[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

With Transcendent Mind current price of almost 5 exalt, is it better for me to upgrade my 6L Cane to the 5ex bow, or get the Transcendent Mind first?
lucaslsf написал:
With Transcendent Mind current price of almost 5 exalt, is it better for me to upgrade my 6L Cane to the 5ex bow, or get the Transcendent Mind first?

You're saying that like exalts are valuable this league.
5Ex for this jewel is 150c, which is less than the typical price of 1ex (~180c) in a regular league.

That said, getting the 5ex bow is currently very very cheap, since it costs exalts to craft. So you should probably rush that.
What are you guys doing for mana regen on bosses? For general mapping I am having no issues due to the regen on kill, but for bosses I find myself running out of mana really quickly.
gravityx19 написал:
What are you guys doing for mana regen on bosses? For general mapping I am having no issues due to the regen on kill, but for bosses I find myself running out of mana really quickly.

Are you using eldritch battery? through devouring diadem or pathed to? I have never had any mana issues with this build at all.

I also was coming to this thread one last time to thank the creator. By far the best guide I have followed since... talisman I think. Very complete, next upgrade trees are fantastic. Really A++ work @Darkxellmc.

This league I got through A8 & Shaper without breaking a sweat and had never beaten A0 before. I can for the first time ever stop playing a league because I accomplished my goal and not because of frustration with a shitty build.
Darkxellmc написал:
lucaslsf написал:
With Transcendent Mind current price of almost 5 exalt, is it better for me to upgrade my 6L Cane to the 5ex bow, or get the Transcendent Mind first?

You're saying that like exalts are valuable this league.
5Ex for this jewel is 150c, which is less than the typical price of 1ex (~180c) in a regular league.

That said, getting the 5ex bow is currently very very cheap since it costs exalts to craft. So you should probably rush that.

Sorry, this is my first league so I'm unaware of the prices of Exalts in the past! But good to know, I'm trying to rush this bow :)

Thanks to everyone's tips here I'm doing good progress and hopefully can soon kill Sirus!

One small question: I don't fully understand the Sulphur flask - Path of Building shows a minor DPS increase?
Are you using eldritch battery? through devouring diadem or pathed to? I have never had any mana issues with this build at all.

I also was coming to this thread one last time to thank the creator. By far the best guide I have followed since... talisman I think. Very complete, next upgrade trees are fantastic. Really A++ work @Darkxellmc.

This league I got through A8 & Shaper without breaking a sweat and had never beaten A0 before. I can for the first time ever stop playing a league because I accomplished my goal and not because of frustration with a shitty build.

I actually just went back and noticed I was missing this vital step, so I went ahead and picked up the Diadem helmet. Going to test it out now and see how well it all goes.
Darkxellmc написал:

{10ex} Dot multiplier BIS bow
Скрытый текст

1) Grab an ilvl 82+ Maraketh bow without influence.
Maraketh bow has the best implicit with 10% increased movement speed, and requires 222dex to equip (which we have).

2) (Optionnal) Increase the quality of your bow using perfect fossils or betrayal quality benches.

3) Increase the quality of your item on the crafting bench (+18% quality) for 4 chaos.

4)Use the crafting bench to set the socket amount to 2.

5) Use the crafting bench to force 2 blue sockets.

6) Then, use jeweller's orbs to do what's called the "vorici coloring technique".
Set your socket amount to 3 using the bench. If it is red or blue, continue, otherwise reset your bow to two sockets and repeat. When you have 3 blues or 2 blues-1red, do the same technique for the 4th socket.
Stop when you have 3 blues and one red socket.
Then, set the socket amount to 6 using the bench to get:

7) Use orbs of fusing to 6 link your item. This should take 900 on average due to the high item quality.

8) Use a scouring orb and an orb of transmutation to make your item magic.

9)Proceed to use alteration orbs until you get the following modifier:
(of liquefaction)(31-35)% increased damage over time multiplier

10) Use a regal orb to make the item rare.
Pro tip: If you care about crafting this item fast, you may use a Craicic chimeral beast to create an imprint of your item just before regaling. This usually costs around 1ex, and allows you to go back to this step anytime you want. This can save you the process you using alteration orbs again if you have a bad annulment roll and must retry. https://pathofexile.gamepedia.com/Imprint

11) Use annulment orbs until the only modifier left is "of liquefaction"(chaos multiplier). If you remove the chaos multiplier, go back to 8.

12) On your crafting bench, craft the following mods:
Can have 3 crafted modifiers
Cannot roll attack mods

13) Use an exalted orb on the bow. You will get "Parangon's" +1 to level of socketed gems prefix.
14)On the crafting bench, remove crafted modifiers.

15) on the crafting bench, craft the following mods:
Can have up to 3 crafted modifiers
+2 to level of socketed support gems
(36-40)% increased chaos damage over time multiplier

16) (optionnal) Use a conqueror's exalted orb to add a last suffix.
I recommend redeemer for a good chance at movementspeed or onslaught on kill. Full mod list available here:

Congratulations! You made an almost best in slot bow for this build. This is better than a 1mod faceted fossil bow.

Would deafning essence of woe (123-144% increased Spell Damage) not give better damage than DoT craft?

Edit: Had pre & suffixes mixed up.
Should still be better although more expensive than I thought...

1) Roll with essences until you hit (of liquefaction)(31-35)% increased damage over time multiplier
(this step is pretty pricey at 116 tries average)
2) Annul until you get 2 open prefixes and 1 open suffix
(and pray you don't annul your essence craft or DoT)
3) craft "cannot roll atack modifiers" and exalt +1 gem
4) craft +2 support gems and call it a day or
5) if 2 open suffixes can also multimod with arcane surge/chaos damage/damage per endurance charge

If someone wants to try it out in PoB:
Скрытый текст

Essence of Woe Bow
Maraketh Bow
Item Level: 100
Quality: 30
Sockets: W-W-W-W-W-W
LevelReq: 1
Implicits: 1
+1 to Level of Socketed Support Gems
Physical Damage: 56-84
Critical Strike Chance: 5.50%
Attacks per Second: 1.40
Dex: 222
+1 to Level of Socketed Gems
144% increased Spell Damage
+35% to Damage over Time Multiplier
{crafted}Can have up to 3 Crafted Modifiers
{crafted}+2 to Level of Socketed Support Gems
{crafted}6% increased damage per endurance charge
"Fixing the endgame was hard - No matter how hard we buffed red maps, people would keep spamming Gorges.
So we turned Gorge into a red map"
Последняя редакция: qwertz#1626. Время: 25 окт. 2020 г., 16:11:46
My gloves I just crafted
Maybe this was discussed before but as Synthesised items are pretty cheap this league, i crafted a bow with spell damage implicit. Is this better then the movement speed on maraketh? I feel pretty slow, especially in heists, so I am not sure if I should switch. But I think the damage boost is pretty nice? What do you guys think?

goozaan написал:
Maybe this was discussed before but as Synthesised items are pretty cheap this league, i crafted a bow with spell damage implicit. Is this better then the movement speed on maraketh? I feel pretty slow, especially in heists, so I am not sure if I should switch. But I think the damage boost is pretty nice? What do you guys think?

I would use this bow over the maraketh for sure. We are already so fucking fast there's no need for even more movement speed. I go so quick through maps that I sometimes miss loot because I'm zooming. The DPS on this bow is more worth it imo.

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