[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]

Updated Pbin : https://pastebin.com/cg7SbH7s

NaineNoire написал:

First off, thanks to OP and all contributors for a very interesting build - my first chaos based character. I am now entering yellow maps ~ my level and doing fine.

As far as improvements go, I have gathered a fair amount of currency and looking at the best way to optimise my character. I am focusing in two areas mainly; getting a good bow and a good Stygian. Prices are a concern of course, 15-25 ex for the belt and anything from 8 to 50 for a solid bow.

This is my pbin: https://pastebin.com/MZ9ghfHG

Also a question regarding evasion. A few levels back I had reached 68%. As I level up this % drops (I found out it's due to monsters' accuracy vs evasion rating). Sitting at 8990 (49%) atm. Apart from flasking I have no idea how to approach the 75% mark, as my items are focused on evasion already and have taken the prescribed nodes.

Any feedback/suggestions are welcome.

PS- are bows regarded as 2-H weapons for the purposes of mods that % increase the above category's damage?

I hardly see anyone having a ring modded for Despair on hit. Why so? It frees a keybind.

Update! New Weapon, still looking for a quiver new pbin:

NaineNoire написал:
Also a question regarding evasion. A few levels back I had reached 68%. As I level up this % drops (I found out it's due to monsters' accuracy vs evasion rating). Sitting at 8990 (49%) atm. Apart from flasking I have no idea how to approach the 75% mark, as my items are focused on evasion already and have taken the prescribed nodes.
You can't easily get plenty of evasion, the common ways are:
- jade flask of reflexes (most evasion builds use it)
- flesh and stone = blind = halves mobs accuracy when they're blinded
- grace - sucks because it's 50% reservation, nobody uses it except aurabots / aurastackers
- other sources of reducing mob accuracy (enfeeble, dread banner, stibnite flask like witchfire brew), most of these are situational and don't fit into every build

NaineNoire написал:
PS- are bows regarded as 2-H weapons for the purposes of mods that % increase the above category's damage?
"Increased damage with bows" doesn't work for spells or dots, only direct attacks with the bow. "Increased damage while wielding a bow / two-handed weapon" works as long as it doesn't say "melee weapon". If you can see the abyss jewel in this belt, that is the mod you can safely use for dot builds. Dunno how to link the jewel separately.

NaineNoire написал:
I hardly see anyone having a ring modded for Despair on hit. Why so? It frees a keybind.
Because you actually need to hit a mob, and I'm not sure if contagion spreading ED counts as hit, or only the first mob will count as hit.
Shuggananas написал:
Rinco написал:
Pretty simple with harvest, just start with +1 int gems amulet then use aug chaos

I am new to the Harvest crafting stuff.
What do you mean exactly by aug chaos.
So you start with an amulet having only the +1 in gems, that means you have to remove all the other stats first?

Not really no, the only chaos prefix you can hit with augment chaos is +1 chaos gems
Chaos dot multi is a bit harder to hit but can be done with some tricks (T2 isn't hard to get anyway, you can get chaos res and chaos dot multi suffixes only iirc)

I'm sorry but still don't understand.

could you please explain the steps to craft the neck (hunter influ and +1 int skill gems) till you get that awesome amulet wich i still dreaming every night, please?
Wreckids написал:
SyntaxDei написал:
One important point that this guy doesn't tell beginners is that crafting base should be ilvl 82 or higher for bow so that you can hit tier 1 damage over time. I spent 6 exa just to find this out, don't make same mistake that would cause you to be suicidal. Cheers

That info is on step 1 of the crafting process?

ye I'm blind xD
Vik, thanks for the prompt and clarifying answers :)
Macdam написал:
Shuggananas написал:
Rinco написал:
Pretty simple with harvest, just start with +1 int gems amulet then use aug chaos

I am new to the Harvest crafting stuff.
What do you mean exactly by aug chaos.
So you start with an amulet having only the +1 in gems, that means you have to remove all the other stats first?

Not really no, the only chaos prefix you can hit with augment chaos is +1 chaos gems
Chaos dot multi is a bit harder to hit but can be done with some tricks (T2 isn't hard to get anyway, you can get chaos res and chaos dot multi suffixes only iirc)

I'm sorry but still don't understand.

could you please explain the steps to craft the neck (hunter influ and +1 int skill gems) till you get that awesome amulet wich i still dreaming every night, please?

Start with +1 int gems and 3 suffixes you can clean (remove with harvest)
Augment a chaos mod : you'll get +1 chaos gems prefix
Augment a life mod for instance to have a life prefix
Then clean suffixes
Augment chaos mod, you'll hit either chaos resistance or chaos dot multi
If you hit chaos res, you can remove and retry (you need to put prefixes cannot be changed first), or just aug a second time and you'll hit chaos dot multi

You can also do it the other way, putting the chaos dot multi first so you have tier 1, then do the chaos gems last since it's only one tier
Последняя редакция: Shuggananas#4641. Время: 2 февр. 2021 г., 12:31:03
I'm trying this build out right now on Ritual Softcore and, man, I don't think I've played a more fun build that ED Trickster. Thanks for making this!
Viktranka написал:

NaineNoire написал:
I hardly see anyone having a ring modded for Despair on hit. Why so? It frees a keybind.
Because you actually need to hit a mob, and I'm not sure if contagion spreading ED counts as hit, or only the first mob will count as hit.

Contagion indeed doesn't count as a hit. It's not that much of a problem, you don't really need despair for trash anyways.
The thing is, early on, you'll use witchfire brew since it's cheap (and the aoe matches blight, so no problem there). Later on, you'd have more currency to replace witchfire brew... but by then, you're killing bosses faster than the 10 seconds the flask debuff lasts. THere's just no point in gearing where a despair on hit ring really works, unless you're minmaxing and just put it on for fun. It's good for aul and oshabi, that's about it.

Witchfire brew is also a pretty good flask, all things considered. The stibnite base is really nice, and it gives 40% increased damage like a sulfur. the despair aura is also level 22, wich is a much more potent debuff than a curse ring. You'd probably still use witchfire if you had a curse ring.

In the very endgame, I suppose you could replace witchfire by bottled faith, replace the sulfur base by a jade, and use a curse ring. It's not more damage, but it's easier to play.
Personally, I prefer to just go full damage on rings when minmaxing, I don't mind microing my stibnite clouds.
For reference, the rings I use are:
Almost finished my quiver. Just need a chaos slam now and not hit poison <_<

Did the feared with 2 portals. Elder + uber atziri was scariest, the other 3 together were ok.
Hi, does anyone know if a synthesised bow would be best with %spell damage or % chaos damage?

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