
I'm trying to go Toxic Rain with this build. I'll probably take Hunter's Gambit instead of Arcane Expanse, and perhaps other minor adjustments if needed.
Is there any reason why that would be a terrible idea? I really like the core concept of the build.
Сообщениеsillysmy#040522 июня 2020 г., 0:11:32