[3.20] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything
Gah. I spent last league playing WI and having great fun, but without ANY of my corruptions, rings or coil, hitting +%int.
This league I play minions and ofc this appears. Any ideas on pricing for this beasty? |
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" Tough to say. The Int/ES rolls are nice as is the extra damage - but resists on these rings are what most of us are looking for. My rings were picked up pretty cheap...some people are trying to charge a lot more and I don't see them selling. You might get an exalt...it really depends on the player but resists are very tight with this build. |
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" As Sasori says, these rings don't really go for much (unless they have Aspect of the Spider.) For comparison, this one I picked up yesterday for 50c. High int, high str, reasonable ES, and the one resist I needed. Последняя редакция: Graiaule#7461. Время: 25 сент. 2019 г., 15:46:57
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I don't know how many Stacked Decks I've found this league...most of the cards I've received were worthless, a few I sold for some chaos...and then this beauty pops up today:
I know it's not a huge amount...but after so many lousy ones it is nice to finally get something decent. :) |
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Just hit level 99 in under 3 weeks and at the same time completed 36 challenges.
To be honest it was the fastest period of time in which i managed to get to 36 challenges and to reach such high level if i remember correctly. I will try to get to 100 but without doing some Pure Chayula/Uul Netool runs will be quite a pain in the ass (and doing pure runs is quite expensive on the other hand). Fortunately my gear is over the average and all the currency i gather from now on i can stack to do some Pure runs to try to reach 100 in a safe and fast way. The lag in this league is higher than ever and the Cyclone/IceStorm combo (even without Spell Cascade) is way laggier than 5L Winter Orb+Spell Cascade/IceStorm combo. That's why i decided to use for Blight encounters and for Blight maps 5L WO + Spell Cascade/IceStorm and for all the other content boss setup with Cyclone/IceStorm (no Spell Cascade) because my gaming laptop with i7-7700HQ + Nvidia GTX 1050Ti cant handle more than that. Regarding challenges, the only one i couldn't do alone was that one with Hallowed Ground map (couldn't find a way to move all the bosses to center and kill them all fast in a 10 seconds interval, the Vaal boss seem not to care about moving to the center of the map like all the other bosses). All the others regarding killing bosses in specific situations were manageable within few tries after reading info on Reddit about what you really need to do for each of them. I was lucky and even found a Chayula spawned inside a breach (this is a extremely rare event though) and managed to posses a Beyond boss with a torment by spamming some Mysterious Invaders prophecies + torment scarabs. Haven't find Aul yet even if i went down already to around 360 depth in Mines but i am confident that sooner or later will meet him and kill that bastard:). I met several Auls every league since Delve so i am confident i will find him in this league too. Still missing an Unique Blight boss, this is RNG gated, but i will complete some more Blight maps (currently i gathered 7-8 of them) so this is doable too with some luck. Regarding Blight maps, at the beginning i failed quite a lot of them using Cyclone/IceStorm single target setup due to not knowing the mechanics well + bad strategy of tower management, also due to induced lag and due to not being able to click fast all the needed towers but after i switched to 5L WO +Spell Cascade setup i manged to do all tiers up to T15 (with 2 or 3 failures still for high tiers), just stand still close to pump and spam Winter Orb in all directions with Spell Cascade while clicking on nearby towers to upgrade them. My numbers for current level 99 with "decent" i may say gear(but not top gear like i had in Legion league) are the following: Intelligence: 2812 ES: 14967 Average Shaper Hit (without any contextual "damage improving" shenanigans like flasks checked, frenzy charges, Vaal Righthouse Fire or damage modifiers from Lab enchants) : 80.590 In Legion league with almost perfect gear i had a value of ~82K but now after the anointment enchants were introduced (Hello Tranquility - 177% increased damage multiplier at this moment and this without any %increased ES node from tree allocated) i can easily surpass that value if i will upgrade some of my gear. PoB pastebin code for those who like numbers: https://pastebin.com/aUW7dg70 And a screen with my character wearing the 36 challenges reward - Blight Wings: ![]() P.S. This league was the first time when i was "close to a Mirror" by dropping 2x Mirror Shard and 1x House of Mirrors card from a stacked deck :) Последняя редакция: lilianmarius#0775. Время: 26 сент. 2019 г., 7:36:03
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It seems latest hotfix might've also improved Whispering Ice performance a bit, still laggy but it does seem to feel better.
Update after playing some more in league, it's better but once too many things happen at once spell cascade is just too laggy to use for me. Последняя редакция: Lirhtim#5448. Время: 28 сент. 2019 г., 12:04:28
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this spells critic is good? |
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" No, we don't need it. But the rest looks fine :) Annul and Multi :) |
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is this worth multi mod for 1 suffix?
Hardcore was great for the first 8 seconds or so. I think I made it through about 4 whole zombies!
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I really hope they release some kind of performance patch soon. This is getting ridiculous. Doing more than 7 lanes TD event is just barely possible. Even without spell cascade my frames can drop down to 3-4 FPS on the lowest possible settings.
I've already emailed GGG about this. I do every season. Последняя редакция: NoNick1337#4504. Время: 27 сент. 2019 г., 7:07:00
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