[3.8] Assassin Poisonator | Cobra Lash / Venom Gyre | All Content | Uber Elder Video |

I realized that I was tired of constantly calling the beast with Yriel's Fostering, to the company of the golem, and so there was not enough space on the panel for skills, and decided to craft armor for myself. What do you think? he is beautiful! if not for low life.

Quality: +20% (augmented)
Evasion Rating: 884 (augmented)
3% increased Movement Speed

Socketed Attacks have -15 to Total Mana Cost
+73 to maximum Life
3% increased maximum Life
Attacks have +1.3% to Critical Strike Chance

I am happy!
BodegaGuy-USA написал:
Guys, I know my set-up is a mess, but I really need a light here... Im having a hard time clearing any t12-t13 without dying... on PS4
still cant afford a 6L, but can someone take a look at my tree and gem setup?
where I fked up? what to change?
Please and Thx very much for any help..

Hi, I imported your character to PoB and I have a few things to say about what you can improve.

1. Dude. You have 3,4K HP. Consider using a shield instead (Vix Lunaris for example) of your second claw and replace your rings, belt and helmet with better life rolls. Consider dropping a few nodes on the tree for going to the Scion life wheel (Constitution) instead of Duelist starting area. Drop your jewels until you can afford good jewels with life% and damage mods instead.

2. Flasks are important in PoE. Make sure you quality them to 20% (just 4 glassblowers baubles when they're white - Scour them, then craft). Why are you not using a diamond flask/coralito's signature? Use an instant life flask instead of the one you are using now. Also use orbs of augmentation on your flask that have just one affix (2 lines of affixes can also mean that you have a hybrid affix).

3. Plague bearer does not benefit from damage support gems. Drop added chaos damage from that 4-link.

4. You are not running any curse. Drop malevolence. Run temporal chains + blasphemy instead. It will increase the damage the enemies take from poisons and also make them slower, which will help your survivability.

Good luck!
MrFist92 написал:
I am lost on the ascendancy portion... any one wanna further explain each step or which way they went.

I don't mean to come off as rude, but the guide LITERALLY gives you the exact order:


1. Noxious Strike
2. Toxic Deilvery
3. Mistwalker
4. Opportunistic
Anyone got an Idea how to Stack poison even quicker / what i can improve on my build?

I made a Dagger version of that build, damage is just fine, but want to improve damage output.

My profile is public, may check it if you're confident you could help...

I believe the last ascendancy node will not give me more stacks of poison, so yeah...

I'd appreciate any help i may get!

(Also, i don't know how to link items in a post, otherwise i would have done that.)
Neyeah написал:
Lunartuna написал:
Venom Gyre shredding a T16 beyond with a 10 second Minotaur kill and blight.. the kill would have been faster if i remembered to pop my pots again hehe.


PoB with new claw: https://pastebin.com/SamH6x1q

Just FYI not trying to bring your numbers down

modifying the mods in Path of Building, I think 60% more damage with poison is not as accurate since the original wording has "with this weapon"

the wording should probably be

"Attacks with this weapon deals 60% more damage with poison" not sure what the difference is with wording, but POB reflects significant differences in DPS due to the wording.

I believe this reflect more realistic number?(just an assumption) But can anyone confirm what is the best mods to write for POB to register 60% chance for poison inflicted with this weapon to deal 100% more damage with poison ?

Lastly, this has been said somewhere and I agree, I think Ambush & Assasinate is a very bad ascendancy. Whatever effect on Full life is gone once monster hit 99.9% hp. whatever effect lowlife only comes into play 35% and under (maybe a little bit useful on high end bosses?) but come to think about it.. might as well power charge if you dont like opportunistic ?

Edit: I'm so confused how do you setup the withered stack in the configuration of PoB ? can't seem to find it in mine. Same setup Cwdt - withered step as you.

The 60% More Damage with poison is what people in this thread and other sources seem to be adding for the 60% to deal 100%. I didnt make up this mod on my own.

I feel the damage is accurate. I if you take a look at the minotaur kill. It takes 10 seconds to go through his 12.5 million life. 1.25 million dps.

If you take my PoB link and click in shaper/guardian. Take off frenzy charges because i didnt have any left from blood rage and onslaught because i didn't have rotgut up. And work in that i only had my other 2 damage flasks up for half of the fight.. it puts the PoB dps at 1.4 milllion. Which is pretty close to 1.25. Now if i replace "60% more damage with poison" with "Attacks with this weapon deals 60% more damage with poison", dps goes down to 900k. which would make the 10 second kill impossible.

Ambush and assassinate - Great for clearing since your first hit on any mob should be enough, probably better for gyres out going projectiles from WB though. For bosses your first poison hit probably wont matter that much but below 35% will be really huge and then culling strike.. its like having culling stike work earlier because of the huge damage boost below 35%.

For wither you have to add in a lev 1 withering touch to the 6 link. then you can add the stacks in config. The lev 1 adds a tiny bit of dps, i forgot about this which would bring the 1.4 million even closer to 1.25 million.

Последняя редакция: Lunartuna#7274. Время: 18 сент. 2019 г., 10:05:50

funny claw
for the 3 link;

CWDT (3 link):

CWDT + Summon Ice Golem + Guard Skill.

which third skill are you using? Im using immortal call, it doesnt sync good with the ice golem cus i stopped leveling immortal call and cwdt and lvl 6.
So we have these two claws:

This one with % chaos damage over time multi

This one % increased physical damage

Which one would really be better for our build?

I'm thinking phys one is maybe better for general mob clear, but chaos multi one might be better for bosses.
Lunartuna написал:
Neyeah написал:
Lunartuna написал:
Venom Gyre shredding a T16 beyond with a 10 second Minotaur kill and blight.. the kill would have been faster if i remembered to pop my pots again hehe.


PoB with new claw: https://pastebin.com/SamH6x1q

Just FYI not trying to bring your numbers down

modifying the mods in Path of Building, I think 60% more damage with poison is not as accurate since the original wording has "with this weapon"

the wording should probably be

"Attacks with this weapon deals 60% more damage with poison" not sure what the difference is with wording, but POB reflects significant differences in DPS due to the wording.

I believe this reflect more realistic number?(just an assumption) But can anyone confirm what is the best mods to write for POB to register 60% chance for poison inflicted with this weapon to deal 100% more damage with poison ?

Lastly, this has been said somewhere and I agree, I think Ambush & Assasinate is a very bad ascendancy. Whatever effect on Full life is gone once monster hit 99.9% hp. whatever effect lowlife only comes into play 35% and under (maybe a little bit useful on high end bosses?) but come to think about it.. might as well power charge if you dont like opportunistic ?

Edit: I'm so confused how do you setup the withered stack in the configuration of PoB ? can't seem to find it in mine. Same setup Cwdt - withered step as you.

The 60% More Damage with poison is what people in this thread and other sources seem to be adding for the 60% to deal 100%. I didnt make up this mod on my own.

I feel the damage is accurate. I if you take a look at the minotaur kill. It takes 10 seconds to go through his 12.5 million life. 1.25 million dps.

If you take my PoB link and click in shaper/guardian. Take off frenzy charges because i didnt have any left from blood rage and onslaught because i didn't have rotgut up. And work in that i only had my other 2 damage flasks up for half of the fight.. it puts the PoB dps at 1.4 milllion. Which is pretty close to 1.25. Now if i replace "60% more damage with poison" with "Attacks with this weapon deals 60% more damage with poison", dps goes down to 900k. which would make the 10 second kill impossible.

Ambush and assassinate - Great for clearing since your first hit on any mob should be enough, probably better for gyres out going projectiles from WB though. For bosses your first poison hit probably wont matter that much but below 35% will be really huge and then culling strike.. its like having culling stike work earlier because of the huge damage boost below 35%.

For wither you have to add in a lev 1 withering touch to the 6 link. then you can add the stacks in config. The lev 1 adds a tiny bit of dps, i forgot about this which would bring the 1.4 million even closer to 1.25 million.

Ah yea 1.25-1.4m sounds close/accurate. I mean 2.5m seems inflated not sure if that was the same pob as yours. Too many post too many quotes lol~

but with "60% More damage with Poison" instead of "Attack with this weapon deals 60% more damage with poison" I'm getting 8mil+ shaper dps with 5 wither stack lol.. not counting skitterbot 20% shock more dmg.

https://pastebin.com/KTyAhNg7 did i overinflate somewhere ?

Edit: i think due to dual wield 2x 60% more damage with poison over inflated number. removing 2nd weapon "60% more dmg with poison" 10 poison stack / 5 withered about 5mil+ shaper dps.. but will be only 4.6k hp at 94 lul~~
Последняя редакция: Neyeah#5589. Время: 18 сент. 2019 г., 12:57:17
Chayman написал:
So we have these two claws:

This one with % chaos damage over time multi

This one % increased physical damage

Which one would really be better for our build?

I'm thinking phys one is maybe better for general mob clear, but chaos multi one might be better for bosses.

Why's first one crit craft has no quality lolz?

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