[Outdated] Ultimate EDTrickster [2M dps - UNKILLABLE]
You only need 2 aug chaos. You can just craft 70 life for the last prefix.
Spamming dense + aberrant will take a lot of money. Just go through a trusted harvest crafting service or farm it yourself, it's a BIS helmet not something you'll throw away eventually. |
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" Spamming fossils is actually very relenvent right now. In trade leage, harvest crafts are sparse and expensive, and fossils are more accessible than ever. Honnestly, I think you'll get really good results fossil spamming, since it's offmeta. Anyways. Check craftofexile.com. |
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The odds to hit good flat and %ES AND %chaos are just terrible. Reforge with defence mods is ultra common in harvest. The investment is literally 2 harvest aug chaos at worst.
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Quick question about Cluster Jewels. The medium cluster jewel that's suggested now has no place to go since the socket is for a large cluster Jewel. Any suggestions?
I found this, but don't think I have the points to fully utilize it. Последняя редакция: Spyke15#3767. Время: 10 февр. 2021 г., 21:54:25
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"Just slot it. Large socket can slot large, medium or small. Yes, you can instantly slot a small one. Medium socket (inside large jewel) can slot medium or small. Small socket (inside medium jewel) can slot small. All of those can also slot an ordinary jewel, rare or unique. Also if you ever use large, never pick anything above 8-pointer. This build is pretty point starved anyway, so hard to find space for it. |
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Hey guys could you kindly take a gander at my character and assess if it's enough to take on cortex? I'm managing conquerors 4 watch stone AL 3 with no deaths just super slow due to low dps. Is rather sell my t13 cortex if it's too risky to run it
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" Well, that's only my personal opinion but if I were you I would sell it and then try to get a +1 int/+1 chaos skill gems amulet first. Also the rings and gloves need an upgrade. As you already said the dps is pretty low. The amulet will help definitely. Also you should invest some chaos in a lvl 3 empower. 20c for a corrupted one atm so that would help to. You still can level the other in the second weapon slot to corrupt it later and if you are lucky you might get a lvl4. So maybe you can clear it even with the current gear but it would take ages and only if you play almost all mechanics without failing for at least 10 minutes (possibly even more). So I think it would be better to take the currency so that you can upgrade your gear. |
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Hello, community.
Thank you for this build. Doing awesome (but did fail completely on Sirus, eh) Anyhow. I feel like on t15+ maps I am super squishy. Also decided to try fully delirium map and DPS was nowhere near enough to do anything. I have about 40-45ex worth of currency. Can you please look over my profile and see what would you upgrade ? I have gone over the "what should I upgrade next" part of the guide, but most of it I do not understand. This is the first league I am playing in a long long time (not counting ass end of the heist league that got me back to POE). I would appreciate any input. thank you ~!~ [quote="Mark_GGG"]we try not to be dicks.[/quote]
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First of all, thank you for creating this well written and detailed guide. It has been phenomenally helpful, and the build does what it says it does. Almost maxed out in terms of gear (Small min-maxxing, life on a few pieces from Harvest crafts, cannot be frozen on boots), and have done all content. Maven, all multi boss maven crucible encounters, A9 Sirus, Delve bosses at 250+, 100% Delerium maps, you name it, it's done. This will be the second, and probably last sadly, time I have ran this build to completion and I can say that I am beyond happy with it's capabilities. Keep up the good work, and thank you again! |
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I'm checking your leveling guide and currently 48. I wonder why you'd recommend the blight jewel, and yet you don't have 40 int specced around the gem?
Edit: Didn't know you don't need to spec into the points for it to count. Huh. At least I THINK the things I'm looking at is wither stacks. Последняя редакция: radiostar01#5216. Время: 14 февр. 2021 г., 5:05:24
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