[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

Parog написал:
How does this build mitigate stun?
Escape Artist ascendancy node.
Viktranka написал:
Jadran написал:
Kintsugi is currently much more expensive than Hyrri's in Ritual, maybe its prophecy's drop rate was nerfed (?) Seems better to go straight for Hyrri's now.
Apparently there's a Toxic Rain mines Trickster build that's swallowing up all the Kintsugis, it's used also by BV or Blade Blast Assassins, so it definitely went up in popularity, kinda what happened to Vertex 1 year ago, first it was a budget item and then the price skyrocketed because both this build and popular TR Trickster build were recommending it.

It's probably gonna have good synergy with newly reworked Deadeye and wind ward.

Restless Ward or a rare chest started being the go to budget option at a league start, Kintsugi has been creeping up in price since Wind Dancer was moved from maraketh jewel to the main passive tree.

Could you please, or maybe the author of the build help me out a bit with the chest itemisation and point out the next step after Hyrri? As the other person pointed out it's much more cheaper atm, so I'm going after it straight away, and the build lists it as a midrange choice, so I'm wondering what would be the next good thing and maybe how to craft it?
Thank you beforehand.
Последняя редакция: Bethrezhen#4970. Время: 19 янв. 2021 г., 1:42:47
Bethrezhen написал:
Viktranka написал:
Jadran написал:
Kintsugi is currently much more expensive than Hyrri's in Ritual, maybe its prophecy's drop rate was nerfed (?) Seems better to go straight for Hyrri's now.
Apparently there's a Toxic Rain mines Trickster build that's swallowing up all the Kintsugis, it's used also by BV or Blade Blast Assassins, so it definitely went up in popularity, kinda what happened to Vertex 1 year ago, first it was a budget item and then the price skyrocketed because both this build and popular TR Trickster build were recommending it.

It's probably gonna have good synergy with newly reworked Deadeye and wind ward.

Restless Ward or a rare chest started being the go to budget option at a league start, Kintsugi has been creeping up in price since Wind Dancer was moved from maraketh jewel to the main passive tree.

Could you please, or maybe the author of the build help me out a bit with the chest itemisation and point out the next step after Hyrri? As the other person pointed out it's much more cheaper atm, so I'm going after it straight away, and the build lists it as a midrange choice, so I'm wondering what would be the next good thing and maybe how to craft it?
Thank you beforehand.

as is pointed in the guide under the chest piece there is explenation (click on spoiler)
"Hyrri's ire is best in slot."

there is notheng "after" hyrri
btw look for hyrri with the most % increased evasion rating
Последняя редакция: sunbm#0663. Время: 19 янв. 2021 г., 2:17:36
sunbm написал:

Could you please, or maybe the author of the build help me out a bit with the chest itemisation and point out the next step after Hyrri? As the other person pointed out it's much more cheaper atm, so I'm going after it straight away, and the build lists it as a midrange choice, so I'm wondering what would be the next good thing and maybe how to craft it?
Thank you beforehand.

as is pointed in the guide under the chest piece there is explenation (click on spoiler)
"Hyrri's ire is best in slot."

there is notheng "after" hyrri
btw look for hyrri with the most % increased evasion rating[/quote]

Well, if you want a true best in slot chest, you may craft a rare sadist garb with exceptionnal rolls, or double corrupt some hyrri's ires.
I like the double corrupt route, mods like "50% inc damage", "6% max life" and "+1 max res" are very valuable to the build.

I really don't recommend it unles you're seeking the absolute best stats already tho, it's a mediocre investment. Craft a good bow or something, idk, a 5l hyrri's is just fine for a very long time.
I'm still in the early phases of the build (yellow maps). I just got my Vertex, but I was curious was to why we use Enlighten? What's the significance of reducing our reserved mana if we're using ES to cast spells? Is it simply for Mind over Matter?
Going pretty great again, of course ssf hc again :)

Although due birthday i wasnt able to play alot this league start, but so far doing pretty good....the ritual league hooked me up with 2 canes already so thats nice.
Also if i wasnt so unbelieveable stupid i would have 6 linked it, but i took something from the ritual and wasnt able to defer the 6 link prophency after i did :((((

So far the hunt for empower is on :)
LawsonGD написал:
I'm still in the early phases of the build (yellow maps). I just got my Vertex, but I was curious was to why we use Enlighten? What's the significance of reducing our reserved mana if we're using ES to cast spells? Is it simply for Mind over Matter?

Its to have 3 auras in stead of 2...
we want malevelance and discipline and flesh and stone....which u can only manage with enlighten, which is a bitch to get ssf :P
So what exactly are you supposed to do when you can't even get 3B 2G on Hyrri and you're literally going to go bankrupt just to get the colors? I've spent over 500 chromes and have gotten 3R 2G four times.
It looks like the world has given up on ED, i bought a 20 23 ED yesterday for 19c and a 21 23 Vaal Blight for 9c, 21 23 Contagion is 30 ish aswell.

So @everyone if you are playing this, check the prices, buy those early! Don't bother leveling your stuff twice.
You should have bought a 21/0 ED, 21/23 contagion is also pretty useless iirc

Just waiting for targeted annuls to show up now
Последняя редакция: Shuggananas#4641. Время: 19 янв. 2021 г., 9:30:22

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