[3.9] Animate Weapon Chains of Command powerful life flask Build /

AutoQQ написал:
memonemo написал:
i literally said it can be pure physical damage build of it and nobody commented on my post ... so let's say if we try it without chain of command and try specters ..AG..also carrion golem..would it be worth more ?

I made a pure necro pastbin but it was converting to cold, which now might be worth a look again.

Certainly is the animate guardian weapon didn't update anything but minion cap.
allright thanks .. i guess trying 2 builds at once would be profitable .. since both are good
Keyen написал:
ver3.10 chains of command build plan
PoB Fork only
I use expensive equipment. 100-150ex will cost.

DPS 1.5M * 14 = 21M

I think that if it is low cost, it will be DPS 7M.

Please let me know if anything is wrong.
Perhaps AG does not need Infernal Legion.
I have entered because I can not judge.

Hum, pretty sure the more damage and the more attack speed apply to the skill gem only. They never said anything about the triggered skill from Chains of Commands. The triggered skill has 60% more damage and no "More AS", so you should actually do 27% less damage.

Except if I missed something obvious (but since you are in a 7L, I doubt it's the case).

Chains of Command: The Skills granted by this item have been updated in line with Animate Weapon. The level 18 version of the skill adds 108 to 159 physical damage to the attacks of minions animated by it. This level of the skill can animate up to 13 minions. The level 20 version of the skill adds 126 to 184 physical damage to the attacks of minions animated by it. This level of the skill can animate up to 14 minions. Both have a base duration of 20 seconds. These changes affect all versions of the item.
No mention of additional multiplier or change to the more damage

Animate Weapon
Now has the Physical tag.
Now animates a weapon in an area around where you are targetting (you don't have to target a specific item).
Animate Weapon has been reworked and undergone some cosmetic upgrades as well.
The damage multiplier on Animate Weapon was not applying to the minion's damage at all. Whoops! Because of this, the skill has been rebalanced.
Can now be supported by Unleash and Spell Echo.
Now has a base duration of 40 seconds (from 37.5 seconds) at all gem levels.
Now allows a maximum of 5 Animated Weapons at gem level 1, up to 14 at gem level 20 (from 50 at all gem levels).
Now has a base cast speed of 0.6 seconds (from 0.8).
Now costs 4 mana at gem level 1 (from 7), up to 12 at gem level 20 (from 26).
Now grants your minions' attacks 5 to 8 additional Physical Damage at gem level 1 (from 4 to 6), up to 126 to 184 at gem level 20 (from 38 to 56).
Minions now deal 10% more damage at gem level 1, up to 48% more at gem level 20. Note that there was previously similar (but numerically higher) bonus listed on the skill gem that, as it turns out, did nothing.
Now grants your minions 10% more attack speed at gem level 1, up to 48% more at gem level 20. Previously the gem granted increased attack speed rather than more.

Now gains 2% increased Minion Movement Speed per 1% gem quality (from 4% increased Minion Movement Speed).
Clear mention of it.

You're right.
I understood that the patch notes did not mention More attack speed and More damage in the chains of command.

Without more attack speed and Damage, the chains of command are quite weak.
The animate weapon gem can easily spawn minions.
Chains of command takes more effort than animate weapon gem.

So I expected the animate weapon gem and chains of command to be similar.

Could you make a modified POB?
Keyen написал:
Keyen Thank you.
I'll check it now.

Anyway, I have two others possibilities of high end dps. I will do some calculation about it first.

Edit: Yes, found two weapons hiting 16M+ dps without awakened supports and with 5c jewels. One is paradoxica (but there is a trick x) and the other is voidforge.

Paradoxica and Voidforge tried.
Very expensive paradoxica is stronger than Terminus Est.

As much as Terminus Est

Paradoxica does not earn Frenzy charges.
Equip Animate Guradian with Victario's Charity.
A little Frenzy charge accumulates in Animate Weapon.
Then I thought Terminus Est was good.

Voidforge was not very strong.

If you can make a good build, please tell me POB.
Alright, here goes the Voidforge build, 20M dps with not that high an investment (I used Awakening melee physical damage because I wanted intimidate and my first version included master of fear):

Since PoB is 100% unreliable (especially given the nature of Voidforge), let's do the calculation manually.

I will explain it as it's not really easy to understand. First, I divided the calculation in three, one column per element.

-The first line is the base damage from Void forge. Its cheapness allows you to get close to max roll, so I went for it (114+238)/2 = 176

-The second line is the added damage. We have 155 base added damage from the patch, and I have 4 shitty jewels with 12 damage on average. 155 + 12 * 4 = 203

-The third line is the chance to double damage. I have 15% from Gravepact and Renewal (I will pick it)

-The 4th line is a bit more complex. As you have 1/3 chance to have 300% in one element, it's, on average, the same than 100% in all elements all the time. However, since I have triad grip (2G-2B, green being a bit better than blue but not that big a deal), I also have 50% cold and 50% lightning on every hit. Finally I have some added cold damage from hatred. Basically, I can do:
-300% fire, 50% lightning, 85% cold
-350% lightning, 85% cold
-50% lightning, 385% cold.
On average, that's 100% fire, 185% cold, 150% lightning. That will multiply everything else.

-The 5th line is just the more cold damage from hatred so I don't mix it up with the rest. It's obviously removed from the futur "more damage".

-Resistances, as in a multiplier. I hit against 51% fire resist (EE being fire damage), -24% lightning resistance (PoB is missing elemental army lightning and fire), -39% cold resistance. So I hit for *0.49 for fire, * 1.24 for lightning, *1.39 for cold.

-Increased damage taken, from intimidate and aspect of the spider

-Increased damage, nothing to say about it

-More damage, same. It's from PoB (Except for Hatred, which was above). I have the frenzy charges from victario with a firestorm in the trigger wand.

-Increased and more attack speed, from pob.

-Base attack speed of Void forge. I took 1,46, but you may try for corruption for the +8% attack speed.

-Amount of weapons, self explaining.

-Culling strike. Since the build has culling strike, you do 11,11% more damage.

Then, you add the first two lines, and you multiply with everything else.

The excel shows an average dps per element, then total.

As you can see in the PoB, you can upgrade everything quite easily. The jewels are atrocious, you can get a better wand, I don't have any minion damage roll on equipment, etc...

I didn't count the shock, because I have no way to do that. But it will be here.

While the triad grip 2G 2B may sound silly, it's actually not that bad. The most important thing is avoiding red rockets (or blue sockets if you use a lightning skill for EE, but firestorm is better for victario). Blue socket are a dps loss, but being able to fit everything in the build is more important. However, you can get unset rings and put the blue gems inside and get a 4G triad grip for maximum effectiveness. Getting 4G over 2B2G is a 4,4% dps gain.

The only cluster notable simulated here was Renewal (and you can skip it if you prefer, btw). I will probably get Veteran awareness, however (if cheap enough).

Ps: BTW, my build has a completely different take on defense than your. I'm relying on bone offering, not on flasks.

Edit: About that:
Without more attack speed and Damage, the chains of command are quite weak.
The animate weapon gem can easily spawn minions.
Chains of command takes more effort than animate weapon gem.
I made the opposite choice. I planned to play as a AW weapon, I ditched it for a lot of reasons:
-Subpar damage (it will be an average minion skill damage)
-Lot of annoying stuff to have and to do (Yes, I have the opposite opinion. Having to use bladefall, then 14-16 times AW, or waste a support for unleash was not something I was waiting for)
-You have to pay attention to the duration all the time, and unlike DB, Chains of command or arakaali, you can't spawn 14 AW at once.

While the changes on CoC made it an amazing scaling tools for a lot of weapons (Paradoxica (I won't show a dps breakdown like I did for Voidforge, but you can hit 16M+ dps), Voidforge, etc). What people don't get, is that the weapon used for AW is a fucking GLASS SHANK. Meanwhile, Coc have the same added physical damage bonus everyone is fapping on, but can use it on VOIDFORGE. It's an incredible up (and tbh, you were wasting it talking about converting it to fire with Oro or with zero scaling weapons like starforge or terminus est), and that's why i'm boarding the CoC train x)

While the fact you have to get some jars is annoying, yes. The fact you are impaired against boss is not fun. But it's very doable, and the clear will be amazing.
Последняя редакция: Keyen#4575. Время: 11 марта 2020 г., 18:48:31
Keyen написал:
Alright, here goes the Voidforge build, 20M dps with not that high an investment (I used Awakening melee physical damage because I wanted intimidate and my first version included master of fear):

Your AW is set at level 20, and by comparison all Chains of command builds have been set to level 7 or 8 I believe, so your build has around 4.5m dps.
Hmm... I'm honestly quite put out about the change to the number of weapons you can summon. I'd been looking forward to running this build for 3.10 for the past 2 months, but now I don't know if it's even still viable. With so few minions are they even going to be able to clear quickly? Will you still be able to afk farm blight maps? Is the DPS going to be so bad that it's no longer worth it? Do the lvl 18 and lvl 20 versions of this have different weapon counts or are they combined? So many questions.

Do you guys think it will be worth running this as a league start?
AutoQQ написал:
Keyen написал:
Alright, here goes the Voidforge build, 20M dps with not that high an investment (I used Awakening melee physical damage because I wanted intimidate and my first version included master of fear):

Your AW is set at level 20, and by comparison all Chains of command builds have been set to level 7 or 8 I believe, so your build has around 4.5m dps.

I'm not using AW for the calculation, nor i'm using pob for this matter.

And anyway, you should be looking at the Animate guardian weapon for the dps if even the above were false, not at the link itself.

BTW, I did a PoB with manual changes to update the buffs (But I really don't like doing that manually):

Here you go, you can check for yourself. Still 1.43 million dps per weapon or 20M global. And it doesn't include culling strike.
Последняя редакция: Keyen#4575. Время: 12 марта 2020 г., 1:21:48
I tried to compare.
Weapon comparison
Comparison of effects

##### Effective #####
Minions deal 48% more damage
Minions deal 48% more attack speed

pure Physical-Terminus Est
DPS 1.57M * 14 = 21.98M

pure Physical-Starforge
DPS 1.61M * 14 = 22.54M

pure Phyisical-Paradixuca
1.70M * 14 = 23.8M

1.44M * 14 = 20.16M
##### No effect #####
Minions deal 48% more damage
Minions deal 48% more attack speed

pure Physical-Terminus Est
DPS 0.72M * 14 = 10.08M
Why I am using Animate Weapon Gem lv1
That's because Deals 100% of Damage.
Because it is the same as ver3.10.

Minions deal 48% more damage
Minions deal 48% more attack speed
Weak if this is not in the chains of command.

If it is the same as the patch note, I think you should do another build.
I dont get it, my 20M above doesn't take in account the 48%/48% more anyway. If we somehow does get affecte by it, great, it will be even better, but I dont need it to achieve obscene dps.
Последняя редакция: Keyen#4575. Время: 12 марта 2020 г., 5:29:49
Keyen написал:
Alright, here goes the Voidforge build, 20M dps with not that high an investment (I used Awakening melee physical damage because I wanted intimidate and my first version included master of fear):

Since PoB is 100% unreliable (especially given the nature of Voidforge), let's do the calculation manually.

I will explain it as it's not really easy to understand. First, I divided the calculation in three, one column per element.

-The first line is the base damage from Void forge. Its cheapness allows you to get close to max roll, so I went for it (114+238)/2 = 176

-The second line is the added damage. We have 155 base added damage from the patch, and I have 4 shitty jewels with 12 damage on average. 155 + 12 * 4 = 203

-The third line is the chance to double damage. I have 15% from Gravepact and Renewal (I will pick it)

-The 4th line is a bit more complex. As you have 1/3 chance to have 300% in one element, it's, on average, the same than 100% in all elements all the time. However, since I have triad grip (2G-2B, green being a bit better than blue but not that big a deal), I also have 50% cold and 50% lightning on every hit. Finally I have some added cold damage from hatred. Basically, I can do:
-300% fire, 50% lightning, 85% cold
-350% lightning, 85% cold
-50% lightning, 385% cold.
On average, that's 100% fire, 185% cold, 150% lightning. That will multiply everything else.

-The 5th line is just the more cold damage from hatred so I don't mix it up with the rest. It's obviously removed from the futur "more damage".

-Resistances, as in a multiplier. I hit against 51% fire resist (EE being fire damage), -24% lightning resistance (PoB is missing elemental army lightning and fire), -39% cold resistance. So I hit for *0.49 for fire, * 1.24 for lightning, *1.39 for cold.

-Increased damage taken, from intimidate and aspect of the spider

-Increased damage, nothing to say about it

-More damage, same. It's from PoB (Except for Hatred, which was above). I have the frenzy charges from victario with a firestorm in the trigger wand.

-Increased and more attack speed, from pob.

-Base attack speed of Void forge. I took 1,46, but you may try for corruption for the +8% attack speed.

-Amount of weapons, self explaining.

-Culling strike. Since the build has culling strike, you do 11,11% more damage.

Then, you add the first two lines, and you multiply with everything else.

The excel shows an average dps per element, then total.

As you can see in the PoB, you can upgrade everything quite easily. The jewels are atrocious, you can get a better wand, I don't have any minion damage roll on equipment, etc...

I didn't count the shock, because I have no way to do that. But it will be here.

While the triad grip 2G 2B may sound silly, it's actually not that bad. The most important thing is avoiding red rockets (or blue sockets if you use a lightning skill for EE, but firestorm is better for victario). Blue socket are a dps loss, but being able to fit everything in the build is more important. However, you can get unset rings and put the blue gems inside and get a 4G triad grip for maximum effectiveness. Getting 4G over 2B2G is a 4,4% dps gain.

The only cluster notable simulated here was Renewal (and you can skip it if you prefer, btw). I will probably get Veteran awareness, however (if cheap enough).

Ps: BTW, my build has a completely different take on defense than your. I'm relying on bone offering, not on flasks.

Edit: About that:
Without more attack speed and Damage, the chains of command are quite weak.
The animate weapon gem can easily spawn minions.
Chains of command takes more effort than animate weapon gem.
I made the opposite choice. I planned to play as a AW weapon, I ditched it for a lot of reasons:
-Subpar damage (it will be an average minion skill damage)
-Lot of annoying stuff to have and to do (Yes, I have the opposite opinion. Having to use bladefall, then 14-16 times AW, or waste a support for unleash was not something I was waiting for)
-You have to pay attention to the duration all the time, and unlike DB, Chains of command or arakaali, you can't spawn 14 AW at once.

While the changes on CoC made it an amazing scaling tools for a lot of weapons (Paradoxica (I won't show a dps breakdown like I did for Voidforge, but you can hit 16M+ dps), Voidforge, etc). What people don't get, is that the weapon used for AW is a fucking GLASS SHANK. Meanwhile, Coc have the same added physical damage bonus everyone is fapping on, but can use it on VOIDFORGE. It's an incredible up (and tbh, you were wasting it talking about converting it to fire with Oro or with zero scaling weapons like starforge or terminus est), and that's why i'm boarding the CoC train x)

While the fact you have to get some jars is annoying, yes. The fact you are impaired against boss is not fun. But it's very doable, and the clear will be amazing.

Thanks for the great explanation.

As you say, voidforge POB may not calculate the correct DPS.
Probably DPS20M.

I understood the contents of the image.

I feel like the calculation of elemental weakness is not included.

Maybe your 20M is different from my 20M.
I change to POB-configuration-Is the enemy a boss? -Shaper / guradian.
+ 50% to enemy elemental resistances

That is different from the DPS I want.

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