[3.10] Poet's Pen + Volatile Dead, Uber Elder deathless.

pyrojackelope написал:
I take it back, your POB says one thing and your guide says another for necro. I dunno what to follow.

I clarified, that gems are also a placeholder in those PoBs. I thought it was clear, that "gear" also implies gems. Follow the guide.
So for Ascendant Inq+Pathfinder. We use "NEW Main hand wand: Desecrate - Spell Cascade - Wave of Conviction" ? "OLD Unearth - GMP - Combustion" sux? And what for CDR ? U dont use any items with CDR. I follow 3.9 PoB + Aspect of the Spider.
Последняя редакция: RIDEK1992#0097. Время: 9 февр. 2020 г., 4:24:26
RIDEK1992 написал:
So for Ascendant Inq+Pathfinder. We use "NEW Main hand wand: Desecrate - Spell Cascade - Wave of Conviction" ? "OLD Unearth - GMP - Combustion" sux? And what for CDR ? U dont use any items with CDR. I follow 3.9 PoB + Aspect of the Spider.

Yes. Old doesn't suck, it's the same, as before. New is just better. I didn't used any CDR items, because i didn't hit (not even close) the default APS cap with my gear, so no need to waste stats on CDR.
Sorry if I sounded rude man, your guide and build is honestly great, I'm having a ton of fun with it. I do have one more question with it. For the agnostic necro version, on the frenzy link, is combustion still taken with it? Is that applied towards VD somehow? If not, should I just take barrage support?
pyrojackelope написал:
Sorry if I sounded rude man, your guide and build is honestly great, I'm having a ton of fun with it. I do have one more question with it. For the agnostic necro version, on the frenzy link, is combustion still taken with it? Is that applied towards VD somehow? If not, should I just take barrage support?

You can use the exact links as you can see on the gear from that build. -res from combustion is a global debuff.
my only question is, since the links are different (in the agnostic version you aren't using the neck that gives avatar of fire) is the attack capable of inflicting ignite with just a combustion gem? I feel like i'd have to have a piece of jewelry that adds fire damage for that to even be meaningful since base, no fire damage is being dealt and there's nothing that says physical damage can inflict ignites. Or is it that VD is igniting the enemy and therefor you get the -res?
Последняя редакция: pyrojackelope#0845. Время: 11 февр. 2020 г., 22:20:14
pyrojackelope написал:
my only question is, since the links are different (in the agnostic version you aren't using the neck that gives avatar of fire) is the attack capable of inflicting ignite with just a combustion gem? I feel like i'd have to have a piece of jewelry that adds fire damage for that to even be meaningful since base, no fire damage is being dealt and there's nothing that says physical damage can inflict ignites. Or is it that VD is igniting the enemy and therefor you get the -res?

HoA gives fire dmg to frenzy.
Just wanted to give an update: I was able to get helm enchant and an awakened spell cascade support and it has been insane. Thanks again
Thank you very much for the guide.
I have been trying to re-animate my 1.5 years old Poet Pen VD Assasin, your set up really helped me to turn him into something working for the current patch. It wasn't possible for me to come even close to the APS cap, but well, gotta work with what I have, still feels ok to play.

I have a question regarding the gem set up. While I imagine that extra VD casts that come from dropping wave of convition outweight the loss of -25% fire resist to enemies, I am a bit hesitant on putting spell cascade in my VD wand. Before I have been running Conc+Elem focus, and dropping elem focus cuts my per ball damage in half. Are the extra balls really worth it?
MECHanokl написал:
Thank you very much for the guide.
I have been trying to re-animate my 1.5 years old Poet Pen VD Assasin, your set up really helped me to turn him into something working for the current patch. It wasn't possible for me to come even close to the APS cap, but well, gotta work with what I have, still feels ok to play.

I have a question regarding the gem set up. While I imagine that extra VD casts that come from dropping wave of convition outweight the loss of -25% fire resist to enemies, I am a bit hesitant on putting spell cascade in my VD wand. Before I have been running Conc+Elem focus, and dropping elem focus cuts my per ball damage in half. Are the extra balls really worth it?

Spell cascade on VD is only worth it for necromancer. Any other ascendancy will not benefit from it dps wise. Only drawbacks compared to none cascade setup.

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