[3.20] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

That's awesome. Definately rare to get an actually really good one like that :)
SnowBerry1984 написал:
ребята,всё отлично.Кельвин молодец.так повысить урон можно ещё ? и да убер Элдер слишком медленно-Кельвин сорри.... Uber elder - 2.8 ....

Without the slo-mo, the actual kill, from 'Exile, do something!' to the Elder dying, took 2m 36 sec. The fastest theoretical kill time is about 1.5 min - there are 3 portal phases that cannot be skipped, and then you need to force phase transitions instantly and hope that the Elder doesn't manage to initiate any of his 10 sec animations. So you are saying that taking 1 minute longer than a 100 ex gucci boss destroyer is too slow? Well, maybe if you are farming nothing but Uber Elder all day long...

The damage can be increased by:
- obtaining %Int corruptions (I still have none);
- anointing Tranquility (2 Golden oils);
- finding a good time to use Vaal RF;
- actually using flasks;
- not goofing around for the sake of a nice video ;)
Последняя редакция: Kelvynn#6607. Время: 18 сент. 2019 г., 21:11:12
That is one hell of a watcher's eye! Congrats Lilian! :)

I just got one with only ES gain on hit...took me a while to save up but after a lucky faceted fossil drop while delving I finally had enough funds. Feeling much tankier now!

All that remains is my armour and helm...time to save up alts and pray, pray, pray to Rngesus. :)
Kelvynn написал:
ichbinwerichbi написал:
still my question. How deal you with atziri clones?

Same as always when not immune to reflect: wait for them to start fading in and look above the head of the front one. If it's not holding the mirror - cast on it, it it does - quickly target another one and cast. No SC of course.

After I gain another level, I'm going to check if this version can mitigate 100% reflect. While not immune, we can still reduce the reflect damage to almost zero and probably outleech it.

Thanks that would be awesome. I know the taktik BUT if i foucus on with cyclone sometimes it also hits the reflect clone if he is nearby. So i tried wo and this works. But you sayed you took out wo. So i thought there is a trick to kill the clones. Also the waterway boss. Its my nightmare. But i only kill him ones :-)

oh and a question to the crafters

I got this last night and dont know should i give my currency for a imprint or pray and hope for good mod and if not try to anul. Anul orbs got more expensive last days.
Последняя редакция: ichbinwerichbi#6654. Время: 19 сент. 2019 г., 1:34:52
ichbinwerichbi написал:
I got this last night and dont know should i give my currency for a imprint or pray and hope for good mod and if not try to anul. Anul orbs got more expensive last days.

Craicic Chimeral is 145c+ right now. For that amount it's easier to scour and reroll if you get a junk mod with regal and fail to annul it. Annul is 24c, that's normal.
thanks a lot

did it how you say. Regal was 44 cold res and anul take that away :-)

now i need the 2 ex to craft the rest. Dropt no ex till now and no other worthy loot. But in crafting i was really lucky. Perhaps one can only have one :-)
Hey guys,

I just came up with an idea which might have some potential to improve the effectiveness of the 1 Fertile Mind jewel in within the Scion starting area around the Resistance notes in cost the extra Fertile Mind/Brute Force which is pathed as a 3-point jewel in the top right corner with 2 minor 4% increased maximum Mana passives plus the activation note 30 str/dex:

The idea is to respec the above-mentioned 3-point jewel socket plus the activation not, giving us 4 potential points to spend in the tree again. We now can choose the 4-point jewel socket in the right section of the scion starting area and add a Brutal Restraint timeless jewel. This effects that all minor notes taken give us an extra +2 to dexterity and a notable to give us +4 extra dexterity. Changing the skill effect duration cluster from Potency Will to Exceptional Performance will give the same skill effect duration plus be in range of the Brutal Restraint timeless jewel, adding up the dexterity plus giving a unknown extra mod on the notable.

So counting the effected small passives and 1 notable we collect 13 x 2 + 1 x 4 = 30 extra Dexterity meaning 30 extra Intelligence. That increase is the same as if we would take the 3-point jewel plus the 30dex points mentioned above however it comes with the lack of the max +24 intelligence of the Fertile Mind /Brute Force. The 3 small passives compensate this a bit with +5 intelligence and 8+6+6 % = 20% increased spell Damage. Now we lack max 19 Intelligence and 8% increased maximum Mana. However good possible outcomes for the 1 notable which will get an additional mod can be:

-+20 to Dexterity
-5% chance to Blind enemies on hit
-5% increased Movement Speed
-10% increased Flask Charges gained
-20% increased Elemental Damage
-Non-Unique Flasks applied to you have 8% increased Effect
-5% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Kill
-You gain Onslaught for 8 seconds on Kill

Any thoughts welcome and maybe some of you guys are able to test it in Standard or the current league. As mentioned before I am playing HC and just reached level 84. Therefore I won’t be able to test it yet.

Le’me know what you think of the idea and if it might be a good and viable option for the build.

Greetings exciles!
Schwebbes написал:
Hey guys,

I just came up with an idea which might have some potential to improve the effectiveness of the 1 Fertile Mind jewel in within the Scion starting area around the Resistance notes in cost the extra Fertile Mind/Brute Force which is pathed as a 3-point jewel in the top right corner with 2 minor 4% increased maximum Mana passives plus the activation note 30 str/dex:

The idea is to respec the above-mentioned 3-point jewel socket plus the activation not, giving us 4 potential points to spend in the tree again. We now can choose the 4-point jewel socket in the right section of the scion starting area and add a Brutal Restraint timeless jewel. This effects that all minor notes taken give us an extra +2 to dexterity and a notable to give us +4 extra dexterity. Changing the skill effect duration cluster from Potency Will to Exceptional Performance will give the same skill effect duration plus be in range of the Brutal Restraint timeless jewel, adding up the dexterity plus giving a unknown extra mod on the notable.

So counting the effected small passives and 1 notable we collect 13 x 2 + 1 x 4 = 30 extra Dexterity meaning 30 extra Intelligence. That increase is the same as if we would take the 3-point jewel plus the 30dex points mentioned above however it comes with the lack of the max +24 intelligence of the Fertile Mind /Brute Force. The 3 small passives compensate this a bit with +5 intelligence and 8+6+6 % = 20% increased spell Damage. Now we lack max 19 Intelligence and 8% increased maximum Mana. However good possible outcomes for the 1 notable which will get an additional mod can be:

-+20 to Dexterity
-5% chance to Blind enemies on hit
-5% increased Movement Speed
-10% increased Flask Charges gained
-20% increased Elemental Damage
-Non-Unique Flasks applied to you have 8% increased Effect
-5% chance to gain a Frenzy Charge on Kill
-You gain Onslaught for 8 seconds on Kill

Any thoughts welcome and maybe some of you guys are able to test it in Standard or the current league. As mentioned before I am playing HC and just reached level 84. Therefore I won’t be able to test it yet.

Le’me know what you think of the idea and if it might be a good and viable option for the build.

Greetings exciles!

My opinion is that not worth the hassle plus on Blight Softcore a Brutal Restraint jewel is 4.5 exalts atm.
Intelligence is the most important stat for this build so stacking it from all possible sources is a good strategy
So I've gone through almost 800 alts and ended up with this. its t2 flat ES, T1 % ES, and I regaled a t2 flat ES/Mana roll. I'm thinking just to go forward with this instead of trying an annul as I believe it will get me over 500 Es with quality. Thoughts?

Последняя редакция: stephenp1983#3755. Время: 20 сент. 2019 г., 9:33:57
Great build!
Have been playing since league start and no prob :D

I am trying to craft the helmet, but need some help on what fossiles to use.
I am thinking about useing dense + frigid, any other you think i should use?

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