[3.8] Assassin Poisonator | Cobra Lash / Venom Gyre | All Content | Uber Elder Video |

Clerigon написал:
dyNa1337 написал:
So I've read a lot of complaints in this thread about this build.. not having enough AoE, not good enough clear speed, etc blabla.

Therefore I decided to record a 2 min video of me farming a stacked T15 Map.

Here is the link:


Hope that helps you to decide if this build is viable or not..

You just confirmed the other guy opinion with that video, 6l dendrobate with 20/20 gems, multimoded claw, watcher eye and other expensive stuff and yet the build doesnt feel smooth when clearing T15 maps.

The prolif from binos or pathfinder is very hard to pass.

Honestly the clear looks super fine..
Not every build need to be Cyclone level clear:/

And these builds both have its pros and cons.
Claws has better sustain in tight situation due to 80+ life on hit, and dagger has better mapping.

Последняя редакция: mic01851165#0058. Время: 13 сент. 2019 г., 23:46:09

Do I go for another annul, or just leave as is for multi?
Clerigon написал:
dyNa1337 написал:
So I've read a lot of complaints in this thread about this build.. not having enough AoE, not good enough clear speed, etc blabla.

Therefore I decided to record a 2 min video of me farming a stacked T15 Map.

Here is the link:


Hope that helps you to decide if this build is viable or not..

You just confirmed the other guy opinion with that video, 6l dendrobate with 20/20 gems, multimoded claw, watcher eye and other expensive stuff and yet the build doesnt feel smooth when clearing T15 maps.

The prolif from binos or pathfinder is very hard to pass.

wut. the clear in that video is perfectly fine. not OP meta levels but more than acceptable. I have just a fraction of his level of gear and the build plays just fine too
Clerigon написал:
dyNa1337 написал:
So I've read a lot of complaints in this thread about this build.. not having enough AoE, not good enough clear speed, etc blabla.

Therefore I decided to record a 2 min video of me farming a stacked T15 Map.

Here is the link:


Hope that helps you to decide if this build is viable or not..

You just confirmed the other guy opinion with that video, 6l dendrobate with 20/20 gems, multimoded claw, watcher eye and other expensive stuff and yet the build doesnt feel smooth when clearing T15 maps.

The prolif from binos or pathfinder is very hard to pass.

Yeah, I've seen the mathil builds. But honestly, it isn't about the clear speed for me, it's about the feel of a fast spectral throw build. The poison cleans up enough, and you can survive by good play and dodge. It's a fun playstyle, but it's no cyclone. A good gauge of whether you will like a build is not always clear, but feel. Also, whirling blades makes anything feel faster.
I wonder which ones are generally better for this build, daggers or claws, currently I'm running bino and some random dagger myself so I don't have experience with claws.
JaguarXXX написал:
fiestaforesta написал:
Hey all. I've also been playing Cobra Lash (with daggers). Been eyeing this forum and Mathil's spec for inspiration, getting into red maps now. I've had some luck with currency drops (and meta crafting Ghastly Eye jewels), so I'm thinking about dropping some money into upgrades and figured the best thing I could do is upgrade from my tabula.

A lot of talk on here about the unique chests ike Dendro/Chreubims/Yriel's- Are they really better options than an Elder crit/maim/life chest?

Since we aren’t really scaling the hit damage, I would guess the uniques are pretty important compared to a typical melee build.

A well rolled elder chest will be much better than any unique. The build has plenty of dps, the only thing it lacks is effective health. A rare will have twice the hp of any of these unique options as well as the ability to add your additional curse here. This frees up your amulet to be anointed with Constitution.

The +1.5% base crit affix is just icing on the cake.
been wondering why is the switch from 107 points to 120 points so huge in the pob link? so do i just respec to 120?
mojospygod написал:
been wondering why is the switch from 107 points to 120 points so huge in the pob link? so do i just respec to 120?

He still needs to adjust/update it, it has been commented earlier that there's a big difference between 107 and 120 pnts. He be slackin' on it yo, haha.
He still needs to adjust/update it, it has been commented earlier that there's a big difference between 107 and 120 pnts. He be slackin' on it yo, haha.

i seen he respect some dps points for take the constitution square in the tree.

i been wonder, which potion is recommanded ?
Niico75 написал:
He still needs to adjust/update it, it has been commented earlier that there's a big difference between 107 and 120 pnts. He be slackin' on it yo, haha.

i seen he respect some dps points for take the constitution square in the tree.

i been wonder, which potion is recommanded ?

Was wondering the same until the other guy killed Uber using a different tree without constitution. HP ends up being close and more dps, so not using the long path to constitution.

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