[3.20] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything
" https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2628295/page/17#p22397694 Based on my last 3 crafted regalias, it takes about 1k alts on average to get %Int + one of the good ES prefixes. Imprints are way too expensive in this league. Easier to just reroll if regal/annul goes wrong. |
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Hey dumb question guys but does beast crafting require a multi-mod or does it just need an open suffix or prefix? I'm saving up for an end game anointed amulet with Aspect of the Spider but unsure if I'm going to need to multimod it. Lilian had an older post about this and unless I read it wrong it sounded like crafting AoTS just requires an open suffix and not a multimod?
Thanks! |
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" You just need an open suffix to craft one of the beast aspects. Got a Jorgin level 3 in Research and thought of trying my luck and get a Three Rat talisman out of it. Bought a decent amulet with T1 Intelligence, T2 attributes and T3 + maximum energy shield, crafted 20% increased energy shield on it, anointed it with Mystic Talents and slam it with Jorgin. Result: And because i am dumb i forgot to craft also an Aspect of the Spider in that open suffix :( Could have been way better and would have sell for more :( Последняя редакция: lilianmarius#0775. Время: 2 окт. 2019 г., 10:07:05
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That's really cool to know! Thank you. :)
Wow nice Talisman...I'd offer to buy it if I wasn't planning to get a non-corrupted amulet. I've never used AoTS...is it really that effective? |
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Lol at POE's crafting where there's no way to find out the subtle details until you try it yourself.
Oddly enough, I've never multimodded before. So I crafted a multimod, then got a terrible %ES craft. I expected to be able to just scour and recraft that %ES craft until I hit the maximum value. Just like I normally can with crafts. Nope. The option to recraft %ES is not present. I'm not even sure how one would recraft a multi-modded item now, since I have not been able to find any documentation on that. Looking at the UI, it appears you get exactly ONE shot at multi-modding! That explains why Kelvynn said to do the divining at the end. Urgh. I thought I had a nice shortcut... I can see why GGG did it this way -- but only after the fact. And now I need to find the 40%ES/25 max life veiled craft, which comes only from veiled chest pieces apparently. Thanks again to lillian for her luck -- I annulled the right affix, 1 in 3 chance. --------- Oh wait. Apparently I can remove ALL crafted mods -- just noticed that change in the UI. So I'd be out the 2 ex for the multimod. Definitely cheaper to divine then. Just divine at the end, folks. That's all she wrote... Последняя редакция: Graiaule#7461. Время: 1 окт. 2019 г., 19:37:12
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I've been playing PoE for close to 5 years and I had never used the multimod until Synthesis league when I played this build. Definitely has a learning curve.
I have the 40%ES/25 max life unlocked and happy to help if you still need it. |
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If someone need it.
i have first time ever the 6% inc attr unlocked I craft really often in Poe. And i had leagues bevor the same issue. scoured a bad multimod and got 2 ex gone. :-( I hate to divine after the crafting. There are so many things that can go wrong. With only two affixes bevor multimodding i can have good values with not so much divines. Last league i tryed over 100 divenes to got the result i go further. But this league i am happy with my luck for chest and helmet but have nearly no currency. Only 6 ex and 280 c with selling and dropping (2 ex drops til now) Last league i had over 20 ex at this point of league and i played not so much time. rng is rng. As a side node. I didnt know what the talisman thing in betrayal did. I always did use any amulet as i thougt that the talisman will be totaly random. Now with info from illia its a really interesting crafting option. Thanks for the info. |
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Have any of you had any luck beating The Hall of Grandmasters yet?
And if so, any tips & tricks? The Scorching Ray chap (ItBurnsWhenIPeeFire) is a nightmare. I can't get close enough to him to maintain enough meaingful damage. |
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" It is amazing. THE best aura in the game. |
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" HoGM is a complete joke with the current version of the build, EXCEPT that one SR guy. Treat this map as if it was filled with trash. No need to stop and pre-cast like we used to do in the past, just steamroll it. Fully upgraded Solaris + Yugul works fine. Bring whatever flasks, they don't really matter much, but you want some curse immunity. I recommend Quicksilver for speed, Atziri's Promise for DPS+leech, a Ruby flask of Dousing, plus Sapphire and Topaz with Warding suffix. Nothing there is any serious danger to you, except that SR guy. If he lives longer than 2 sec he can hit you with SR, and that thing is still way too OP in PvP even after a couple of nerfs. BUT you can remove it with a Dousing flask. The trick is to hit it the moment he dies. Before he dies you don't care about it because you outleech it, and hitting it while he's still alive just wastes it because he constantly re-applies SR on you. But after he dies you have a very short amount of time to remove the burn with the flask. I've done HoGM 3 times in this league, and it was a joke every time, even when the SR guy was there - he died before he could ramp up his SR to a serious level. I can make a video after I finish lv 99 - better safe than sorry :) Последняя редакция: Kelvynn#6607. Время: 2 окт. 2019 г., 12:13:28
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