[3.8] Assassin Poisonator | Cobra Lash / Venom Gyre | All Content | Uber Elder Video |

Sorytis16 написал:
chinpokemon2905 написал:
Hi all,

Looking for some help. Recently in maps and it seems to be going alright but want to know where i should focus on upgrading first.

Also how do you keep the beast alive from the Yriels chest....that thing just does not want to live...

I went the bleed one cause i got the temp chains on hit Haemophilia gloves.

Also i see most people don't seem to have Int on their gear is there enough on the tree to sustain the gems? Cause i am having to take a 30 node for now.

Thanks for the help!

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I didn't bother with Yriel, I went for a rare chest on evasion base. I hit the maim/mana cost/ life but really maim lvl1 isnt that worth it tbh.

People don't get int because the first tree OP gave had a lot of int on it. I change the tree to get more life and yeah you need int, typically rings are a good spot, boots too if you can cap your res.
I would change the gloves too for the fenumus weave. Those gloves are just amazing, give you dps and defense via aspect of spider. It's BiS imo. Yeah you'll loose some clearing speed I guess but for mono it's so worth it.
After you need a solstice Vigil to get free temporal chains, after that you can have temporal chain, aspect of spider, precision and malevolence as an aura set up. You will literally destroy everything.
I am still with my wasp nest and I roll over T16 140%+ quantity.

Also all your gems are kind of low so far so you miss a good amount of damage just right here!

Thank you! yea was wondering if i should swap out the gloves and go the original OP route (gear wise) it definitely seems to be more reliable than the setup i have. Also def going chest with mana reduction on it. Just need to get the currency together to buy one. Appreciate the help and going to have a look at your tree now to see what changes i can make to mine.
Tamasakiegri написал:
I loves this build, I have now some ridiculous budget ways, please don't laugh too much if you check my char :D I just wondering, why no one seems to use this amulet?
Rarity: Unique
Onyx Amulet
Level: 64
Item Level: 83
+14 to all Attributes
36% increased Damage over Time
Adds 19 to 27 Chaos Damage
+66 to maximum Life
+22% to Chaos Resistance
Despair has 100% reduced Mana Reservation
Gain Maddening Presence for 10 seconds when you Kill a Rare or Unique Enemy
Though its body was locked in stone,
its essence wandered the infinite,
learning, and preparing.
Elder Item
Note: ~price 80 chaos

Can someone explain me, why it is not a good idea?

P.S.: Do anyone know how can I link an item I don't own? I haven't found it.

I use it, it's just another option for you to take if it works better for your gear.

I use it because curse on hit despair is only rank 10/0% and you do a lot less dps than a 20/20 despair.

curse on hit temp chains is always "Other effects on Cursed enemies expire 40% slower" and only 5% and 2% loss in mob and boss action speed slow even at rank 10/0. We have a skittlebot(taste the rainbow) chill as well slowing for 12% from a rank 20/20 which more than makes up for it.

So its better to run despair with 0 reservation for me.
Последняя редакция: Lunartuna#7274. Время: 30 сент. 2019 г., 10:45:35
Right now with my build I can do everything except uber elder. I'm just too squishy and die to oneshots, and barely do enough damage. Even against guardians, I feel like I don't do nearly as much as PoB says I should.

Thoughts on things to change? I'm pretty much done with this character for the league and am just farming t15/t16s for money and challenges at this point (which I can do effectively, but I'm afraid of doing deep delves and red blighted maps)
Uber elder down.

Went down easy enough for me, I didn't insta-phase them but it didn't take long either. One shots can happen it's a matter of avoiding them. I just work in a circle the same direction and keep moving. This should bait shaper into attacking where you just were and leave the ground stuff out along the edge of the map. Becare not to get cornered when things do get a little cluttered by working more towards the middle from time to time then going back to the edges. I'm at 5.3k health and 1.2 shapper dps in pob with my settings.
turntup1234 написал:
I feel like I don't do nearly as much as PoB says I should.)

With a Damage over time skill that ramps up that relies on many projectiles stacking, flasks, etc - POB damage will often not match the real feel/output because POB calculates everything for the most part based on what the max damage is in an ideal scenario.

This is different than other builds where you are calculating on hit where the approx damage is a lot closer and instant.

ALL builds suffer from this in some regard because it's almost impossible to always do MAX damage at all times which in theory require no moving, always hitting, having flasks always on, etc. It's also why certain builds are always popular because the damage output is consistent with the movement abilities.

As an example... there is even one POB link here that uses the Ambush and Assassinate node that gives a 40% critical strike multiplier to enemies that are at full life... and if you check that off in the calculations, greatly increases the damage by like 2 million, but keep in mind, the second one of your projectiles hit, this extra damage goes away, but POE calculates it at max. A lot of the calcs do that. Flasks, etc. It's a max value, not a consistent one.

I recommend looking at that final number, and cutting it in half if you want a real estimate of consistent damage and think of the Max as burst damage that you might pull off from time to time. That said, even a 1 million dps shaper damage build will do just fine against all content, and this build definitely creeps up way past that with decent gear and is totally suitable for all content..
Последняя редакция: wakasm#2856. Время: 30 сент. 2019 г., 11:56:15
I've cleared most content in the game at this point with the build Uber Elder, Uber Atziri, Safehouse boss, T15 blights, delve to around 250 and the only issues I have run into is getting 1 shot from time to time. Clear speed is good for a non-summoner build as well.

One thing I noticed made a huge increase in clear speed was going sporeguard. Makes hard blights a joke even.

lagsmoke написал:
I've cleared most content in the game at this point with the build Uber Elder, Uber Atziri, Safehouse boss, T15 blights, delve to around 250 and the only issues I have run into is getting 1 shot from time to time. Clear speed is good for a non-summoner build as well.

One thing I noticed made a huge increase in clear speed was going sporeguard. Makes hard blights a joke even.

That armor looks like fun! i bet the explosions stack with asenaths gloves.

how many chrome did 5 off colour take you?
Lunartuna написал:

That armor looks like fun! i bet the explosions stack with asenaths gloves.

how many chrome did 5 off colour take you?

About 3000, got pretty lucky with it I think since the chromatic calculator says it should take closer to 10k
I wonder if it is worth to use "Inspired learning" jewel with headhunter for this build?
Bromeek написал:
I wonder if it is worth to use "Inspired learning" jewel with headhunter for this build?

I mean you can use inspired and headhunter in pretty much any build in the game. It's never necessary, but if you have access to them go for it.

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