[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]
With Transcendent Mind current price of almost 5 exalt, is it better for me to upgrade my 6L Cane to the 5ex bow, or get the Transcendent Mind first?
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" You're saying that like exalts are valuable this league. 5Ex for this jewel is 150c, which is less than the typical price of 1ex (~180c) in a regular league. That said, getting the 5ex bow is currently very very cheap, since it costs exalts to craft. So you should probably rush that. |
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What are you guys doing for mana regen on bosses? For general mapping I am having no issues due to the regen on kill, but for bosses I find myself running out of mana really quickly.
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" Are you using eldritch battery? through devouring diadem or pathed to? I have never had any mana issues with this build at all. I also was coming to this thread one last time to thank the creator. By far the best guide I have followed since... talisman I think. Very complete, next upgrade trees are fantastic. Really A++ work @Darkxellmc. This league I got through A8 & Shaper without breaking a sweat and had never beaten A0 before. I can for the first time ever stop playing a league because I accomplished my goal and not because of frustration with a shitty build. |
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" Sorry, this is my first league so I'm unaware of the prices of Exalts in the past! But good to know, I'm trying to rush this bow :) Thanks to everyone's tips here I'm doing good progress and hopefully can soon kill Sirus! One small question: I don't fully understand the Sulphur flask - Path of Building shows a minor DPS increase? |
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" I actually just went back and noticed I was missing this vital step, so I went ahead and picked up the Diadem helmet. Going to test it out now and see how well it all goes. |
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" Would deafning essence of woe (123-144% increased Spell Damage) not give better damage than DoT craft? Edit: Had pre & suffixes mixed up. Should still be better although more expensive than I thought... 1) Roll with essences until you hit (of liquefaction)(31-35)% increased damage over time multiplier (this step is pretty pricey at 116 tries average) 2) Annul until you get 2 open prefixes and 1 open suffix (and pray you don't annul your essence craft or DoT) 3) craft "cannot roll atack modifiers" and exalt +1 gem 4) craft +2 support gems and call it a day or 5) if 2 open suffixes can also multimod with arcane surge/chaos damage/damage per endurance charge If someone wants to try it out in PoB:
Скрытый текст
Essence of Woe Bow Maraketh Bow Item Level: 100 Quality: 30 Sockets: W-W-W-W-W-W LevelReq: 1 Implicits: 1 +1 to Level of Socketed Support Gems Physical Damage: 56-84 Critical Strike Chance: 5.50% Attacks per Second: 1.40 Dex: 222 +1 to Level of Socketed Gems 144% increased Spell Damage +35% to Damage over Time Multiplier {crafted}Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers {crafted}+2 to Level of Socketed Support Gems {crafted}6% increased damage per endurance charge "Fixing the endgame was hard - No matter how hard we buffed red maps, people would keep spamming Gorges. So we turned Gorge into a red map" Последняя редакция: qwertz#1626. Время: 25 окт. 2020 г., 16:11:46
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My gloves I just crafted
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Maybe this was discussed before but as Synthesised items are pretty cheap this league, i crafted a bow with spell damage implicit. Is this better then the movement speed on maraketh? I feel pretty slow, especially in heists, so I am not sure if I should switch. But I think the damage boost is pretty nice? What do you guys think?
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" I would use this bow over the maraketh for sure. We are already so fucking fast there's no need for even more movement speed. I go so quick through maps that I sometimes miss loot because I'm zooming. The DPS on this bow is more worth it imo. |
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