[3.11] Divine Ire | Trickster | 70 Million Shaper Damage | Flick of the Finger Obliterator

for some reason i can't run all 3 auras even though i have enlighten level 4
eddytechno809 написал:
for some reason i can't run all 3 auras even though i have enlighten level 4
You are using Anger when you should be using Herald of Ash
wow thanks how did i miss that lol
Per your notes on the wands:

"I recommend wands or scepters.
The most important mod to have is a tier 2 or higher Elemental Damage as Extra Chaos Damage mod.
Then on top of that you want Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage.
Once you have one or two of those mods you want to multi-craft the rest unless you have higher tiers already on.
Increased Spell Damage with Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage
Increased Cast Speed
Increased Critical Strike Chance for Spells or Critical Strike Multiplier"

I only have "elemental damage as extra chaos damage" and added the ones suggested. That leaves me with an open for one more prefix. What would you recommend?
Wondering about that currently, too, seems tough to hit plus it got nerfed to 13% (EDIT: WRONG!!!). You can craft up to 60 inc. lightning dmg on the prefix slot.
Последняя редакция: azamatsecoy#4980. Время: 17 окт. 2019 г., 7:23:52
DannyNorth написал:
Per your notes on the wands:

"I recommend wands or scepters.
The most important mod to have is a tier 2 or higher Elemental Damage as Extra Chaos Damage mod.
Then on top of that you want Physical Damage as Extra Lightning Damage.
Once you have one or two of those mods you want to multi-craft the rest unless you have higher tiers already on.
Increased Spell Damage with Non-Chaos Damage as extra Chaos Damage
Increased Cast Speed
Increased Critical Strike Chance for Spells or Critical Strike Multiplier"

I only have "elemental damage as extra chaos damage" and added the ones suggested. That leaves me with an open for one more prefix. What would you recommend?

azamatsecoy написал:
Wondering about that currently, too, seems tough to hit plus it got nerfed to 13%. You can craft up to 60 inc. lightning dmg on the prefix slot.
The craft Adds # to # Lightning Damage to Spells adds the most damage.
Just did the legwork with PoB (which i should have done in the first place, sorry, thing is i am in the early planning stages and my Trickster does not exist at this point even) - the dropoff is rather significant it seems, assumeing i did not make a mistake in the process. Just chance'd my first CotB and had hopes there is light at the end of the tunnel, but seems i better get those Alterations ready hehe (I'm on Xbox where one just does not simply BUY these things lol).
Really looking forward playing this one... and thank you for the feedback!

Edit: Forget what i said about the nerf, 13 is phys to extra chaos dmg, not lightning.
Последняя редакция: azamatsecoy#4980. Время: 17 окт. 2019 г., 7:23:25
Thanks for the update. Since then I was able to craft two wands with all the recommended mods. I was also able to get all the enchants. This build is an Uber Lab killer. It took me 4 runs to get the Divine Ire enchant and couple of runs each to get the boots and gloves. This is the easiest Izaro has ever been. All I have left is to tweak my boots gloves,amulet and farm for that damn watchers eye. I found a single wrath one but all this work will not seem complete until I have that double wrath watcher's eye. Thanks again for the build.
What is the sequence of ascendancy ?
IceDragonBrl написал:
What is the sequence of ascendancy ?
Ghost Dance => Escape Artist => Harness the Void => Swift Killer

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