[3.20] Ice Dancing Queen - Icestorm/Cyclone/CI - Viable For Everything

HHLupus написал:
Cant oil my maps as cassia isnt in std

Go to your hideout. Press "edit", press the chair beside it labeled "decorations". In there you can find Cassia to position wherever you want.
Cassia is a "hideout item" :)

Thats crazy. Never thought about that. You so crazy. Why dind i found that.
I am so dumb :-(

Thanks a lot. Now i will try further
I would be more inclined to use TC than EW (hardcore mentality). Temporal chains reduces action speed which includes attacks, spells, and movement. Aspect of Spider is only movement speed.

This being said I do not know, and I don't think anyone knows, what the breakpoint is to reduce monsters to base action speed as we can expect that going further than that is probably not worthwhile because bosses and some map mods make it such that enemies cannot be reduced below that base action speed. But, at least maps with increased monster cast/attack/move speed would probably be reduced to regular levels with TC + chill.

The increased damage with EW is significant and tempting though...
Последняя редакция: JBear#2284. Время: 12 дек. 2019 г., 14:53:58
EW should be the same as Frostbite: -18% for endbosses. 18% more damage of course is nothing to sneeze at but not great either: half a support gem.

Another question: what else for leveling to lvl ~40. Stormblast/Icicle is just sooo clunky :(
Is firestorm still any good? Any other skill that got some awesome buff?
HHLupus написал:
Another question: what else for leveling to lvl ~40. Stormblast/Icicle is just sooo clunky :(
Is firestorm still any good? Any other skill that got some awesome buff?

Freezing Pulse is still fine. Gets a bit weak closer to lv 40 but you only need lv 38 to start using CwC.
Do we have any word yet on how much experience is required to level up the Awakened Support Gems? I did read that you have to be Lv 72 to use them...I'm curious to find out the exp requirements but I'm guessing it will be a lot.
In the first announcement, they said something like 400kk to get them from lvl 1 to 2
Последняя редакция: Ivan_Sorenson#2761. Время: 13 дек. 2019 г., 0:07:16
HHLupus написал:

Another question: what else for leveling to lvl ~40. Stormblast/Icicle is just sooo clunky :(
Is firestorm still any good? Any other skill that got some awesome buff?

I level with Storm Brand from level 12 and keep SB until I respec around level 70.

Gem setups kind of similar to this: https://www.pathofexile.com/forum/view-thread/2323815/page/1

And this is the tree at about lvl 70: https://pastebin.com/qGCNzUkn

As I'm a scrub 1 monitor gamer I use this to overlay what gems I need at relevant levels: https://www.reddit.com/r/pathofexile/comments/e8x9la/release_ahk_leveling_guide_21_level_qik_in/

And this is the gem setup:https://pastebin.com/Jbn5vPNy

Have kept Onslaught for now as it's free but I may ditch it during leveling depending on how effective it is.
Последняя редакция: Firestrike9#7135. Время: 13 дек. 2019 г., 2:47:37
Kelvynn написал:
HHLupus написал:
He doesn't have to choose between aspect and curse. The curse possibility is there, so why not use it? Only if you lack the sockets or frost wall is better than a 3rd curse or you only have a 5L chest, then there is no point in a curse.

Otherwise you want to choose a 3rd curse.

So which from the available contenders is "best"? As long as you can slow down the monsters any further, temp chains looks good to me. Is there a lower limit to the slowness of them? One that we already reach with chill+aspect?

Ah, I see. With a 6L chest, I'd go with EW for more damage.

This is also why Occ > Ele. An extra curse adds much more damage than a little extra penetration.

And because this build is hungry with gem sockets we can finally throw away Blood Rage and put in Elemental Weakness as 3rd curse in Awakened CoH setup in endgame on a 6 link chest piece.

According to PoB numbers, the increase on Average Hit Elemental Weakness does bring in is on par with damage generated by 3x Frenzy Charges gained with Blood Rage for single target (if you can generate them) and higher for normal trash mobs so we get an increase in DPS even if we do not generate Frenzy charges anymore with Blood Rage and also we don't care anymore about physical degen on top of it :)

This 3-curses setup brings back nice memories from one of the first iterations of Kelvynn's Whispering Ice build (Scion) back in time when we were using 3 curses with Whispers of Doom and Doedre's Damning ring in 1 ring socket more than 3 years ago!


Последняя редакция: lilianmarius#0775. Время: 13 дек. 2019 г., 4:25:46
I played this build in blight to lvl 96, had a blast!

After a few days with looking for new builds for 3.9, I returned to the dancing queen, i though the nerf to multi crafting and the availability of watcherseye, would be a big nerf to this build. BUT after reading the greats, i feel we did not get hit to hard, and a buff in some areas.

I hope you will update the guide and people will give feedback during the first days of the leaugue.

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